Books 1946-1990
26.89 $
В своей книге экс-чемпион мира рассказывает о творческом пути, делится своими взглядами на шахматную игру, знакомит с лучшими партиями, специально отобранными и прокомментированными для этой книги. Из этой книги читатель узнает о большом вкладе В. Смыслова в теорию шахмат. Издание предназначено высококвалифицированным шахматистам.
26.89 $
Биография, партии и композиции одного из сильнейших шахматистов XIX века.
26.95 $
Here are 100 of Rubenstein's best games against such opponents as Euwe, Janowski, Kashdan, Marshall, Tarrasch, and many others. His highly original contributions to chess theory cannot be overlooked by any serious player.
26.95 $
In this book, the American grandmaster, world champion introduces 60 of his games to the reader. These are not always the best of his games (three of them are played by Fisher), but they necessarily contain something memorable to the author. All 60 games commented in this book were played in the period 1957-1967 with strict observance of the tournament regulations. Parties are commented carefully and in detail by Fisher. Each game is preceded by a small, but accurate, characteristic written by GM Evans. The book helps to understand what is the true place of the outstanding American chess player in world chess. This book gives the key to unlocking one of the main secrets of Fisher's success - this is his exceptional dedication to the art of chess, incessant creative burning. The book fully reveals this secret, and that is its lasting value. Designed for qualified chess players.
27.64 $
An outstanding book by an outstanding Danish grandmaster in the original language. First edition.
27.64 $
The 2nd supplemented publication about the founder of chess in Russia. `Petrov Alexander Dmitrievich (1.2.1794, p. Biserovo, Pskov province., - 10.4.1867, Warsaw), the first Russian chess master, chess. theorist and composer, founder of the first chess club in Russia (St. Petersburg Society of Chess Game Lovers). The writer. State Councillor. In 1804-1840 he lived in St. Petersburg, from 1840 - in Warsaw. He played chess from the age of 7. In 1809 he won the match against one of the best Petersburgers. chess players A. Kopiev. For half a century he was the strongest chess player in Russia. He won the matches of K. Janis in the 1840s. (with handicap), S. Urusova - 3: 1 (1853) and 13: 7 (1859), I. Shumova - 4: 2 (1862). Bright master of combinational style.`
27.72 $
Two books about Petrosian under one cover: Vic. Vasilyev Life of a chess player and A.Soutin Selected parties of Tigran Petrosyan.
28.79 $
Biography, the best games with comments, photos, a table of the tournament and match results of the youngest world champion in chess history.
28.97 $
Эта книга посвящена великим мастерам прошлого. Это собрание шахматных биографий неофициальных шахматных королей – Филидора, Лабурдоннэ, Стаунтона, Андерсена, Морфи, анализ созданных ими произведений. Хронологически работа Я.И.Нейштадта охватывает период с середины XVIII века до семидесятых годов XIX столетия. Особенно подробно автор останавливается на творчестве Андерсена и Морфи. Отличительной чертой книги является обстоятельный шахматный анализ, в результате которого ход борьбы во многих классических партиях получил новое освещение. Книга является библиографической редкостью. Рассчитана на широкий круг любителей шахмат.
Chess composition in Azerbaijan / Азəрбаjҹанда шаhмат композисиjасы
Sarichev 62.50 $ -
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Lessons of Mastery. Second edition, revised
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Alexandra Goryachkina: On the way to the chess Olympus
Kryakvin 18.75 $ -
Complete Encyclopedia of Health by Dr. Zalmanov
Zalmanov 16.00 $ - Invitation Fide candidates tournament 2020 92.50 $
- 64 chess review No. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 for 2024 (Price per issue) 5.00 $
- Antique pre-revolutionary wooden chess 187.50 $
- DGT Timeless Wooden weighted Chess Set Handcrafted with Non-Folding Board 600.00 $