18.20 $
With color illustrations. "Battle" was written by us back in the 60's. Then we worked together a lot. But they did not publish us. What we did did not fit into the framework of the then censorship. Already in emigration we published almost everything written before, still in Russia, and this poem was still lying forgotten before my acquaintance with Boris Spassky. Our meeting happened in the house of artist Vitaly Statsinsky at the feast, and then I remembered it and sang it. Then the idea to release it with illustrations of Vitaly was born. In admiration for getting to know my old "idol" I wrote to the grandmaster an initiation - and here is the poem in front of you ... " Alexey Khvostenko
17.96 $
After the war, the annuals were published in Moscow from 1946 to 1962 inclusive. These voluminous editions contained materials on major international and domestic competitions, sponsored by all the leading chess players of the USSR, as well as theoretical articles on all stages of the chess game and reviews on composition.
17.80 $
On coated paper. You have in your hands the first children's textbook on the Go board game, published in Russian. It will help to master the game from scratch in a week and make the learning process fun and exciting. The child will plunge into the world of adventure, will worry about the fate of treacherous pirates, solve interesting tasks with the heroes. Go & mdash; a unique way from an early age to develop logical and abstract thinking, memory and imagination, concentration and perseverance. Both hemispheres of the brain are involved in this game: for success they are needed as analytical thinking & mdash; ability to measure profits, calculate options, & mdash; and intuition & mdash; the ability to find harmony, build beautiful forms. Go's game is very popular among businessmen, politicians and scientists around the world. This game will not be taught at school, but you can give your child the opportunity to get to know it on their own. Snippet 1 Fragment 2 We also recommend: & nbsp; http://www.chessm.ru/catalog/show/10023
17.50 $
After the war, the annuals were published in Moscow from 1946 to 1962 inclusive. These voluminous editions contained materials on major international and domestic competitions, sponsored by all the leading chess players of the USSR, as well as theoretical articles on all stages of the chess game and reviews on composition.
17.50 $
After the war, the annuals were published in Moscow from 1946 to 1962 inclusive. These voluminous editions contained materials on major international and domestic competitions, sponsored by all the leading chess players of the USSR, as well as theoretical articles on all stages of the chess game and reviews on composition.
17.50 $
After the war, the annuals were published in Moscow from 1946 to 1962 inclusive. These voluminous editions contained materials on major international and domestic competitions, sponsored by all the leading chess players of the USSR, as well as theoretical articles on all stages of the chess game and reviews on composition.
17.27 $
Репринтное издание. В указателе учтены и систематизированы книги, журналы, газеты, специальные бюллетени, посвящённые шахматам и шахматной игре и выпущенные в нашей стране с 1775 по 1997 гг. Отражена литература на русском и других языках народов России и зарубежных стран. Материал аннотирован, указаны рецензии на книги. Издание адресовано широкому кругу квалифицированных шахматистов – практиков, историков, теоретиков, методистов, работников шахматных клубов и универсальных библиотек, собирателей шахматной литературы. Сахаров Николай Иванович (1921, с. Вятское Ярославской губ. - 1999, Москва) – известный библиограф, специалист по истории издания шахматной литературы, доцент Московского инстититута культуры. В 1941 студентом библиотечного института ушёл добровольцем на фронт. Участвовал в обороне Москвы, получил тяжёлое ранение на Калининском фронте (1942). В 1947 году с отличием окончил библиографический факультет МГБИ, занимался преподавательской деятельностью. Н.И. Сахаров – автор многих вузовских учебников и методических пособий. Его статьи, обзоры, рецензии, указатели публиковались в «Шахматном словаре», «Шахматном ежегоднике», журналах: «Шахматы в СССР», «Шахматное обозрение», «Шахматы» и других изданиях. Книга Н.И. Сахарова «Шахматная литература СССР. Библиография (1775 - 1966)», изданная в Москве в 1968 году, получила высокую оценку в отечественной печати и за рубежом. В ней проаннотированы свыше 1100 названий печатных изданий. В настоящее время является библиографической редкостью. В течение многих лет автор был членом редколлегии журнала «64 – Шахматное обозрение», совета ЦШК, комиссии по печати Шахматной Федерации СССР.
17.27 $
About the origins, origin and development of chess composition in St. Petersburg (and actually in Russia). Describes how to compose and solve problems and studies. Contains creative portraits of Petrov, Shumov, Kubbel, Troitsky, Simkhovich, Korolkov, etc.
Chess composition in Azerbaijan / Азəрбаjҹанда шаhмат композисиjасы
Sarichev 62.50 $ -
Check it out for you, reader
Yatskevich 15.00 $ - Notebook of the chess player of the Russian Chess Federation 4.25 $
Lessons of Mastery. Second edition, revised
Dvoretsky 18.75 $ -
Alexandra Goryachkina: On the way to the chess Olympus
Kryakvin 18.75 $ -
Complete Encyclopedia of Health by Dr. Zalmanov
Zalmanov 16.00 $ - Invitation Fide candidates tournament 2020 92.50 $
- 64 chess review No. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 for 2024 (Price per issue) 5.00 $
- Antique pre-revolutionary wooden chess 187.50 $
- DGT Timeless Wooden weighted Chess Set Handcrafted with Non-Folding Board 600.00 $