37.24 $
The dictionary is the first Soviet encyclopedic edition of chess; It contains basic information on the history and theory of chess, chess composition, information about various competitions, articles about the connection of chess with various fields of science and culture, about the development of chess in many countries, over 1200 biographies of famous chess players and chess players. The dictionary is provided with bibliography and tables; Illustrative material includes portraits, diagrams, color and black and white inserts. Encyclopedia format. The dictionary is designed for a wide range of readers - from ordinary chess lovers to skilled chess players and chess experts.
37.50 $
This book is about the side of the chess game that remains in the shadow of the champions' crowns and the brilliance of complex chess combinations. This book is about the history, philosophy, spiritual and aesthetic beauty of the ancient game. Chess in it appear as a teacher of life, a mentor in choosing the optimal life strategy. About how chess with the help of sophisticated historically verified designs in the form of art.For fans of history, chess players and chess collectors. Color photos on coated paper.
38.00 $
This book is about beauty in chess - the very component of an ancient and wise game that remains forever. For the first time in Russian, there is a work that so fully and comprehensively addresses the complex problem of aesthetics, outlining the true and false criteria of chess beauty. At the same time, this is a collection of the most beautiful games of the past Century of Chess, and concentrated acquaintance with them will undoubtedly affect the reader’s chess imagination. Designed for the widest circles of chess lovers.
39.31 $
One of the best cognitive books about chess. Colored illustrations on individual publishing stickers. The author in the form of fascinating essays with rich literary and illustrated material tells the reader about chess history and the role of chess in the culture and civilization of mankind. Foreword by David Bronstein. Translation from the Polish language by Nadezhda Lancut and Sofia Wilhelm.
40.55 $
1. Перед вами захватывающая история о легендарной шахматной битве в Рейкьявике (1972) между советским чемпионом Борисом Спасским и американским претендентом Бобби Фишером, эпическая конфронтация времен холодной войны и самый известный шахматный матч двадцатого века. Опираясь на ранее неизвестные документы и личные беседы с главными действующими лицами тех событий, авторы - известные британские журналисты Джон Айдинау и Дэвид Эдмондс - сумели создать настоящий триллер на шахматную тему! Роберт Джеймс Фишер (1943 г. р.) - международный гроссмейстер с 1958 г., чемпион мира по шахматам с 1972 г. Предлагаемый том охватывает период творчества с 1968 по 1972 годы (пятая - восьмая главы), где дополнительно включены три партии, сыгранные Фишером с компьютером в 1977 г. Перед партиями каждой главы следует подобранный составителями материал из интервью Фишера, ведущих гроссмейстеров и мастеров, специальных корреспондентов шахматных изданий, а к партиям седьмой главы подобраны тексты нот и заявлений Шахматной Федерации СССР. Партии сборника классифицированы по дебютам и снабжены поясняющими диаграммами, приведены таблицы турниров с участием Фишера, указатель партнеров и соответствующих партий, фотографии Фишера, а также личный счет Бобби с участниками "Матча Века" и другая статистика. Двухтомник "744 партии Бобби Фишера" является юбилейным изданием, посвященным 20-летию победы Фишера в матче за звание чемпиона мира ФИДЕ. Приводятся биографические материалы одиннадцатого чемпиона мира, выдвигаются новые версии ухода Фишера из больших шахмат. Собраны отклики экспертов на его сенсационное возвращение 20 лет спустя, приведены партии “матча-реванша”, прошедшего в 1992 г. в Югославии.
41.38 $
In the book, based on an analysis of the process of choosing a turn, the main intellectual functions of chess players are determined. A real increase in sportsmanship is supposed by intensifying the training of the evaluation function. In order to master the methodology, 30 positions are given for evaluation with answers in well-known sign and proposed quantitative forms. The issues of the effects of playing chess on the body's systems that are "targets" are covered. General recommendations and modern health remedies are offered, including pharmacological correction, aromatherapy, reflexotherapy, exercise and massage to increase the mental performance of chess players. As one of the methods for an objective assessment of the effectiveness of these tools, 240 tactical positions are proposed for solving. Informed recommendations are given to parents and trainers on the prevention of the specific effect of playing chess on the children's organism. The content of the book is aimed at chess players of various qualifications and age, parents, coaches and organizers of chess sports.
41.38 $
Vadim Teplitsky - an engineer-economist, journalist, chess historian. Author of more than 20 books, including monographs on the history of chess, as well as over 400 articles, essays, reports, poems, humoresque, parodies, epigrams published in Ukrainian, Israeli, Russian and American media, as well as on the Internet. Candidate master in chess. Co-author of the Encyclopedic Dictionary & laquo; Chess & raquo;
41.38 $
Dmitry Donskoy is the chief chess photographer in the USSR. Staff photographer Brezhnev, Yeltsin and ... Karpova! Note: the book is not chess, but there are chess photographs. Coated paper. Color illustrations.
- Chess computer - Grandmaster EXCALIBUR. Big convenient professional board. 5 cm cage! 750.00 $
- Soviet chess "Simza" 60.00 $
A training manual from the famous trainer A.V. Getmanchuk. Set of 5 books.
Getmanchuk 59.40 $ -
Not for long. Romantic novel
Amannazarov 4.00 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 5 with a wooden board. 117.00 $
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Concert for violin and orchestra
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Defense of the Caro-Cannes. Classical system
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