Tournaments and matches
26.17 $
The author of the book, an outstanding German grandmaster and chess writer, was one of the contenders for the chess crown in the early twentieth century. The book presents two collections that have not been previously published in our country, including chess games played in tournaments in Ostend (1907) and chess players of those years - each participant was a champion of the country represented by: Z. Tarrasch, K. Schlechter, L. Yanovsky , A. Rubinstein, M. Chigorin and others. Hence the name - “Tournament champions.” The participation of world champion E Lasker and two future champions, Kh. R. Capablanca and A. Alekhina, attaches particular importance to these chess lists.
26.17 $
The new project by Garry Kasparov & laquo; Modern Chess & raquo; is a continuation of its unique five-volume & laquo; My great predecessors & raquo; (& laquo; RIPOL classic & raquo ;, 2003 & ndash; 2006). Summing up the development of chess in the 20th century, the author tells about the debut revolution of the 70s & ndash; the beginning of the 80s, about all his fights with Anatoly Karpov, comments on his best games and matches with computers. This volume & ndash; the last of the three dedicated to the historical duel of Kasparov with Karpov, & ndash; includes their fifth match for the world chess crown (1990) and tournament meetings at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.
26.89 $
This tournament collection contains all 210 games played at the interzonal tournament. Most of them are commented on by the tournament participants themselves. The specificity of this tournament is that the first five places were taken by Soviet chess players. The winner of the tournament with a magnificent result of 16.5 points out of 20 was AA. Cats. The book is a bibliographic rarity. The book is designed for a wide range of chess fans.
26.95 $
One of the best tournament collections. All the strongest chess players of that time took part, including 5 (!!!) world champions of different years: Lasker, Capablanca, Alekhine, Euwe, Botvinnik ...
27.64 $
Книги о шахматных турнирах принадлежат к своеобразному виду литературы. Сборники шахматных турниров - не простой набор партий. Если участники турнира - сильнейшие шахматисты мира, то и партии имеют определенную взаимосвязь, они насыщены идеями, которые по ходу турнира кристаллизуются и развиваются, а все соревнование в целом отражает определенный этап в развитии шахматного творчества.
27.64 $
Всероссийский шахматный турнир колхозников
27.64 $
Compilations of the parties of the championships of the USSR in the form of books after the war were published in Moscow for all championships from XVII to XXII. They were of the same type in form and contained all parties (the vast majority - with notes), introductory and debut reviews, tables and indexes. All the leading chess players of the USSR participated in their preparation. In those days, the championships of the USSR were really shows of the entire chess guard. 1950 1. Keres
27.64 $
(in Russian and English). Each game - with notes from both grandmasters who played it!
27.64 $
на нем.яз. Репринтное издание одного из лучших турнирных сборников. В турнире играли Алехин, Керес, Тартаковер и другие известные гроссмейстеры.
28.97 $
Все партии турнира с примечаниями участников: Ботвинника, Смыслова, Болеславского, Котова и др.
29.71 $
A detailed review and selected parties (with detailed notes of the Olympic Games in Bulgaria 1962 in Russian.
- Vynil Roll-up GO board 12.50 $
- 77.50 $
- Wooden magnetic chess with a Royal board (Art K) 70.00 $
- Wooden Staunton Magnetic Chess (Black lodgment) 60.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with a Staunton 5 weight in a box. (Art K) 42.50 $
- GO Game Kit 42.50 $
- Nylon Fabric Giant Chess and Checker Mat 300.00 $
- GIANT GARDEN CHESS PIECE. White and black 1499.75 $
- Checkers floor giant (park, garden) 437.50 $