Books 1946-1990
13.13 $
On the international matches of the USSR national team of chess players, played in 1954 during a tour. Travel notes, games, graduations of Smyslov, Petrosyan, Bronstein, Keres and others.
13.13 $
The works of Troitsky, Korolkov, L. Kubbel, Loshinsky, and others are presented. A lively, interesting narration about the poetry of chess.
13.13 $
About the biggest tournaments that left a trace in the history of chess, from 1851 to 1987. Tables, parties, the course of the tournament fight.
13.00 $
USSR-Italy informant, the editorial board included Averbakh, Smyslov and others; large gift set, printed in Italy.
12.43 $
The second edition. The life story of the American chess genius.
12.41 $
Психологические аспекты взаимодействия между людьми в ситуации конфликта на шахматном материале. О понимании соперника и самопознании (Саратов).
12.41 $
О главном шахматном здании СССР и России. Старинный московский особняк на Гоголевском бульваре, с ним связаны судьбы трех декабристов - Н.Васильчикова, П.Свистунова и И.Муравьева-Апостола, а также жизнь и творчество ряда видных деятелей русской культуры. Уже более 30 лет в этом особняке находится Центральный шахматный клуб СССР. В доме открыт музей Шахмат. Здесь же располагаются национальные федерации шахмат и шашек.
12.41 $
(Б-ка “Огонек”). Шахматные зарисовки разных лет выдающегося гроссмейстера.
12.07 $
This collection includes five detective stories, the theme of which is somehow related to sports. Their heroes (and more often anti-heroes) were representatives of the many-sided sports world. Including Agatha Christie's "Chess Riddle"
The first chess steps Author:
Kasparov 14.65 $ -
Wooden chess pieces made of Staunton oak No. 6 "Tabia" 120.00 $
A set of two books. Documents and materials of the eve of World War II. 1937-1939, 26.78 $
Game set 5 in 1 in a suitcase (chess, checkers, backgammon, domino, cards) 52.50 $
Wooden chess pieces with tournament board 4 in very good condition, but used 97.13 $
My great predecessors. A set of all published books. 1.2.5 vol. Author:
Kasparov 85.00 $ -
Ways to improve Author:
Zak 6.25 $ -
Wooden chess set in the USSR in the 1950s 60.00 $
A gift to a chess player. Garry Kasparov. My chess way in 3 volumes. Gift wrapped. Author:
Kasparov 93.75 $ -
Chess pocket magnetic "Chessm" analogue of Soviet chess Simza. (Black case, green figures.) 40.50 $