Книги автора:
53.80 $
From the publisher. The publication includes the following books: & quot; Meteors & quot ;, & quot; Why are figures silent? & quot; and & quot; Learn from mistakes & hellip; so as not to repeat them & quot ;. Table of contents Book 1 Yuri Averbakh, Leonid Verkhovsky & quot; Meteora & quot ;. Practically for the first time in Russian it is told about the most talented chess players who flashed by the meteors in a rich chess sky. They did not have time to take part in the struggle for the world chess crown, but left their bright mark on the ancient and wise game. Designed for the widest circles of chess lovers. Book 2 Yuri Averbakh & quot; What the figures are silent & quot ;. The author, who was an eyewitness and an active participant in the most acute conflicts that sometimes shook the entire chess world, frankly talks about what lurked behind seven seals for decades. The book is designed for all chess lovers, and not only for them. Book 3 Leonid Verkhovsky "learn from mistakes ... so as not to repeat them". The famous chess writer and coach Leonid Verkhovsky offers an unexpected, but already proven to be quite effective way to learn from the mistakes of others. Avoiding them, master the ideas and techniques that chess players of all levels need - from beginner to grandmaster. P>
4.14 $
Edited and preface by Michael Tal. Neither victory nor defeat ... Draw. The result is some average, not particularly honored. But if the meeting of chess players was creatively meaningful, intense, if a draw is a reward for inventiveness and perseverance, then it is no less honorable than a victory. Various types of draws and ways to achieve it are considered by the author in this book. Easy to read and at the same time not without instructiveness, it introduces chess players to many interesting positions and episodes of the struggle for a chessboard. -
24.14 $
Famous chess literator and trainer Leonid Verkhovsky offers an unexpected, but already proven effective enough way to learn from other people's mistakes. Wooden stairs to order in Kolomna stairs Kolomna Wooden stairs for a house in the city of Kolomna Moscow region Avoiding them, mastering the ideas and techniques that chess players of all levels need. & Mdash; from beginner to grandmaster.
5.87 $
The book combines two educational and analytical work: & quot; Zugzwang & quot; and & quot; Advantage of two elephants & quot ;. Zugzwang is one of the most interesting tricks encountered in a chess game. Chess journalist L. Verkhovsky collected and systematized a large number of bright promers demonstrating the role of zugzwang in chess wrestling. The balance of material forces in a chess game plays an important role, especially in the final stage of the struggle. Grandmaster A. Kochiev and master N. Yakovlev introduce numerous examples in which the advantage of two elephants was decisive. For a wide range of chess players. -
13.74 $
The book combines two educational and analytical work: "Zugzwang" and "The advantage of two elephants." Zugzwang is one of the most interesting tricks found in a chess game. Chess journalist L. Verkhovsky has collected and systematized a large number of vivid examples demonstrating the role of zugzwang in chess struggle. The ratio of material forces in a chess game plays an important role, especially in the final stage of the struggle. Grandmaster A. Kochnev and master N. Yakovlev acquaint readers with numerous examples in which the advantage of two elephants turned out to be decisive.
10.37 $
Монография посвящена австрийскому гроссмейстеру Карлу Шлехтеру, одному из сильнейших шахматистов конца XX века, претенденту на мировое первенство. В книге широко представлено творчество Шлехтера – шахматиста универсального стиля. Шлехтер оставил богатое шахматное наследие. Он вошел в историю как выдающийся позиционный шахматист, как тонкий стратег, как аналитик, внесший немало значительных идей в развитие теории дебютов, причем идей, созвучных нашему времени. Партии сгруппированы по темам, что придает книге учебный характер. В биографическом очерке рассказывается о нелегкой жизни шахматного профессионала, каким был Шлехтер. Для высококвалифицированных шахматистов. -
Под редакцией и с предисловием Михаила Таля. Ни победа, ни поражение... Ничья. Результат какой-то средний, особым почетом не пользующийся. Но если встреча шахматистов была творчески содержательной, напряженной, если ничья
5.53 $
Ничья как закономерный итог ожесточенной борьбы - вот главная тема этой любопытной книги. Много примеров чудесных спасений.
Chess composition in Azerbaijan / Азəрбаjҹанда шаhмат композисиjасы
Sarichev 62.50 $ -
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