Книги автора:
6.20 $
The brilliant Polish grandmaster Akiba Rubinstein made a significant contribution to the development of chess art. The principles of the positional school, proclaimed by V. Steinitz and developed in works
З. Tarrasha, have achieved their ideal harmonious embodiment of
in the work of "the great Akiba".
30 Rubinstein parties that differ in utmost clarity and laity, constitute the quintessence of " creative achievements
great maestro.
For educational purposes, the material is distributed according to the thematic sections.
For a wide range of chess lovers < / p> -
5.18 $
In this small book (the first edition was published in 1934), relating to the classics of chess literature, the famous Austrian master and methodologist G. Kmokh reveals the role of defense in the chess game. Despite the fact that the book was published in the first third of the last century, he -
Гронинген 1946 — первый крупный международный турнир по шахматам после Второй мировой войны. Проходил в Нидерландском городе Гронинген с 12 августа до 7 сентября 1946 года. Михаил Ботвинник выиграл турнир, опередив на пол очка экс-чемпиона мира Макса Эйве. Эта была первая чистая победа Ботвинника за пределами Советского Союза и последний успех Эйве на крупном турнире. На турнире отсутствовали такие игроки как: Самуэль Решевский, Ройбен Файн и Пауль Керес. Самым старым участником соревнования был Осип Бернштейн (65 лет).
13.82 $
Collection of games with a theoretical overview and description of tours. Translation S.O. Weinstein and A.A. Smirnov. Reprint Edition. -
17.27 $
Reprint Edition. Gold stamping on the cover. Pale print. The tournament was attended (according to the places taken) Alekhin - 20.5 of 26, Bogolyubov - 15, Nimtsovich - 14, Vidmar, Kazhdan, Flor and Stolz - 13.5 each, Tartakower, Kostich, Spielman, Marotsi, Koll, Astalosh and Pirch (Pirc) . All 182 games with comments are given. The book also: Preface. S. Weinstein, tables of the tournament, section "Organization of the tournament" and review "Debut theory in the light of the tournament in Bled".
Chess composition in Azerbaijan / Азəрбаjҹанда шаhмат композисиjасы
Sarichev 62.50 $ -
Check it out for you, reader
Yatskevich 15.00 $ - Notebook of the chess player of the Russian Chess Federation 4.25 $
Lessons of Mastery. Second edition, revised
Dvoretsky 18.75 $ -
Alexandra Goryachkina: On the way to the chess Olympus
Kryakvin 18.75 $ -
Complete Encyclopedia of Health by Dr. Zalmanov
Zalmanov 16.00 $ - Invitation Fide candidates tournament 2020 92.50 $
- 64 chess review No. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 for 2024 (Price per issue) 5.00 $
- Antique pre-revolutionary wooden chess 187.50 $
- DGT Timeless Wooden weighted Chess Set Handcrafted with Non-Folding Board 600.00 $