Chess textbook 1991-2023
7.94 $
In this edition, the international grandmaster, honored trainer of the USSR, mentor of ex-world champion B. Spassky - I. Z. Bondarevsky explains the combination theory, reveals the motives and ideas of various combinations characteristic of the middle of the game. A very important section is the application, where examples of previously obtained theoretical knowledge are consolidated. Designed for a wide range of chess lovers.
7.94 $
a) M. 1960 - $ 2.4 b) M. 1965 - $ 2.8 c) M. 1982 - $ 1.2
8.03 $
The "C" book is the continuation of the series of remakes. The tasks in it will be more complicated than in the previous ones. In the first part of the book, the mate will have to be put in 2 turns. And you will learn how to bring the matting figures and push the enemy king onto the pitching field. The second part of the book is devoted to heavy figures. They are best suited to pick up the king on an empty board. You will get acquainted with all the techniques that are used in the finals of rook and queen endings. We understood the king. And it's time to take up the destruction of enemy figures. From whom do we begin? Of course, with the queen! He is the strongest - so we'll start with him. In the third part of the book you are waiting for tasks to surround and capture the all-powerful figure. The book is intended for chess players 3-4 categories
8.03 $
Решебник. Шахматные комбинации. 1-2 разряд, 1700-2000 Elo. 3-я книжка серии «Решебники для разрядников» обогатит вас более изысканным тактическим оружием. Не всегда до короля можно добраться, используя грубую силу. Попробуйте действовать хитростью! Маскируйте свои действия, как разведчик, и ведите себя, как опытный дипломат. Найдите слабое место в лагере противника и в нужный момент уничтожьте защиту и нанесите тонкий кинжальный удар. Чужие фигуры могут стать союзниками. Умелыми маневрами привлеките фигуры противника к их королю, пусть они его заблокируют так, чтобы он не мог пошевелиться, и в этот момент нанесите решающий удар. Плохо, когда все фигуры вашего противника отлично взаимодействуют. Попробуйте вбить клин в их порядки – перекрыть их прочной шахматной дверью. А так ли страшна атака противника на ваши укрепления? Стоит ли уходить в глухую оборону? Всегда ищите контрудар. Тонкий промежуточный укол может изменить ход борьбы! Если ваши фигуры сгрудились на небольшом пространстве и мешают друг другу добраться до короля противника – решите, кому пора идти на штурм королевской крепости, и освободите пространство фигуре для атаки. Короля всегда нужно защищать в первую очередь. Используйте это обстоятельство и совершите открытое нападение на него и другие фигуры. И тогда жернова вашей «мельницы» перемелют все вражеское войско. Казалось бы, король противника надежно прикрыт своей свитой. Но под мощным рентгеновским лучом ваших линейных фигур в позиции соперника сразу обнаружатся трещины и дыры!
8.07 $
Are you looking for a textbook that will help your child take his first steps in chess? Do you want to get an advantage in a match with your regular rival? Or do you have free time and want to do a mental workout? If you answered & laquo; yes & raquo; for at least one of these questions, the book you are holding is useful to you. It will be useful to those who are interested in chess, but are not familiar with the rules of the game. The author, drawing on many years of experience with beginners, outlined these complex rules in a concise and understandable language for a child. But the real & laquo; zest & raquo; is the section & laquo; Chess Workshop & raquo ;. The tasks were selected very well, their solution will bring you and your children a real pleasure. For children of preschool and primary school age, teachers, parents.
8.28 $
We hope that you have reached a high chess level and maybe even performed a chess rank. Book "D" will help you improve your chess skills. In this book we will get acquainted with the figures sitting in the ambush! It's important that you make friends with them. And then the figures will pop up at the right time, and you will be able to achieve a decisive advantage in the fight against the strongest enemy. An open (double) check allows you to pick up the king. Also, an open check is useful for winning material, since the outgoing figure is capable of committing a dangerous attack or capture. The book is intended for chess players of the 3rd level. < / span>
Notebooks contain entertaining assignments that will help the child learn the basics of the chess game. Working with notebooks, the child will help the scattered artist: correct his mistakes, guess the riddles. In the workbooks, the material corresponding to the Chess program, the third year, is included, the textbook for schoolchildren & Chess, the third year, or the Secrets of the royal game & raquo; and a manual for the teacher & laquo; Chess, the third year, or I study and teach & raquo ;. Notebooks are designed for the third year of study in any grade of primary school.
8.28 $
The Notebook contains entertaining assignments that will help children learn the basics of the chess game. Work with the notebook, the student will solve chess problems, helping the scattered artist, as well as perform entertaining tasks. The notebook is intended for the third year of schooling in the third or fourth grade of primary school.
Notebooks contain entertaining assignments that will help the child learn the basics of the chess game. Working with notebooks, the child will help the scattered artist: correct his mistakes, guess the riddles. Worksheets include the material that corresponds to the Chess program, the second year, the textbook for schoolchildren & Chess, the second year, or Play and win & raquo; and a tutorial for the teacher & laquo; Chess, the second year, or I study and teach & raquo ;. Notebooks are designed for the second year of study in any grade of primary school. In the case of notebooks in the first class, it is not necessary to perform assignments related to the use of chess notation and recording, and most of the problems can be solved only by arrows.
- Vynil Roll-up GO board 12.50 $
- 77.50 $
- Wooden magnetic chess with a Royal board (Art K) 70.00 $
- Wooden Staunton Magnetic Chess (Black lodgment) 60.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with a Staunton 5 weight in a box. (Art K) 42.50 $
- GO Game Kit 42.50 $
- Nylon Fabric Giant Chess and Checker Mat 300.00 $
- GIANT GARDEN CHESS PIECE. White and black 1499.75 $
- Checkers floor giant (park, garden) 437.50 $