Storybook; the title story is thematically connected with chess (B-ka "Light").
Эта книга включает обзор 13-го Российского чемпионата 1991/94 годов, 17-го Украинского чемпионата 1993/95 годов, а также содержит теоретические статьи по защите Каро-Канн, Сицилианской, а также французской защите. Вашему вниманию также предлагается статья по ферзевому гамбиту и Староиндийской защите.
Israel; informally about chessplayers ... ANCHIPOLOVSKAYA Dora, prose writer, translator, master of French philology, translations from French "Greek Zorba" Kazantzakis (1975), & quot; Mandarins & quot; Simone de Beauvoir (1987), & quot; Nostalgia & quot; Simone Signoret, "Tender and passionate Elizabeth" Henri Troyat (1982) and others (16 books in total), "The Lonely Woman's Memoir" (1998).
6.22 $
Essays on outstanding Russian and Soviet writers, scientists and musicians, in whose life chess took a significant place: Chernyshevsky, Mendeleev, Pushkin. Tolstoy, Turgenev, Gorky, Mayakovsky, Scriabin, Prokofiev and many others. They highly appreciated this game, dedicated to it hours of leisure, and sometimes chess served as a source of inspiration for them, helping to show their genius in science, literature, and art more vividly. This side of the life of outstanding people is interesting not only in that it allows us to more fully imagine their life, the world of occupations and hobbies. It reveals the broader, deeper impact of the game on a person, her place in society, the moral and educational purpose, the amazing multidimensionality caused by the triune formula of chess - art, science, sport. In such a broad aspect, a book on this subject is published for the first time. The book is designed for a wide range of chess fans.
5.76 $
This book is a collection of essays on chess topics related to literature, theater, etc. You will see a gallery of world-famous names from writers, actors, scientists (Erich-Maria Remarque, Marlene Dietrich, Francois Rabelais, Vladimir Nabokov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Alan Turing and many others) to literary characters (Harry Potter, Alice from the Country miracles).
34.55 $
France, Russia. The middle - the end of the 90s of the 20th century. Russian chess master Viktor Odintsov plays at a tournament in a suburb of Paris. But instead of an honestly earned prize, by the will of circumstances, he falls into a French prison ... Once released, he again encounters an insurmountable barrier - a kind of "French wired" associated with an unfair game of opponents, the arbitrariness of the judges. Victor has a girlfriend, Simon, who helps him. However, the Russian player is haunted by one setback after another. Odintsov, driven to despair, invents a tricky way, his "know-how", with which he begins to smash all rivals. Together with Simone, Victor overcomes numerous obstacles raised by their detractors. He comes to the main match with the world champion. And confidently leads in this fight, where the opposing team uses dirty game methods. A step before Odintsov’s victory, the French beauty Genevieve intervenes in events, avenging her rejected love. And Victor would inflict a seemingly crushing blow to the back ... The novel tells about the difficult fate of Russian emigrants living in France.
Околошахматный юмор (вокруг матчей Каспаров-Карпов). Прекрасные фото.
9.31 $
Околошахматный юмор (вокруг матчей Каспаров-Карпов). Прекрасные фото.
Эта книга посвящена проблемам ликбеза игры по переписке. Цель ею будет достигнута, если она окажется полезной не только для шахматистов-практиков, но и при разработке основ теории организации и судейства заочных соревнований, а также различных нормативных документов по ним. Книга рассчитана на шахматистов - организаторов и судей соревнований по переписке.
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