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    16.67 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is dedicated to the strongest piece on the chessboard – to the queen. Using the example of episodes from games of modern grandmasters (the vast majority of games date back to 2020-2023) and his own grandmaster practice, the author tries to generalize, and in some places even clarify the methodology for understanding and playing queen endings, as well as other types of endgames with the presence of queens ) On the desk. The book presents various ratios of material – “queen against queen”, “queen and minor piece against queen and minor piece”, “queen and rook against queen and rook”, “queen against two rooks”, “queen against rook and pawns”, “ queen against a rook and a minor piece”, “two queens against two queens” – practically the entire spectrum of encountered endgames of this type. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get maximum benefit from studying the examples of queen endings and its other derivatives offered by the author. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans.

    18.33 $
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    The Caro-Kann defense is one of the most popular modern openings, which is firmly included in the repertoire of most elite chess players. The author of the book, a well-known grandmaster and theorist, offers a full repertoire for black in response to 1.e4, explains in detail the main strategic ideas of each option and gives the exact order of moves, offers a number of novelties in current schemes. In each chapter, alternative plans for black are considered, so that the reader can make a choice according to his taste, and it was more difficult for the opponent to prepare. Much attention in the monograph is paid to correspondence games in which players use all the achievements of modern technology. All analyses during the work on the manuscript are checked on powerful computers. Carefully selected positions for the solution will help the reader to consolidate the acquired knowledge. The 2nd edition supplements the section with the 10 most interesting current parties. The book is addressed to chess players of any level – from amateurs to professionals.  

    21.67 $
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    «The idea of continuing the autobiographical book “Steps” has been in the air almost since the moment it was written. Despite the bullet point at the end of the book in the form of a victory over Magnus Carlsen, my chess career continued for another full 14 years, and the subsequent stormy socio-political career is only gaining momentum.” (V. Bologan).  The book contains 75 games commented in detail and a number of fragments. A frank story about the life and professional path, about cooperation with the leading grandmasters and coaches of the world (among them - A. Karpov, G. Kasparov, Yu. Polgar, Zhu Chen, R. Ponomarev, A. Shirov, A. Morozevich, A. Onischuk, A. Ryazantsev, E. Inarkiev, M. Al-Mudakhka, M. Dvoretsky, M. Podgaets, V. Chebanenko, Z. Lanka and others), about political activities in the Parliament of Moldova and about work in FIDE are complemented by numerous photographs.   For a wide range of chess lovers.

    36.67 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is  the final link in a series of publications by the author, directed  to study the classical endgame using examples of modern games   grandmasters. This time the subject of the study – light piece endgames. Clarification of the methodology for working on this stage of the game, as well as the main features and methods of playing such endings. Examples  taken from the practice of modern grandmasters and dated back to 2020-2023. The author offers the reader the most recent and unique information. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get the maximum  benefit from studying the examples offered by the author  queen endings and its  other derivatives. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans

    18.33 $
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    The corpus of this textbook includes two significant works by the world chess champion, scientist and prominent teacher Max Euwe — "Self‑help chess game", created in collaboration with G. Den-Hertog, and "Chess Lessons". The first work is designed for beginners, the second for more experienced chess players. The book is a real chess tutorial in the true sense of the word. This is expressed not only in the appropriate distribution of the material and the method of presentation, designed to awaken the initiative of the student, but also in numerous practical exercises offered to the reader after explaining each new concept or technique.The textbook primarily attracts the methodology of presentation of the material, the principles of which will be useful for coaches and teachers of chess sections and circles. For a wide range of chess fans.

    25.00 $
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    41.67 $
  • Magnetic road chess: folding board-case made of artificial leather, tablet-figures with a convex image. Wallet size 19x22 cm. The playing field is 15.5 x 15.5 cm. Cell 2x2 cm.

    51.72 $
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    Grandmaster Carlos Torre – like a chess comet; his genius flashed dazzlingly and quickly went out in the chess firmament! He – the author of the most famous “mill” in the history of chess, the 2nd world champion Emanuel Lasker fell into its merciless millstones. The authors spoke about the life and work of the Mexican genius (the book contains 25 commentated games by K. Torre). Torre’s book “How a Chess Player is Formed” is presented, an essay by international master Yaroslav Prizant about Torre’s attack in modern practice. In the section "Play like Torre" – 36 instructive examples from his practice to solve. Finally, there is an interview with Carlos Torre, conducted by Gabriel Velasco in 1977. Working with the book will give readers not only aesthetic pleasure, but will also help improve their skills.

    18.33 $
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    This new book by the many-times world champion Anatoly Karpov and the author of more than fifty books, grandmaster Nikolay Kalinichenko, is devoted to one of the most complicated and strategically deep openings & mdash; the Queen's Gambit Declined. Using games played by the strongest grandmasters, it describes the interesting ideas which have appeared in the main development systems of this opening. Along with games from recent years, the book presents the most important encounters from the chess heritage. And of course, it includes games by Anatoly Karpov himself & mdash; a great expert on the Queen's Gambit, who generously shares with the reading his unique understanding of the concepts involved. The book is aimed at strong players, but it will also be of interest to a wide range of chess enthusiasts.

    36.00 $
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    18.40 $

    The purpose of our book is to help your child learn the basics of chess. . The author of this textbook for more than 30 years taught the children the basics and wisdom of the chess game. With the help of cheerful lessons in a fairy-tale forest school, your baby, along with Belochka-Umelochka, Lisichka, Soroka-Beloboka and other characters will make the first steps to the glory of the great grandmasters. & Nbsp;

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    23.00 $

    The purpose of our book is to help a 5-7 year old kid learn the basics of an endgame in a chess game. The author of this textbook has been teaching children the basics and wisdom of a chess game for more than 20 years. With the help of fun lessons in a fabulous forest school, your little one will make the first steps to the glory of the great grandmasters along with Belochka-Umelochka, Lisichkoy, the Forty-Belobokoy and other characters.

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    682.76 $

    Одна из крупных заслуг Филидора состоит в том, что, в отличие от своих предшественников, он подверг дебюты систематическому научному исследованию. При этом, не ограничиваясь анализом отдельных дебютных возможностей, он стремился ныяснить общую ценность того или иного дебюта. Так, например, Филидор полагал, что после 1.е4 е5 ход 2. Bс4 заслуживает предпочтения перед 2. Nf3. К этому выводу он пришел на основании своих наблюдений относительно слабости пункта f7, который, по его мнению, следует стараться как можно скорее атаковать, а также на том основании, что 2. Nf3 препятствует продвижению f2-f4. Правда, продвижение это на 2-м ходу он сам считал слабым, но в позднейшей стадии оно представлялось ему вполне уместным. Исходя из тех же соображений, в ответ на 1.е4 е5 2. Nf3 он рекомендовал за черных 2...d6 (так называемая «защита Филидора» ) как наилучшую подготовку к f7-f5. В настоящее время 2. Nf3 считается более сильным, чем 2. Bс4, что же касается защиты (после 2. Nf3) 2...d6, то она признается возможной, хотя и дающей черным трудную игру, - нo, во всяком случае, не в ее первоначальной форме, т.е. в связи с 3...f5. To, что современная теория отвергла эти дебютные идеи Филидора, отнюдь не умaляет его заслуг. В области дебютов он проложил новые пути: он первый, исходя из общих принципов, пытался доказать превосходство одного дебюта перед другим. Как мы уже указывали, однако, главный вклад Филидора в шахматное искусство состоит не в этом. Гораздо большее значение имеют разработанные им общие методы и его теория пешечной игры, и в наше время еще сохранившая силу. Вот почему мы должны признать Филидора создателем позиционного метода, т.е. такого способа игры, который основан не на точном расчете огромного числа вариантов, а на общих принципах и правилах. В своем капитальном труде "Analyse des echecs» Филидор на материале примерно 9 тщательно проанилизированных им партий обосновывает свои правила. Далее он рассматривает некоторые эндшпили, причем и здесь его анализы до сих пор сохранили значение. Во второй части своего труда он излагает свой способ достижения мата слоном и конем, признаваемый и современной теорией самым логичным и сильным. Приведем одну партию из учебника Филидора, отлично иллюстрирующую его теорию пешечной игры. Примечания, заключеиные нами в кавычки, принадежат Филидору.

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    The Austrian and American chess players, the first official world chess champion. At the turn of the 1860-1870s, having already received recognition as the strongest player of his time after winning the match against Adolf Andersen, Steinitz developed the theory of positional play, which replaced the dominant & romantic & raquo; combination school and greatly enriched chess. Condition: jammed cover.

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    18.97 $

    The book will be useful and beginners, and already having some practice chess players. It contains typical combinations of “performed by” various chess pieces and examples of positional play. The reader will learn how to play the beginning of the game, and get acquainted with the work of old and modern masters and grandmasters.

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    83.33 $

    (on serbohorv.yaz.) All games of the tournament (Najdorf, Reshevsky, Gligorich, Euwe ...) with notes. 336 pages

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    31.67 $

    With color photos. This book is designed for children who begin to play chess. It is also of interest to a wide circle of chess fans and can be used in chess general education classes as a practical aid and for the further education of teachers of additional education in chess. . The book contains many diagrams with clear images of positions, in some cases with solutions and tasks. The assignments given in the manual are tested in classes with children of preschool and primary school age. . The particularity of this book is a strict sequence of presentation of the material & laquo; from a simple & mdash; to complex & raquo; accessibility, development of cognitive interest in chess

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    15.00 $

    An interesting selection of brilliant studies and games (mostly correspondence, rare). In Ukrainian

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    23.59 $

    "Play to the end: how to know the secrets of the endgame" - a collection of 48 analyzed fragments of the final part of the chess game (endgame). Based on this 50 endings from his practice, the author (an international chess master) played two matches with the strongest computer program of our time, the disassembled parts of which are offered to the attention of the reader. The book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in chess, who would like to raise their level skill both in the endings, and in the whole game.

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    24.83 $

    The memory of the sixth world champion. Memories of relatives, friends, friends ...

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    153.11 $

    Lev Abramovich Polugaevsky (1934-1995) & mdash; Soviet chess player, six-time winner of the World Chess Olympiads as part of the USSR team, winner of the First World Team Championship as part of the USSR team, multiple participant of the USSR championships and world championship tournaments, two-time champion of the USSR, author of several books on chess debut theory. Born in Mogilev. Since the beginning of World War II, the Polugayevsky family evacuated to Kuibyshev (Samara), where the young Leva has been interested in chess since the age of seven. In memory of the grand master in Samara, a tournament-memorial them. L.A. Polugaevsky.

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    Becoming a chess bestseller and withstood several prepress print runs in England and France, ten years later the book came to us. Its author has died, but the fundamental work of Lev Polugaevsky will remain with us for a long time. No, forever! She enters into a world where one can not do without such an intelligent guide.

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    50.00 $

    A classic collection of methodically valuable endgames grouped by type. The book has a defect: 1 Drop-down list There is a moisture stain on the back that does not interfere with reading

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    16.55 $

    With the help of the book that you hold in your hands, your children will learn the basics of the chess game in 25 lessons and will be able to defeat their peers. The methodology of teaching chess to children is built in accordance with modern requirements. The structure of lessons, competitions is painted by minutes for children of different ages. At the heart of the training is the game method, in which the game is the main method of studying chess rules from the very first minutes. Therefore, the learning process is fascinating and entertaining. In each lesson, after a brief theory of children, a quiz awaits. Your coach will be a trainer-teacher of the highest category, a teacher with more than 30 years of experience, international master Sergei Pozin. Increased format (170x235 mm). Table of contents Start

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    The self-instruction manual is published in three volumes and contains a total of 1132 positions for solution, including 852 games of grandmasters and masters and 280 studies (with answers and explanations). & quot; Modern chess tutorial & quot; Designed for chess players - sportsmen who want to improve their game by expanding their knowledge in the field of strategy, tactics and technology at various stages of the chess game, as well as for chess trainers. 1, 3 volume - excellent condition. Volume 2 - satisfactory condition, traces of water.

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    66.67 $

    Book & quot; Chess textbook in etudes & quot; intended for young chess players-dischargers who want to improve their skills, coaches and heads of chess clubs, as well as all chess lovers. Of the more than 60 thousand chess etudes known in the world, for the first volume of the book, three hundred and four were selected - instructive for practicing chess players. The author of the book, a chess coach of the highest category, presents etudes not as works of a special field of chess art — composition, but as training positions of medium and high complexity — for thinking about and solving and, ultimately, improving in chess art. For pedagogical purposes, the author's assignment (win or draw) is not indicated in the initial position of the sketches, but transferred to the & quot; Solutions & quot; section. The book contains nine thematic chapters - blockade, zugzwang, interaction of figures, opening and closing lines, two threats of the king, tactical strikes and combinations, gain and loss of tempo, battery game, attack on the king. Each chapter first contains detailed commented sketches with typical and important ideas on this topic for analysis by the reader, as well as a number of studies for self-solution. The answers with explanations are placed in the chapter & quot; Etude Solutions & quot ;. There is an index of authors of etudes.

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    66.67 $

    This textbook is a continuation of the book "Chess. Primary School." Contains 12 thematic chapters, which discuss the basics of chess tactics and strategy, the choice of the game plan, methods for predicting the player's future development of the game, instructive endings, grand masters duels, tasks and sketches. After theoretical positions and illustrative examples, numerous exercises (tasks for independent solution and fixation of the studied material) and answers with explanations are given. The textbook is intended for optional study of the subject "Chess" in secondary schools of general education schools, chess groups of the Palaces of children's creativity and children's and youth sports schools, and can be used by trainers and chess teachers as a teaching aid.

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    66.67 $

    Second edition! A book for the initial study of chess art - an outstanding achievement of the human mind. Explains the rules and purpose of the game, the features of chess pieces and their interaction, the different types of advantages and methods for achieving it. The book consists of 10 chapters. In most of them, after theoretical positions and illustrative games, exercises (tasks for self-decision) and answers with explanations are given. The training material relies mainly on parties - masterpieces of the world chess with adapted comments for children. For optional study of the subject "Chess" in primary schools of general schools, initial chess groups of the Palaces of children's creativity and children's and youth sports schools. The book can be used by chess teachers as a teaching tool. Printing in two colors. Block-sticking colored photos on coated paper.

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    49.66 $

    17 color reproductions of A4, in the gift folder. Size 29 * 21 cm. Coated paper. Artist Jovan Prokoplievich.

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    1241.38 $

    Author's, ceramic chess, & nbsp; native packaging. On the three figures there are small skolchiki. The height of the pawn is 4, 5 cm, the diameter of the base of the pawn is 3 cm. The height of the king is 8 cm, the diameter of the base of the king is 3 cm.

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    123.33 $

    Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное.

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    In the spring of 2018, a book by Kiev authors Nikolai Fuzik and Aleksey Radchenko about their talented fellow countryman, Isaak Lipnitsky, was published at WWII's Odessa publishing house.

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    18.62 $

    Don't have time to study thousands of pages of opening theory? Do you want to get out of the way, stun your opponent and make them play on their own from the start? Then this book is for you! Famous Russian theorists, Grandmaster Alexander Raetsky and International Master Maxim Chetverik, open their opening pantries. The readers 'attention is offered to the authors' favorite and deeply developed schemes, with the help of which they won many bright victories over strong opponents! You will be able to catch your opponents off guard, especially in the `` fast '' chess and blitz. Most of the games and analyzes are missing from the databases and opening guides, which adds value to the book.

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    26.67 $

    The book (in Belarusian) is a collection containing examples of combinations with comments. The book is divided into two large parts: combination games and combinations at the end of the game. Studying the lessons will help the reader to increase his draughts erudition, raise the overall level of the game. The book is intended for all fans of checkers, regardless of qualifications.

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    28.97 $

    The table of contents, see the photo.

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    24.83 $

    Many chess players fondly recall the books of Fred Reinfeld. The publications of this author cover all aspects of chess - from debut to endgame. In addition, Reinfeld’s books tell about the life of the greatest chess masters. In the & quot; 1001 brilliant way to win chess & quot; Reinfeld embraced most of the game variations. The author has systematized material on topics - & quot; queen sacrifice & quot ;, & quot; double check & quot ;, & quot; pawn transformation & quot; and so on. & nbsp;