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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is  the final link in a series of publications by the author, directed  to study the classical endgame using examples of modern games   grandmasters. This time the subject of the study – light piece endgames. Clarification of the methodology for working on this stage of the game, as well as the main features and methods of playing such endings. Examples  taken from the practice of modern grandmasters and dated back to 2020-2023. The author offers the reader the most recent and unique information. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get the maximum  benefit from studying the examples offered by the author  queen endings and its  other derivatives. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans

    18.33 $
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    The corpus of this textbook includes two significant works by the world chess champion, scientist and prominent teacher Max Euwe — "Self‑help chess game", created in collaboration with G. Den-Hertog, and "Chess Lessons". The first work is designed for beginners, the second for more experienced chess players. The book is a real chess tutorial in the true sense of the word. This is expressed not only in the appropriate distribution of the material and the method of presentation, designed to awaken the initiative of the student, but also in numerous practical exercises offered to the reader after explaining each new concept or technique.The textbook primarily attracts the methodology of presentation of the material, the principles of which will be useful for coaches and teachers of chess sections and circles. For a wide range of chess fans.

    25.00 $
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    «The idea of continuing the autobiographical book “Steps” has been in the air almost since the moment it was written. Despite the bullet point at the end of the book in the form of a victory over Magnus Carlsen, my chess career continued for another full 14 years, and the subsequent stormy socio-political career is only gaining momentum.” (V. Bologan).  The book contains 75 games commented in detail and a number of fragments. A frank story about the life and professional path, about cooperation with the leading grandmasters and coaches of the world (among them - A. Karpov, G. Kasparov, Yu. Polgar, Zhu Chen, R. Ponomarev, A. Shirov, A. Morozevich, A. Onischuk, A. Ryazantsev, E. Inarkiev, M. Al-Mudakhka, M. Dvoretsky, M. Podgaets, V. Chebanenko, Z. Lanka and others), about political activities in the Parliament of Moldova and about work in FIDE are complemented by numerous photographs.   For a wide range of chess lovers.

    36.67 $
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    50.00 $
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    This new book by the many-times world champion Anatoly Karpov and the author of more than fifty books, grandmaster Nikolay Kalinichenko, is devoted to one of the most complicated and strategically deep openings & mdash; the Queen's Gambit Declined. Using games played by the strongest grandmasters, it describes the interesting ideas which have appeared in the main development systems of this opening. Along with games from recent years, the book presents the most important encounters from the chess heritage. And of course, it includes games by Anatoly Karpov himself & mdash; a great expert on the Queen's Gambit, who generously shares with the reading his unique understanding of the concepts involved. The book is aimed at strong players, but it will also be of interest to a wide range of chess enthusiasts.

    36.00 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is dedicated to the strongest piece on the chessboard – to the queen. Using the example of episodes from games of modern grandmasters (the vast majority of games date back to 2020-2023) and his own grandmaster practice, the author tries to generalize, and in some places even clarify the methodology for understanding and playing queen endings, as well as other types of endgames with the presence of queens ) On the desk. The book presents various ratios of material – “queen against queen”, “queen and minor piece against queen and minor piece”, “queen and rook against queen and rook”, “queen against two rooks”, “queen against rook and pawns”, “ queen against a rook and a minor piece”, “two queens against two queens” – practically the entire spectrum of encountered endgames of this type. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get maximum benefit from studying the examples of queen endings and its other derivatives offered by the author. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans.

    18.33 $
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    The authors continue to study typical opening and middlegame positions. Royal Fortress No. 2 has pawns on squares f7, g6, h7 (or f2, g3, h2), and they are usually joined by another defender – bishop on g7 (g2). This formation is called fianchetto, it is found in many popular openings, such as the Catalan Opening, King's Indian Defense, Grunfeld Defense and a number of others.  The authors analyze in detail the techniques of attack, defense and counterattack. Most examples – from the creativity of modern chess players (for example, a separate chapter is dedicated to the strongest Russian grandmaster Ian Nepomniachtchi); they are complemented by parts that have become a classical heritage. The book contains about 300 positions for independent solution, so it is not only a textbook, but also a solid problem book. Grandmaster Konstantin Chernyshov, head of the Interregional Grandmaster School in Kostroma, and his daughter International Master Natalya Kareva – experienced coaches, whose students include grandmasters and masters, champions of Russia and Europe among juniors.  The book is addressed to young chess players and their mentors. 

    20.00 $
  • Made in Holland. Chess computer "Centaur" easy to use. You can easily install any language. Using the touch panel  40x40 cm (cell size 48 x 48 mm) you can easily move the figures. The sensors will record strokes. The board has a capacious rechargeable internal battery. The uniqueness of the computer is that it quickly adapts to  your playing strength (from beginner to grandmaster) so that you have the right opponent. Centaur will help you analyze the game so as not to make the same mistakes and improve your chess skill. Please note, computer is not compatible to connect to your PC or online chess. The set includes USB cable and DGT electronic chess pieces . Height of the king is 86mm.  

    1333.30 $
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    This tutorial is addressed to those who want to learn to play chess on their own and improve further. The lesson-based method of presentation, as well as numerous exercises, contribute to the consistent assimilation of the rules and laws that form the basis of the chess game. The book contains extensive educational material, which is presented to the reader in accordance with modern pedagogical principles. The purpose of this manual is to train chess players of the III category (rating up to 1800). The textbook can also be used for classes in groups - it covers the material of existing programs of the first year of study in children's and youth chess schools.

    23.33 $
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    In the vast ocean of chess literature there are relatively few books about the endgame, and only a few of them can be considered true chess classics. And the most outstanding among the classics — Reuben Fine's book "Basic Chess Endings". Reuben Fine (1914−1993) was for a long time one of the best chess players in the world. As an author, Fine showed himself to be an excellent analyst who understood the full depth and peculiarities of the endgame. Having studied various types of standard positions, Fine established useful rules for practical play and proved himself to be an experienced teacher who, using skillfully chosen examples, was able to teach the reader all the necessary lessons and introduce him to the basic ideas of the endgame. Many generations of chess players in different countries of the world keep copies of “Basic Chess Endings”. For example, Mikhail Botvinnik considered Fine's work the most worthy of all that had ever been written on endgame theory.

    35.00 $
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Books 1946-1990

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    5.53 $


    Книга посвящена творчеству международного гроссмейстера, заслуженного тренера СССР Э.Е. Гуфельда. Яркий самобытный стиль игры, талант журналиста и комментатора, тренерская деятельность снискали ему большую популярность в шахматном мире. В книге представлены лучшие партии Гуфельда, его воспоминания и аналитические статьи. Очерк о спортивном пути гроссмейстера написан журналистом В. Теплицким, а в предисловии к книге своими впечатлениями о творчестве Гуфельда делятся Г. Каспаров, М. Таль и М. Тайманов.

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    10.37 $


    The reader is waiting for this book a lot of interesting pages. The authors attempted to recreate on the basis of historical evidence a picture of the chess creativity of one of the most original grandmasters of their time, DM Yanovsky (1868-1927). Bright combination talent, fearlessness, artistry in the game earned Yanovsky great popularity. Part of the games is commented by Yanovsky himself, as well as by Em. Lasker, Tarrash, Chigorin, Marco, Capablanca, Alekhine, Tartakover and others. Designed for highly qualified chess players.

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    7.60 $


    The book is dedicated to the work of one of the most important chess players of the postwar period - the international grandmaster V.Simagin. The book contains memories of people who knew this chess player. The chess creative work of the grandmaster is widely represented. Among the authors of memories and comments to the parties are M. Botvinnik, Yu. Averbakh, E. Houfeld, A. Soutin, I. Kan, J. Estrin and other famous masters.

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    10.37 $


    Эмануил Ласкер - первый из шахматистов нашего века, кто последовательно и логически строго изложил свое шахматное мировоззрение и, базируясь на нем, достиг успехов, которые никому не удалось повторить и, вероятно, никогда не удастся. Книга доктора экономических наука и шахматного литератора Б. Вайнштейна посвящена именно Эмануилу Ласкеру, второму чемпиону мира, удерживавшему высокий титул в течение 27 лет. Автор обстоятельно прослеживает все этапы его необыкновенной спортивной карьеры, показывает его не только как шахматиста, но и как ученого - философа и математика. В книге приводится 108 партий Эм. Ласкера, из них 47 прокомментированы таким образом, что каждая представляет собой как бы новеллу из жизни великого шахматиста. Книга предназначена для высококвалифицированных шахматистов.

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    31.09 $


    This book tells about the work of one of the outstanding chess players - D. Bronstein. The author, a longtime friend of the grandmaster, describes the life path and creative views of his hero and cites his games.

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    0.00 $


    The table of contents, see the photo.

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    The famous Weltgeschichte series. In games after every five moves a chart is given that allows you to watch fights on the road, without a board.

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    74.86 $


    Знаменитая серия Weltgeschichte. В партиях после каждых пяти ходов дается диаграмма, что позволяет смотреть поединки в дороге, без доски.

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    The famous Weltgeschichte series. In games after every five moves a chart is given that allows you to watch fights on the road, without a board.

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    The famous Weltgeschichte series. In the games, after every five moves, a chart is given that allows you to watch fights on the road, without a board.