Chess textbook 1991-2023
20.69 $
Outstanding chess player (and no less outstanding pianist) Mark Taimanov played more than 4000 games for his more than half a century career. In his inherent manner, combining an exquisite syllable, erudition and artistry, he will tell about his 60 most memorable fights. Being a versatile gifted person, Taimanov at the blackboard also demonstrated masterly mastery of all the components of chess mastery. Brilliant combinational attacks, fine positional maneuvering, honed - in the collection there will be masterpieces for every taste. The author's division into chapters on thematic features makes the book not only a fascinating reading, but also an excellent teaching aid.
10.37 $
A chess game is a kind of dialogue, in which each side seeks to prove its case. But to do this, you need to have certain skills. In order to develop them for beginning chess players, this book is intended. Having learned to solve the examples given in the first part (tasks 1 - 288), the young reader will reach the level of the third level. To achieve even greater success, chess players need to master the combinational way of resolving the conflict in the party. It is the combination that brings the greatest satisfaction and aesthetic pleasure to chess lovers. Getting acquainted with examples of creativity of famous masters and grandmasters, the reader will have the opportunity to participate in the creation of these small masterpieces. You can check yourself by looking at the answers given in the middle of the book.
16.67 $
The book is intended for chess players of the 3rd level. It has 50 tests, 12 examples each. The test is performed for one and a half to two hours. For the correct decision of one or another example you get a certain number of points (from one to three). The sum of the points, typed at the decision of positions of one test, will allow to judge the level of your preparation.
12.00 $
Practical play is often called the prose of chess, and the composition is called poetry. This book will introduce you into the wonderful and pre-corn world of chess poetry, will acquaint you with the art of chess composition - a truly inexhaustible area of ancient and wise play. From the many thousands of treasures of tasks and sketches, the author tried to choose samples of masterpieces, as well as works of half-forgotten composers of the past, whose names and creativity must be revived.
8.29 $
How to prepare and conduct an attack on the king. The book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in improving their chess skills.
USA, in English, a test-tutorial for practitioners, an enlarged format. What wins chess games? More than anything else, organized and efficient thinking. But chess thinking is specialized. Even Albert Einstein was a confessed chess duffer. It's not so much how smart you are. The effects of memorizing moves, one of the most widespread attempts to improve, pale beside the results of learning. How to Think in Chess is the rare book that explains in the clear terms the techniques.
The trainer of the highest qualification, the father of one of the strongest young chess players of the world, I.Slavina, acts as the author of a systematic course of chess containing the richest educational material. Each volume in hardcover, high-quality and inexpensive! The author-trainer of the highest category offers 900 educational positions for material gain and 300 miniature tasks. The necessary methodological recommendations for the effective use of this didactic material are given. The book is intended for fans of chess, coaches, young chess players and their parents.
43.33 $
Spielmann's book represents the first attempt to systematize and classify a variety of victims used in the chess game. In the second part, the authors tried to show, with concrete examples, those changes in the implementation combinations that occurred over almost a century. The classic work of brilliant tactics is supplemented by a large selection of spectacular combinations arranged by theme.
12.41 $
A manual on blockade victims of figures on the 3rd (6th) horizontal. In the brochure 153 parties. The work presented to the attention of readers is devoted to a single combination - the blocking victim of the figure (from the horse to the queen) on the sixth (third) series. In the creative heritage of the world champion, we managed to find more than 20 examples on this topic. In most cases, he was the first performer of this brilliant combination. Therefore, it should rightly be called "Block Alyokhin." In the book, 153 games played at different times and at different levels: from simultaneous games to matches for the world championship. They show that this combination is firmly in modern chess. The manual is intended for chess clubs and schools, as well as for a wide range of chess lovers.
50.00 $
Это уникальный учебник для начинающих, написанный в форме увлекательной фантастической истории про марсианского мальчика, его бабушку, богиню шахмат Киасу и друга Сера. Скажем честно: ничего подобного в детской шахматной литературе ещё не было! Легкий стиль и занимательное изложение, внешне шутливая, но глубоко продуманная подача материала позволят даже самому непоседливому ребенку, не отвлекаясь, непринужденно освоить правила игры, помогут ему одерживать победы не только в шахматах, но и в жизни.С первых же страниц книги маленький шахматист узнаёт много нового, словно бы исподволь начинает чувствовать принципы взаимодействия фигур, осваивает важнейшие понятия игры: кратчайшая дорога, шахматное время, выигрыш темпа, двойной удар, защита и нападение, жертва и завлечение... Основной принцип изложения предельно прост: детям никогда не должно быть скучно! Именно таков волшебный ключик, который откроет перед вашим ребёнком дверь в загадочную страну шахмат. Будучи полностью выполненной в цвете, книга богато иллюстрирована замечательным детским художником Геннадием Соколовым, а потому может стать прекрасным подарком. Тираж первого учебника для начинающих – «От А до...», написанного Мариной и Сергеем ещё в 1995-м году, разошёлся очень быстро, однако эта книга до сих пор используется многими опытными тренерами как удобное учебно-методическое пособие. Коротко об авторах: Марина и Сергей Макарычевы – ведущие «Шахматного обозрения» на телеканалах «НТВ-плюс», «НТВ-мир» и «НТВ-Америка» – посвятили 15 лет развитию шахмат во всем мире, выпустив более 2000 телепрограмм, множество документальных фильмов и уроков.
34.55 $
"Chess textbook" is intended for those who want to improve their game (from beginners to first-rate players) and chess coaches. It is a systematic chess course (except for debuts), including general information about the chess game and chess sport, various kinds of advantages in the chess game, combinations, attack on the king, endgame technique, the basis of strategy. The coach, having this book, can work with students "offline", attracting additional directories on debuts and tournament collections. The educational material relies mainly on parties - masterpieces of world chess. The book also contains many examples from children's tournaments with typical mistakes, which is important for chess players of lower ranks. On the main sections of the textbook are numerous exercises (tasks for independent solutions). At the end of the book answers are given. Although the book emphasizes the education of children, it can be used by a wide range of chess enthusiasts and qualified chess players, regardless of age.
- Vynil Roll-up GO board 12.50 $
- 77.50 $
- Wooden magnetic chess with a Royal board (Art K) 70.00 $
- Wooden Staunton Magnetic Chess (Black lodgment) 60.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with a Staunton 5 weight in a box. (Art K) 42.50 $
- GO Game Kit 42.50 $
- Nylon Fabric Giant Chess and Checker Mat 300.00 $
- GIANT GARDEN CHESS PIECE. White and black 1499.75 $
- Checkers floor giant (park, garden) 437.50 $