Books 1991-2023
10.37 $
A new book by the famous journalist, master and international arbiter, Jacob Ladies & mdash; this is in many ways a special look at the development of the Game, expressed by the author and his characters & mdash; outstanding chess players of the USSR, Russia, the world. The book reveals little-known or even unknown turns of chess history, which had a serious impact on the formation of an amazing, peculiar world of chess. For the widest range of readers.
38.00 $
This book is about beauty in chess - the very component of an ancient and wise game that remains forever. For the first time in Russian, there is a work that so fully and comprehensively addresses the complex problem of aesthetics, outlining the true and false criteria of chess beauty. At the same time, this is a collection of the most beautiful games of the past Century of Chess, and concentrated acquaintance with them will undoubtedly affect the reader’s chess imagination. Designed for the widest circles of chess lovers.
33.11 $
For the first time in chess literature, this book tells about record achievements and cases of honor in 100 nominations that are directly related to chess. Here you will find fascinating stories about the most-most games, people, tournaments, matches and events in the chess world.
10.34 $
This brilliant book in verse for children was written by Elena Danko - an outstanding Russian artist, writer, poetess. & nbsp; Colored autolithographs of the famous graphic artist, engraver, lithographer, book illustrator, professor Nikolai Kupreyanov. Reprint from the 1930 edition. An introduction to the chess world for the smallest chess players. & nbsp; & nbsp;
17.80 $
On coated paper. You have in your hands the first children's textbook on the Go board game, published in Russian. It will help to master the game from scratch in a week and make the learning process fun and exciting. The child will plunge into the world of adventure, will worry about the fate of treacherous pirates, solve interesting tasks with the heroes. Go & mdash; a unique way from an early age to develop logical and abstract thinking, memory and imagination, concentration and perseverance. Both hemispheres of the brain are involved in this game: for success they are needed as analytical thinking & mdash; ability to measure profits, calculate options, & mdash; and intuition & mdash; the ability to find harmony, build beautiful forms. Go's game is very popular among businessmen, politicians and scientists around the world. This game will not be taught at school, but you can give your child the opportunity to get to know it on their own. Snippet 1 Fragment 2 We also recommend: & nbsp;
13.50 $
On coated paper. You have in your hands the first children's textbook on the Go board game, published in Russian. It will help to master the game from scratch in a week and make the learning process fun and exciting. The child will plunge into the world of adventure, will worry about the fate of treacherous pirates, solve interesting tasks with the heroes. Go & mdash; a unique way from an early age to develop logical and abstract thinking, memory and imagination, concentration and perseverance. Both hemispheres of the brain are involved in this game: for success they are needed as analytical thinking & mdash; ability to measure profits, calculate options, & mdash; and intuition & mdash; the ability to find harmony, build beautiful forms. Go's game is very popular among businessmen, politicians and scientists around the world. This game will not be taught at school, but you can give your child the opportunity to get to know it on their own. Snippet 1 Fragment 2 We also recommend:
41.38 $
Dmitry Donskoy is the chief chess photographer in the USSR. Staff photographer Brezhnev, Yeltsin and ... Karpova! Note: the book is not chess, but there are chess photographs. Coated paper. Color illustrations.
14.48 $
Dymarsky and chess - you can write a special article on this topic ... And it was Dymarsky who was the first to report the victories of Mikhail Botvinnik, Vasily Smyslov, Mikhail Tal, Tigran Petrosyan, Boris Spassky. And the coverage of Spassky’s tumultuous duel with Robert Fisher must be entered in the & quot; Golden Book & quot; the history of Soviet radio. So skillfully, without losing face, Naum Aleksandrovich went in his reports between Scylla and Charybdis, between sports and politics & quot ;. The name of Naum Dymarsky is well known to the middle and older generations. In the 70-80s. of the last century, people learned from his radio and television reports about the main sports competitions in our country and abroad. The main love of his professional life was chess, with which he began his career as a journalist, working in the Radio Committee and the State Television and Radio. In 1994-2002 He lived in New York, worked on Russian-language television channels, wrote articles on sports topics. After returning to Moscow, he actively collaborated with the & quot; Russian newspaper & quot ;. & quot; ... His texts were distinguished by a clean language and non-standard ...
40.55 $
1. Перед вами захватывающая история о легендарной шахматной битве в Рейкьявике (1972) между советским чемпионом Борисом Спасским и американским претендентом Бобби Фишером, эпическая конфронтация времен холодной войны и самый известный шахматный матч двадцатого века. Опираясь на ранее неизвестные документы и личные беседы с главными действующими лицами тех событий, авторы - известные британские журналисты Джон Айдинау и Дэвид Эдмондс - сумели создать настоящий триллер на шахматную тему! Роберт Джеймс Фишер (1943 г. р.) - международный гроссмейстер с 1958 г., чемпион мира по шахматам с 1972 г. Предлагаемый том охватывает период творчества с 1968 по 1972 годы (пятая - восьмая главы), где дополнительно включены три партии, сыгранные Фишером с компьютером в 1977 г. Перед партиями каждой главы следует подобранный составителями материал из интервью Фишера, ведущих гроссмейстеров и мастеров, специальных корреспондентов шахматных изданий, а к партиям седьмой главы подобраны тексты нот и заявлений Шахматной Федерации СССР. Партии сборника классифицированы по дебютам и снабжены поясняющими диаграммами, приведены таблицы турниров с участием Фишера, указатель партнеров и соответствующих партий, фотографии Фишера, а также личный счет Бобби с участниками "Матча Века" и другая статистика. Двухтомник "744 партии Бобби Фишера" является юбилейным изданием, посвященным 20-летию победы Фишера в матче за звание чемпиона мира ФИДЕ. Приводятся биографические материалы одиннадцатого чемпиона мира, выдвигаются новые версии ухода Фишера из больших шахмат. Собраны отклики экспертов на его сенсационное возвращение 20 лет спустя, приведены партии “матча-реванша”, прошедшего в 1992 г. в Югославии.
10.34 $
This game, which brings together millions of fans around the world, has been four thousand years old. Its rules are simple, and countless options for strategic maneuvers go far beyond the capabilities of a modern computer! The book will provide an opportunity for beginners to gradually, step by step, master the techniques that will invariably lead to brilliant victories, and it will help experienced lovers to hone and improve their skills. Effectively and vividly written, this book will give you an undeniable advantage in mastering the technique and the opportunity to become an invincible player. We also recommend: & nbsp;
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64 chess review No. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 for 2024 (Price per issue) 5.00 $
Antique pre-revolutionary wooden chess 187.50 $
DGT Timeless Wooden weighted Chess Set Handcrafted with Non-Folding Board 600.00 $