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    41.67 $
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    The answer book of an international grandmaster and an experienced coach (among whose students is A. Grischuk) Bloch's Maxim contains over 1200 combinations from practical games and specially compiled examples. All tasks are characterized by intense struggle, in which the goal is achieved by single moves. The book is intended for both young and adult amateurs, and for masters. The arrangement of examples by topic allows you to use the book not only as a task book, but also as a textbook. Of particular interest are over two hundred specially compiled by the author overstressed positions in which white wins the only way during the course of white, and black wins during the course of black. These examples, as well as over 50 fragments from the parties of the author and his students, are published for the first time.

    21.67 $
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    In his new book, grandmaster Zenon Franco deeply analyzes the 69 instructive victories of the 11th world champion Robert Fischer. The book is not overloaded with options, the emphasis – with detailed explanations in a move-by-move style, creating an ideal platform for learning chess. In the "reference" At points in each game, the reader is offered test questions, which helps both the practical study of key techniques of the chess game and the reliable assimilation of acquired knowledge. Questions and answers engage the reader in the learning process and help him track his growth in chess strength. The appendix provides a critical analysis of the unsatisfactory translation of Robert Fisher's famous book “My 60 Memorable Games.”

    23.33 $
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    Grandmaster Carlos Torre – like a chess comet; his genius flashed dazzlingly and quickly went out in the chess firmament! He – the author of the most famous “mill” in the history of chess, the 2nd world champion Emanuel Lasker fell into its merciless millstones. The authors spoke about the life and work of the Mexican genius (the book contains 25 commentated games by K. Torre). Torre’s book “How a Chess Player is Formed” is presented, an essay by international master Yaroslav Prizant about Torre’s attack in modern practice. In the section "Play like Torre" – 36 instructive examples from his practice to solve. Finally, there is an interview with Carlos Torre, conducted by Gabriel Velasco in 1977. Working with the book will give readers not only aesthetic pleasure, but will also help improve their skills.

    18.33 $
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    21.67 $
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    International Master Tibor Karolyi and FIDE Master Tigran Gozalyan have prepared a major work (in two volumes) about the life and work of the 9th world chess champion Tigran Petrosyan (he held the title from 1963 to 1969).  Volume II (1963-1984) tells about Petrosyan's victory in the 1963 world title match over Mikhail Botvinnik, about the grandiose two-match confrontation with Boris Spassky in 1966 and 1969, about all his candidates' matches after losing the title – against Bobby Fischer, Viktor Korchnoi and other world-class opponents. All tournaments and matches of the second half of Petrosian's chess career are presented, up to his last performances in 1983. The authors subjected 175 complete games and fragments to an in-depth analysis (using modern computers). Not all of them have been deeply studied and commented on before, but even then the book provides a significantly improved analysis. Among Petrosyan’s opponents – world champions and contenders Kasparov, Karpov, Fischer, Spassky, Tal, Smyslov, Botvinnik, Korchnoi and Bronstein, as well as Timman, Larsen, Reshevsky, Belyavsky, Polugaevsky, Portisch, Romanishin and many others. Special attention is paid to his coaches – Alexey Suetin and Igor Zaitsev. 

    50.00 $
  • The size of the board when folded is 35x17.5 cm. The size of the board when unfolded is 35x35 cm. Cage size is 3x3 cm  King height 6.6 cm. Base diameter 2.2 cm. Pawn height 3.1 cm. Base diameter 2 cm. Backgammon - checker 2.1 cm. Weight 830 g. Includes backgammon chips and dice Chess board and backgammon chips can be used to play checkers Manufacturer Poland

    148.00 $
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    15.00 $
  • Chess was invented in the 5th century AD in India and spread throughout the world. The uniqueness of this game is that it still covers the minds of everyone - from young to old! Chess combines elements of science and sports. They develop logic, perseverance, attentiveness, analytical thinking and memory.  Checkers is a fun, dynamic and relatively simple game. Every country in the world has it. It is comparatively easier to find a partner here than in chess. Backgammon – one of the oldest known board games. It is known that it came to us from the East. First, you need to master the basic techniques, so that later you can boldly apply various tricks during the game.  Cage length: 4.5 cm. King height: 8.8cm King base diameter: 2.8 cm The length and width of the field when unfolded: 44 X 44 cm. Material: wood Country of origin: China.

    84.48 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is dedicated to the strongest piece on the chessboard – to the queen. Using the example of episodes from games of modern grandmasters (the vast majority of games date back to 2020-2023) and his own grandmaster practice, the author tries to generalize, and in some places even clarify the methodology for understanding and playing queen endings, as well as other types of endgames with the presence of queens ) On the desk. The book presents various ratios of material – “queen against queen”, “queen and minor piece against queen and minor piece”, “queen and rook against queen and rook”, “queen against two rooks”, “queen against rook and pawns”, “ queen against a rook and a minor piece”, “two queens against two queens” – practically the entire spectrum of encountered endgames of this type. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get maximum benefit from studying the examples of queen endings and its other derivatives offered by the author. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans.

    18.33 $
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Chess textbook 1991-2023

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    15.71 $


    The book of the deserved trainer of Russia, grandmaster Alek- Sandra Kalinina is devoted to the questions of perfection. Tracing the formation of a chess player from beginner to level of the master, the author, based on personal experience, different training methods, warns about possible mistakes in this way. The overwhelming majority The book materials have not been published anywhere before and will be seen light start. In our time, the oversaturated computer- training sessions, the appearance of a book telling on the methods of improvement from the "human" point of view, undoubtedly, will be of interest for coaches and amateurs chess at all levels. Among the author's pupils is the triple Olympic pionka, two-time champion of Europe and Russia, champion- World and European blitz of Valentin Gunin; Olympic champion Olga Girya and many others.

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    13.09 $


    Includes color illustrations. Before you are a manual that will help you to consolidate knowledge of the basic chess rules. A large number of exercises on the moves of the figures and the check will avoid the wrong moves in the game. Solving problems on the mat in 1 move, double blow and a bunch will tell you such combinations in lots, which will bring you beautiful victories! The author is Dorofeeva Anna Gennadievna, international master, European champion among girls, double champion of Moscow among women, teacher in chess. Good luck!

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    12.41 $


    Автор – мастер спорта СССР, тренер ФИДЕ. Среди его учени- ков чемпион мира среди школьников до 7 лет Дерек Лим, чемпион мира до 18 лет Самвел Тер-Саакян и др. В книге раскрывается малоисследованная, но важная, яркая и очень увлекательная тема – игра королем в дебюте и миттельшпи- ле. Король может не только прятаться в убежище, но и принимать активное участие в обороне и даже совершать марш-бросок через всю доску, чтобы помочь поставить мат неприятельскому монарху! «Чувством короля» обладали все чемпионы мира. Автор особенно выделяет в их ряду В. Стейница, Т. Петросяна и А. Карпова. Совре- менные гроссмейстеры также хорошо владеют игрой королем, в чем читатель убедится, разбирая приведенные в книге партии Н. Шор- та, И. Чепаринова, Ван Хао, Я. Непомнящего и др. Включив умение играть королем в арсенал стратегических приемов, вы повысите свое мастерство и станете лучше понимать шахматы в целом. "С Тиграном Гезаляном я знаком практически с той поры, как я начал играть в шахматы. Учитывая то, что он человек очень начитанный и чуткий , для моих родителей был всегда желанным собеседником, и порой помогал советами в пору моего становления. Большинство учеников Тиграна имеют очень важные особенности - они хорошо эрудированны и бесстрашны. Один из моих секундантов и друзей гроссмейстер Самвел Тер-Саакян имеет все эти положительные качества как игрок и человек , так как является учеником Гезаляна. Тема которую поднимает автор, впервые была введена в практику первым чемпионом мира по шахматам Вильгельмом Стейницем. Абсолютно новаторская идея, особенно в век, когда игроки жертвовали комплекты фигур ради того, чтобы вытащить короля на прогулку, была принята с прохладцей. Как это так - король может сам себя защитить?! Потребовалось много времени, чтоб игроки начали использовать короля без опаски, но и до сих пор порой можно увидеть гроссмейстеров которые боятся оставлять короля в центре. Данная книга в деталях освещает эту редкую тему, и надеюсь, что любой читатель найдет в ней для себя много нового о нашей любимой игре." Левон АРОНЯН, гроссмейстер.

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    18.32 $


    The famous Danish grandmaster and theorist Lars Bo Khan- sen offers to get acquainted with the greatest shah- matists - from the Romantic era to our days, - including Magnus Carlsen. The author tells about chess kings and the main contenders for this title as the most outstanding expressors of ideas that determined the development of chess thought in their era. The study of classical samples at such an angle vision allows us to recognize the underlying motives and principles of the game and in extremely complicated for the last decade struggle of modern grandmasters. Like approach will help the reader to significantly improve the strategic understanding and raising the level of their game. For a wide range of chess fans.

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    20.04 $


    This textbook covers all the elements of a chess game and is actually a complete course for preparing chess players up to and including the 1st grade. It contains the most interesting theoretical findings, the brightest combinations and the best games of the strongest chess players of different playing styles, which allowed the author to reveal additional facets of chess in the educational material. Tasks for independent work will help in consolidating all the above topics. The textbook is written primarily with the expectation of the possibility of self-study, although it should be a great helper for a children's trainer. The book is written in a lively, figurative language and will be fascinating for all readers.

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    20.15 $


    Fourth Edition! This textbook covers all the elements of a chess game and is actually a complete course for preparing chess players up to and including the 1st grade. It contains the most interesting theoretical findings, the brightest combinations and the best games of the strongest chess players of different playing styles, which allowed the author to reveal additional facets of chess in the educational material. Tasks for independent work will help in consolidating all the above topics. The textbook is written primarily with the expectation of the possibility of self-study, although it should be a great helper for a children's trainer. The book is written in a lively, figurative language and will be fascinating for all readers.

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    13.66 $


    Positional sacrifices, improvement of the position of the figures, protection of difficult positions, prevention, construction and destruction of fortresses - this is something that every amateur and even a professional needs to improve their tournament results and raise the rating. All this you will find in the textbook of the world champion among young men, American grandmaster Daniel Naroditsky, who turned out to be not only a chess prodigy, but also an excellent born writer who can clearly and distinctly explain to the reader the essence of positional chess. To read such a book is both interesting and instructive. The preface of the two-time champion of the USSR Lev Psakhs.

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    A guide for chess lovers of all ages. Its pocket format will allow the reader to improve his skills both on a long journey and during leisure hours. This book presents: chess rules, popular debuts, examples in the middle game and endgame, illustrated with beautiful diagrams, a dictionary of chess terms.

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    28.97 $


    A chess master, experienced trainer and psychologist worked for seven years on a book that has a clear practical focus. On numerous examples, logically and simply explain the key concepts in their relationship. At the end of the 1st volume are placed detailed graphical diagrams, giving a presentation of additional visibility. The manuscript was carefully read by A. Morozevich. The book is perfectly published.

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    The author of this book is an experienced chess master and teacher, a specialist in logic and psychology. His `Young chess player's book` was recognized as the best one at the All-Union competition, published in 1966 and reissued in 1994 in Moscow. In the same year his popular book `Gift to a Young Chess Player` was published. The new book was conceived as an exposition based on the work of the strongest chess players of the past and present, the modern understanding of the middlegame (the middle of the game), the most important stage of the chess game, but went far beyond this topic. It deals with the chess game as a whole, and therefore with its other stages; the psychological nuances of the chess struggle, the role of the human factor in it; advice is given on how to study theory and how to apply this knowledge to the game.

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    14.48 $


    The author of this book is an experienced chess master and teacher, a specialist in logic and psychology. His `Young chess player's book` was recognized as the best one at the All-Union competition, published in 1966 and reissued in 1994 in Moscow. In the same year his popular book `Gift to a Young Chess Player` was published. The book is of interest both for chess players and coaches of high qualification, and for amateurs, to whom it can serve as a textbook. The theory questions are presented in it concisely and simply, there are exercises and parties for independent analysis, visual diagrams, indexes of strategic and tactical ideas, partners and debuts.

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    18.32 $


    For a long time grandmaster Vyacheslav Ehingorn was one him from the legislators of the world debut chess fashion. AT During his career, he demonstrated many ideas, and some of the continuations that he has introduced, and now The main lines, as, for example, the system Lb1 in defense of Grünfeld. In this original textbook, the author reveals secrets debut preparation, tells how to find a no- Winky, it would seem, from scratch, and explains how the reader can do the same. Among the topics he raised, such fascinating and important, as experiments in the debut, violated the equilibrium, strategic planning, universal debut positions ... Separately, you can note the magnificent The language in which the book is written, easy to read, with well-defined aphorisms