27.64 $
Over 200 sketches with commentaries, creative autobiography.
28.33 $
«Чудеса шахмат» — третья книга в серии изданий для любителей шахмат. Она рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, написана доступным языком. Комбинация — красота шахмат. Цель книги — осознание могущества и слабости проходных пешек, частичное познание чудес шахматных комбинаций. Познакомившись с ними, читатель не только насладится красотой произведений, но и изучит особенности игры.
28.33 $
A practical game is called prose, the composition is poetry of chess, but they are one. The golden age of classic chess is behind. Does chess threaten a "no-man's death" or is the game in a modern form stalled? The author suggests one of the ways of their resuscitation.
28.33 $
In the book, the honored master of sports in chess and the historian Sergey Tkachenko talks about the formation and development of the chess game in Odessa, starting from the legendary Duke de Richelieu and ending at the present time. The book is prepared for the presentation of Odessa as the capital of the 57th International Congress on chess composition and is designed not only for a wide range of fans of the chess game, but also for lovers of historical essays
28.97 $
Legendary & laquo; Tasks and Etudes & raquo; & ndash; the world's first periodical devoted entirely to chess composition (1927 - 1930). A total of 8 collections were released, which today have become a great bibliographic rarity. In this edition, they are all combined into one book. These are not only first-class chess compositions and wonderful articles by leading masters of the past, which have not lost their relevance today. This is & ndash; and a fascinating excursion into the history of the USSR in the late 1920s. Alas, the publication was destined for a short life & ndash; in 1930, one of its initiators, the famous chess composer L.B. Zalkind was arrested and convicted in the case of the Union Bureau of the Menshevik Party. The time of mass terror has not come yet, and print media have already disappeared from the bookshelves of the socialist state. Under the general editorship of the world champion in composition Oleg Pervakov. For a wide range of lovers of chess and chess composition. This is an e-book, a link to which will be available in your account after payment.
28.97 $
International chess grandmaster Yakov Georgievich Vladimirov - the author of the popular trilogy published in the Astrel publishing house ("1000 chess problems", "1000 chess etudes" and "1000 chess riddles") presents his new work. This is a real small encyclopedia that contains tasks and sketches of all genres, the history of the development of the composition, terminology, personalities, memorable events. It is intended for a wide range of readers, coaches, editors of chess categories. The collection does not repeat any of the positions mentioned in the books.
29.02 $
This collection is dedicated to the Russian multidirectional task, in which our authors, starting from the second half of the XX century, entered the avant-garde positions in the world. The work of the outstanding representatives of this genre is widely represented in the book. The reader can introduce
- Wooden chess pieces made of Staunton oak No. 6 "Tabia" 120.00 $
- A set of two books. Documents and materials of the eve of World War II. 1937-1939, 26.78 $
- Game set 5 in 1 in a suitcase (chess, checkers, backgammon, domino, cards) 52.50 $
- Wooden chess pieces with tournament board 4 in very good condition, but used 97.13 $
My great predecessors. A set of all published books. 1.2.5 vol.
Kasparov 85.00 $ -
Ways to improve
Zak 6.25 $ - Wooden chess set in the USSR in the 1950s 60.00 $
A gift to a chess player. Garry Kasparov. My chess way in 3 volumes. Gift wrapped.
Kasparov 93.75 $ - Chess pocket magnetic "Chessm" analogue of Soviet chess Simza. (Black case, green figures.) 40.50 $
- Chess pocket magnetic "Chessm" analogue of Soviet chess Simza. (Black case, green figures.) 40.50 $