Debut theory
31.40 $
Гроссмейстер Алексей Дреев – один из крупнейших в мире специалистов по защите Каро-Канн со стороны черных. По его мнению, в последнее время именно Закрытый вариант 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 доставляет черным наибольшие проблемы. И в этой книге Дреев детально анализирует эту принципиальную схему со стороны белых, показывает, какие трудности ожидают здесь черных, опираясь на современную турнирную практику и, в том числе, на собственные партии. Закрытый вариант защиты Каро-Канн (1.e4 с6 2.d4 d5 3.e5) впервые привлек к себе внимание, пожалуй, во время матча Михаила Таля с Михаилом Ботвинником за звание чемпиона мира по шахматам в 1961 г. Белые, хотя и тратят темп на ход 3.e5, но при этом запирают центр, обеспечивая себе длительный пространственный перевес и мешая черным удобно развивать свой королевский фланг. Рассматриваемая в этой книге пешечная структура напоминает закрытый вариант Французской защиты (1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5), но с той разницей, что в нашем случае черные могут не оставаться с плохим французским слоном, а развить его на f5. Часто черные применяют немедленный подрыв центра белых путем 3...с5, однако, основным продолжением за них следует признать все же 3...Сf5. Дальнейшая игра так или иначе сводится к пространственному фактору, и хотя у черных нет слабостей, все же им тесновато. Поэтому в большинстве случаев оценка зависит от последствий подрыва c6-c5, освобождающего пространство для черных фигур. Но есть и другие схемы, в которых черные пытаются закончить развитие без этого подрыва. Частым и важным способом развития инициативы белых на королевском фланге является надвижение пешек “от короля”, начинающееся, как правило, темповым ходом g2-g4. Закрытый вариант защиты Каро-Канн является хорошей альтернативой классическим вариантам 1.e4 с6 2.d4 d5 3.Кd2 (или 3.Кc3) dxe4 4.Кxe4 Сf5 (4...Кd7). Несмотря на то, что и после 3.e5 теория шагнула далеко вперед, все же позиции Закрытого варианта пока еще значительно менее изучены, нежели в классических линиях, где теория во многих вариантах убивает интригу противоборства.Я, конечно, не хочу сказать, что 3.e5 лучше, чем Классика. Но мой многолетний опыт разыгрывания защиты Каро-Канн черными подсказывает, что проблемы им в этом варианте разрешить непросто. Надеюсь, это дебютное пособие будет интересно и применяющим защиту Каро-Канн черными, так как позволит им понять над какими проблемами еще стоит потрудиться.
31.67 $
The Volga gambit is a great option for those who love aggressive chess. Black sacrifices a pawn for the sake of an active games on the queenside and sometimes hold the initiative right up to the endgame. That's why this debut is popular among many strong chess players, including It was used by such representatives of the elite as Veselin Topa- fishing, Viswanathan Anand and Garry Kasparov. Sergei Kasparov has played for many years the Volga gam- bit. In a very "lively" style, he sets out the basic ideas of the debut on both sides, focusing on the game for Black. Having studied this book, you can feel more confident in this debut, and generally better understand chess.
31.67 $
The monograph of the famous theorist, international grandmaster, champion of the USSR E. Geller is devoted to one of the most popular in modern chess practice and difficult debuts. In the present study, a wealth of practical and theoretical material has been summarized and systematized, fundamentally new estimates have been given to many positions, as well as information on the history of Old Indian protection. In the book, examples are given of the games played by this debut. The book is designed for highly skilled chess players.
31.79 $
The book outlines the short course of the theory of debuts, designed for chess players of arrester. It outlines the principles of the debut and explanatory parts are given to each debut, mainly from the practice of Soviet chess players. Part of the material and parts is reproduced from the author's book "The Modern Chess Debut", published in 1945. The book is a bibliographic rarity.
31.86 $
In his two-volume work, well-known grandmaster Boris Avrukh shows the way to White’s advantage in all debuts after 1.d4, with an emphasis on schemes with royal fianchets. This repertoire, which brought him among the strongest 50 chess players in the world, he offers the reader, generously sharing his new developments. This volume covers the following debuts: Old Indian, Dutch, Grünfeld, Benoni, Volzhsky, Budapest and some others. & laquo; Grandmaster Repertoire & raquo; & ndash; A new series of high-quality books written by leading chess players of the world. Based on the basic theoretical options, they offer a complete repertoire that will faithfully serve for many years, both professionals and amateurs. & bull; The most important options with expert explanations & bull; Hundreds of debut novelties & bull; The refutation of many theoretical options * Debut repertoire for life Excerpt < / span>
31.86 $
Tarrasch's defense arises after moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 and leads to an acute dynamic game. The authors radically changed the theoretical picture of this classical principle, enriching it with a multitude of new ideas. Yakod Ogard is not only a grandmaster and a teacher, but also a born writer, a luscious language and an exciting presentation of the material & mdash; an important component of his books. Nikolaos Ntirlis & mdash; a successful trainer, a strong analyst, and a computer specialist who helped many famous grandmasters. & grandmaster's repertoire & raquo; & mdash; A new series of high-quality books written by the world's leading chess players. Based on the main theoretical options, they offer a complete repertoire that will serve both professionals and amateurs with faith and truth for many years.
31.86 $
The book of Grandmaster Ruslan Shcherbakov is devoted to the voluminous and substantial branching of the Slavic defense & ndash; one of the most popular modern beginnings. The Slavic Triangle, so named for the opening position of black pawns, is characterized by the fact that Black does not want to passively sit out on the defensive, and from the first moves take risks and provoke White to take risks in order to seize the initiative. This is & ndash; debut for those who love a live double-edged game! Having rich experience in using the system and having excellent practical results, the author explains in detail strategic ideas and pays great attention to specific nuances. The versatility of the arrangement allows Black to largely solve the problem of his opening repertoire against the move of the queen pawn. Without hiding that his sympathies are on the black side, the author at the same time remains objective, and those who have to deal with the Slavic Triangle when playing white can also learn a lot from the book. This is an e-book, a link to which will be available in your account after payment.
32.44 $
In his work, grandmaster Alexei Kornev suggests the reader to build a debut repertoire for whites based on closed debuts. And as the first move chooses confident 1.d2-d4! This book deals with the answer of Black 1 ... d7-d5. After a principled 2.c2-c4, the position from the failed Queen's gambit, the adopted Queen's gambit, the Slavic defense can turn out ... In addition, the White player must be prepared to defend Tarrasch, Sharr-Genning's gambit and many other debuts. And in each case, the author offers a concrete and informed decision on which scheme is easier and more advantageous to choose as white. This book is designed for the widest range of chess players; both grandmaster and first-class chess players will find useful recommendations in it.
32.47 $
The Semi-Slav has been one of the most topical openings of the last decade, and its most critical variation is the Botvinnik System (5 Bg5 dxc4). Most of today's top grandmasters, including Kasparov, Kramnik and Shirov, have relied on it as Black, White, or both, especially in make-or-break situations. Written by IM Steffen Pedersen who achieved a GM norm at 16 and has written several highly-regarded books. Other Gambit titles: Test Your Chess, The Meran System, The Main Line French: 3 Nc3, The French: Tarrasch Variation, French: Advance and Other Lines, The Gambit Guide to the Bogo-Indian, The Gambit Guide to the Benko Gambit.
32.50 $
In the last 5 years, the practice of eliminating "treacherous" moves with central pawns has become more and more noticeable in the practice of the chess elite.1 e4 and 1. d4 in favor of 1. c4 and 1. Kf3. It is not surprising that the best practices are actively adopted by the broad masses, because not only Karlsen and Kramnik are tired of fighting against the Berlin Wall and suffering in vain attempts to refute Grünfeld's defense. As a recipe against new challenges, this book offers the reader to navigate the English "hedgehog". The main feature of the book is that the authors not only offer a modern order of moves directly in the English "he", but also explain how to get to him after the first moves of whites. It is also important that the book is based on the successful practical experience of one of the authors.
32.50 $
The book of multiple world champion A. Karpov and grandmaster N. Kalinichenko introduces the reader to one of the most complex, informative and popular chess openings. The authors present all the major systems that have stood the test of many years of practice. Each of them is illustrated by several characteristic parties. Examples are selected in such a way as to demonstrate the main strategic ideas for both sides. Along with classical examples, a large number of modern games are played, played by leading grandmasters. The publication is designed for a wide range of chess lovers.
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