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  • Unique chess for 3 players. Such chess will appeal to any person who chooses something new and appreciates original things. Manufacturer MADON-CHESS (Poland) Chessboard size: 46.5x54x2.5cm (unfolded) King height: 7.7cm King base diameter (cm): 3  Pawn height (cm): 3.6 Pawn base diameter (cm): 2.1 Presence of weighting agent: no Weight: 1311 g. Wood used for the chessboard: beech, birch Wood used for figures: hornbeam, beech  Intermediate chess for three is ideal entertainment for friends. The chess store presents to customers a unique set from a Polish manufacturer. If you are planning to buy a medium chess set for three in Moscow, pay attention to the set MADON-CHESS.   The main advantages of a chess set for three are reasonable cost and workmanship. The chess pieces are made of beech and oak of the highest quality. The chessboard is not inferior in quality: it is based on birch and beech.  The set consists of chess in three colors.  The chessboard has a compact size and is convenient to store on a shelf. Inside the board there are three separate compartments for storing pieces. For convenience and to keep products intact, the board is equipped with a soft lining.

    214.50 $
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    20.00 $
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    50.00 $
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    41.67 $
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    The corpus of this textbook includes two significant works by the world chess champion, scientist and prominent teacher Max Euwe — "Self‑help chess game", created in collaboration with G. Den-Hertog, and "Chess Lessons". The first work is designed for beginners, the second for more experienced chess players. The book is a real chess tutorial in the true sense of the word. This is expressed not only in the appropriate distribution of the material and the method of presentation, designed to awaken the initiative of the student, but also in numerous practical exercises offered to the reader after explaining each new concept or technique.The textbook primarily attracts the methodology of presentation of the material, the principles of which will be useful for coaches and teachers of chess sections and circles. For a wide range of chess fans.

    25.00 $
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    The vast majority of opening guides are written for adult readers. This book is also devoted to the theory but it is junior. The structure of the book is simple and attractive: openings are examined using examples from actual games, each of which is presented in the form of a lesson with its own name. Several such lessons form an opening theme, and the examination of each theme concludes with exercises. In each opening, attention is drawn to its characteristic tactical and strategic ideas of combinations for independent solution strictly corresponds to the opening theme. Written in clear and easy language, the book is furnished with a large number of diagrams. Colored explanatory arrows on the diagrams and the selection of individual pages with a colored background make the book easier to understand. Regular work solve two problems: deepen the student's knowledge and develop his tactical vision, thus improving his skill and results.

    28.80 $
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    Hundreds of thousands of novice chess players have held in their hands the solution books of “1000 chess problems” for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of study. These collections became winners of the “Chess Vseobuch of Russia” competition. We decided to combine our three books into one so that the future grandmaster would have more opportunities for improvement and choice of material. It will also be easier for students and coaches to regulate the speed of the material. In the first parts of our book, novice chess players will get acquainted with all possible types of checkmates. Then, future grandmasters will learn to deliver magnificent double blows with a queen and a knight, promote a pawn to a queen. Studying according to this solution book, you will also master the pin, learn to cover yourself from the enemy's pieces, block the enemy's forces, destroy the most reliable fortresses, distract and entice his royal majesty and much more. Work with the book as with a textbook, and do not forget to write down the solutions under each diagram! The correct solutions are at the end of the book. For the widest range of chess fans.

    17.50 $
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    The authors continue to study typical opening and middlegame positions. Royal Fortress No. 2 has pawns on squares f7, g6, h7 (or f2, g3, h2), and they are usually joined by another defender – bishop on g7 (g2). This formation is called fianchetto, it is found in many popular openings, such as the Catalan Opening, King's Indian Defense, Grunfeld Defense and a number of others.  The authors analyze in detail the techniques of attack, defense and counterattack. Most examples – from the creativity of modern chess players (for example, a separate chapter is dedicated to the strongest Russian grandmaster Ian Nepomniachtchi); they are complemented by parts that have become a classical heritage. The book contains about 300 positions for independent solution, so it is not only a textbook, but also a solid problem book. Grandmaster Konstantin Chernyshov, head of the Interregional Grandmaster School in Kostroma, and his daughter International Master Natalya Kareva – experienced coaches, whose students include grandmasters and masters, champions of Russia and Europe among juniors.  The book is addressed to young chess players and their mentors. 

    20.00 $
  • A limited edition of the most famous electronic chess clock. Design & quot; under the tree & quot ;. Released for the 25th anniversary of the DGT. & Nbsp; These watches are used in all major tournaments, world championships and World Cups, World Chess Olympiads. Installation of any time controls, including Fisher and Bronstein controls (with added time). & Nbsp;

    252.00 $
  • The height of the king is 95 mm, the diameter of the base of the king is 42 mm. Currently used in tournaments of the Central House of Chess Players. The kit is sold without a board.

    60.00 $
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Tournaments and matches

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    Über Sizilianisch, die Königin der Eröffnungen sind schon viele Bücher geschrieben worden. Dieses unterhscheidet sich von allen anderen, weil es über das ungewöhnlichste turnier der Schachgeschichte berichtet. Es fand in Bueons Aires zu Ehren von Lev Polugajewskis 60. Geburtstag statt, und nur ein Partieanfang war erlaubt. Die Weltelite spielte SIZILIANISCH PUR.

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    Im Sommer 1996 wurde Elista, eine bis dahin wenig bekannte Stadt im Süden der Russischen Föderation, zum Mittelpunkt der Schachwelt. Anatoli Karpow und Gata Kamsky spielten dort um die Weltmeisterschaft der FIDE. Ihr Duell in der Steppe war eines der härtesten in der Schachgeschichte. Jeden zweiten Tag absolvierten die beiden WM-Finalisten ein Spiel, dazu gab es viele Hängepartien, Timeouts waren laut Reglement nicht erlaubt. Alle Begegnungen wurden ausgekämpft, nur neun von ihnen endeten unentschieden. Salonremisen gab es nicht. Die Schachwelt zollte Karpow und Kamsky für diese Leistung ihren Respekt.

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    22.45 $


    Работая над составлением настоящего сборника, автор ставил перед собой следующие задачи: - показать победу представителей советской шахматной школы. Попытаться вскрыть причины, лежащие в основе побед советских шахматистов в международных соревнованиях; - проанализировать творческий материал, который содержали партии турнира. Ознакомить советских шахматистов с партиями турнира, большинство из которых еще не было опубликовано; - дать спортивную и творческую характеристику участникам турнира — как правило, сильнейшим мастерам десяти стран мира (кроме СССР); - попытаться в процессе комментирования партий дать учебный материал. В примечаниях даны некоторые советы по середине и концам игр. Автор считал себя обязанным также поделиться с читателями впечатлениями о турнире, Венеции и Италии.

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    6.22 $


    Parties with comments and photographs of the world's leading grandmasters - participants of the Olympics - Gelfand, Anand, Timman, Belyavsky, Ivanchuk, Short, Korchnoi, Yusupov, world champion Xie Jun, sisters Polgar and others are given.

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    4.84 $


    There are also games with commentaries and photographs of the leading grandmasters of the world - participants of the Olympiad - Gelfand, Anand, Timman, Belyavsky, Ivanchuk, Short, Korchnoi, Yusupov, world champion Xie Jun, sisters Polgar, etc.