13.00 $
USSR-Italy informant, the editorial board included Averbakh, Smyslov and others; large gift set, printed in Italy.
12.56 $
If our whole life is a game, then why not use the chess principles in it? After all the success of any of our undertakings almost always depends on how accurately and far-sightedly we calculate the first moves, as well as in chess, often very much depends on a successful debut. Bruce Pandolfini - a famous grandmaster and business consultant - believes that chess principles can be used with tangible benefits for themselves in any life situation, especially in business. For this, no special knowledge is required, so after reading this book you will discover the secrets of an effective strategy for achieving success in any business.
12.43 $
In this book, there is everything for those who love quiet and at the same time gambling. In it you can find games on a chessboard, on the playing field, in dice, with chips, coins, matches, dominoes, card cards and many others. Play and win!
12.43 $
The names of Anatoly Karpov and Eugene Gik are well known outside the chess world. Their pen belongs to many books, repeatedly reprinted and translated into two dozen languages. Now the authors offer the reader a rather unusual work in which almost all chess themes and genres are connected under one binder. This multifaceted and rich book, consisting of 25 conversations, can be regarded both as an original textbook and as a collection of stories about chess - serious and funny, and as a popular publication for everyone who enjoys playing - from simple lovers to masters. Each reader will find in it something interesting and useful for themselves. Indeed, all about chess!
12.43 $
The second edition. The life story of the American chess genius.
12.41 $
Психологические аспекты взаимодействия между людьми в ситуации конфликта на шахматном материале. О понимании соперника и самопознании (Саратов).
12.41 $
О главном шахматном здании СССР и России. Старинный московский особняк на Гоголевском бульваре, с ним связаны судьбы трех декабристов - Н.Васильчикова, П.Свистунова и И.Муравьева-Апостола, а также жизнь и творчество ряда видных деятелей русской культуры. Уже более 30 лет в этом особняке находится Центральный шахматный клуб СССР. В доме открыт музей Шахмат. Здесь же располагаются национальные федерации шахмат и шашек.
12.41 $
(Б-ка “Огонек”). Шахматные зарисовки разных лет выдающегося гроссмейстера.
12.41 $
The book discusses various types of math problems and puzzles related to chess, about the routes of figures, their arrangements and permutations, about cutting and covering a chessboard. We study games on unusual boards according to unusual rules and with unusual figures. Author of the book E.Ya. Geek is a mathematician, chess master, permanent host of the & laquo; Chess Page & raquo; of the magazine & laquo; Kvant & raquo ;. The book is intended for students, teachers of mathematics and heads of mathematical circles, as well as for all fans of mathematical puzzles and chess problems. Preface. Mathematics Chess Board. Attila's horse. The task of the progress of the horse. Queen-sentry. The task of the gauss about eight queens. Rectilinear rook. Thin routes of the king. Elephant - billiard ball. Independence and domination. Sly permutations. Mathematical records. The power of figures. On unusual boards. Cylindrical chess. Hexagonal chess. Fairy chess.
Chess composition in Azerbaijan / Азəрбаjҹанда шаhмат композисиjасы
Sarichev 62.50 $ -
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- Antique pre-revolutionary wooden chess 187.50 $
- DGT Timeless Wooden weighted Chess Set Handcrafted with Non-Folding Board 600.00 $