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  • A limited edition of the most famous electronic chess clock. Design & quot; under the tree & quot ;. Released for the 25th anniversary of the DGT. & Nbsp; These watches are used in all major tournaments, world championships and World Cups, World Chess Olympiads. Installation of any time controls, including Fisher and Bronstein controls (with added time). & Nbsp;

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    In the vast ocean of chess literature there are relatively few books about the endgame, and only a few of them can be considered true chess classics. And the most outstanding among the classics — Reuben Fine's book "Basic Chess Endings". Reuben Fine (1914−1993) was for a long time one of the best chess players in the world. As an author, Fine showed himself to be an excellent analyst who understood the full depth and peculiarities of the endgame. Having studied various types of standard positions, Fine established useful rules for practical play and proved himself to be an experienced teacher who, using skillfully chosen examples, was able to teach the reader all the necessary lessons and introduce him to the basic ideas of the endgame. Many generations of chess players in different countries of the world keep copies of “Basic Chess Endings”. For example, Mikhail Botvinnik considered Fine's work the most worthy of all that had ever been written on endgame theory.

    35.00 $
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    This collection of wonderful combinations is based on the famous magazine “Chess” published in the USSR. The editorial office was located in Riga, its members included strong Latvian chess players, and the editor-in-chief of the publication for many years was the eighth world champion Mikhail Tal, who always took an active part in the development of the magazine. Perhaps the most popular section among readers has always been “Find the best continuation without moving the pieces.” A fresh dozen of the most beautiful and instructive combinations, mainly from current tournaments, were published on the back cover, and the solutions were given in the next issue. The combinations were selected by the editorial team very carefully, because the magazine's circulation was more than 60,000 copies and was distributed in more than 50 countries! This edition includes combinations published in the mentioned section from 1980 to 1990. By solving these combinations, you are sure to improve your tactical skills and significantly strengthen your game.

    40.00 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is  the final link in a series of publications by the author, directed  to study the classical endgame using examples of modern games   grandmasters. This time the subject of the study – light piece endgames. Clarification of the methodology for working on this stage of the game, as well as the main features and methods of playing such endings. Examples  taken from the practice of modern grandmasters and dated back to 2020-2023. The author offers the reader the most recent and unique information. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get the maximum  benefit from studying the examples offered by the author  queen endings and its  other derivatives. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans

    18.33 $
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    The 2nd edition, revised and supplemented, of the popular monograph, which is dedicated to one of the most combat modern debuts – the Old Indian defense. The author meticulously builds the entire defensive line of black (including on the territory of "adjacent" openings, such as the English beginning or the London system), explains standard plans and tactical techniques, offers a number of novelties in current schemes. Carefully selected positions for the solution will help the reader to consolidate the acquired knowledge. The book is addressed to chess players of any level, since the laws of Old Indian are the same for both amateurs and super grandmasters.

    21.67 $
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    The youngest first–grader in the USSR, the world champion among young men, a participant in the candidates tournament at the age of 19 - Boris Spassky's rise was rapid. And then fate gave the brilliant chess player a test of strength: he stumbled twice at the decisive moment and remained beyond the threshold of interzonal tournaments ... Only ten years after his first great success, Spassky managed to pass all the qualifying tests and earn the right to a match for the crown, but he failed to defeat the Iron Tigran Petrosian the first time. It took three more years of super–efforts: by Sisyphus he rose again to the foot of Olympus and did not miss a second chance - in 1969 he became the Tenth king of chess! An essay about the life of Boris Vasilyevich and his sporting path full of ups and downs was written by Dmitry Oleynikov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, curator of the Chess Museum of the Chess Federation of Russia. 70 beautiful and instructive games of Spassky were commented on by the champion of Russia in 1993, the famous author and theorist grandmaster Alexey Bezgodov, as well as grandmaster Dmitry Kryakvin and FIDE master Steve Giddins. The preface was written by the 14th world champion Vladimir Kramnik. For a wide range of chess fans.

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    Foreword by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR and USSR Academy of Sciences V.N. Chernigovsky. A. S. Zalmanov & mdash; outstanding scientist, three times doctor of medicine (Russia, Germany, Italy), general of the medical service. His book & mdash; it is a lively, imaginative and emotional conversation with the reader about the body's natural defenses and how to stimulate them, a passionate speech against the widespread and often unjustified use of antibiotics and chemotherapeutic drugs, which often have a detrimental effect on the body. The core idea of the book is & mdash; & laquo; the wisdom of the body & raquo ;, its ability to self-regulate as self-healing in various & laquo; breakdowns & raquo ;. Under the influence of the works of A. Krog, who received the Nobel Prize in medicine precisely for his work on the study of the physiology of capillaries, Zalmanov created his concept based on his vast experience in healing numerous patients with chronic diseases. Treatment according to Zalmanov primarily consists in the revival of capillaries to life. He proved that using capillary therapy is possible not only treatment, but also the prevention of aging. His ideas about the dominant role of capillaries in the body, about the need to restore impaired capillary blood flow are more relevant than ever. He developed a method of capillary therapy and the formulation of white, yellow and mixed & laquo; turpentine baths & raquo; helped many, many thousands of patients.

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    August Krog & ndash; outstanding scientist, Nobel laureate & nbsp; Award in Physiology and Medicine. Its main & nbsp; research on breathing and capillary circulatory system. A wonderful Russian doctor and scientist A. Zalmanov under & nbsp; influenced by the work of A. Krog carried out the study of physiology & nbsp; capillaries and was the last one invited to Copenhagen for & nbsp; work together. They examined turpentine emulsions these and their effects on the body as a whole. The result & nbsp; Augustus Kroog received the Nobel Prize & laquo; for & nbsp; discovery of the mechanism for regulating capillary lumen & raquo ;. August Krog proved that the human body has & nbsp; huge potential and ability for self-regulation and ca recovery during various & laquo; breakdowns & raquo ;.

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    15.72 $


    In order to be healthy, you need not so much: proper nutrition, a few simple exercises, mood. The author of the book, journalist Maya Gogulan, will tell about these health components. This is the story of a man who himself went through a disease and was able to find a way out. The health system of the Japanese engineer Katsuzo Nishi helped to get Maya Gogulan to his feet, and her books have helped hundreds of people in our country and abroad to get acquainted with this system and also find health. In the book you will find a description of Niche exercises, detailed tips on selecting foods and diet, recipes for treating certain diseases, tips for maintaining mental health and good mood. A special chapter in the book is about healing cancer.

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    The classic work of an outstanding Swiss doctor Maxi- miliana Bircher-Benner, where G. Shelton, P. Bragg studied, M. Goren and many other well-known naturopathic doctors, gives an exhaustive a vague answer to the question of how to be healthy, eating properly. & quot; Diet Bircher-Benner, as our observations have shown, increase- the amount of potassium in the patient’s body reduces sugar and cholesterol, activates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats & quot ;, & mdash; wrote A.Zal- mans, using Bircher-Benner’s technique as the basis of his health systems regarding nutrition.

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    & nbsp; Here is a book compiled as a result of transcripts of the seminars of the famous Maya Gogulan. A woman who was on the very brink between life and death, but who had the courage not to cross the fatal line. In this she was helped by will, faith and mind. The experience of this amazing woman's recovery is in her books. This book contains answers to 150 questions about the healing system followed by Maya Gogulan and hundreds of thousands of her followers. These answers will help everyone who follows the Path of health, everyone who wants to live a long time will be interested. & nbsp;

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    16.33 $


    Is there a recipe for difficult trials? Journalist and writer Maya Gogulan found him. The courage of this woman cannot leave anyone indifferent. She was able to overcome a terrible disease - cancer, and wrote a book in which she shares her experience with readers. You will learn about the method of treating cancer and not only - many serious diseases, the consequences of treatment can be avoided if you live “according to Gogulan” - listening to yourself, to nature, to what is natural. In this book you will also read about the role of cleansing the body, what a psychological attitude is and how to “educate the spirit.” Recipes for healthy dishes and nutrition tips are also given.

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    The rational rules of nutrition presented in the book help to cleanse the body, rejuvenate cells, reduce excess weight, restore natural metabolism, and also help to cope with many chronic diseases. For the recovery and rejuvenation of the body according to the Maya Gogulan system, expensive drugs and tedious procedures are not required. You will learn to use for your benefit the enormous resources inherent in ordinary vegetables, fruits and herbs. The dishes on your table will become not only surprisingly tasty, but also useful. Eat right and stay healthy!

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    17.24 $


    Maya Gogulan is a true authority on healthy lifestyles. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have been living for many years, guided by the advice of Maya Feodorovna. The secret of the effectiveness of the Gogulan system is based on personal experience: she coped with a deadly disease. She coped, relying on the rules that she deduced in the process of studying the works on the health of talented scientists, checking on each of their positions. As a result, a set of rules was created that help a person live according to the laws of Nature itself. Before you - a new edition of the classic work of Maya Fedorovna. In this book you will find recommendations that will show you the fastest and easiest way to health: simple gymnastics, sleep and rest, nutrition composition. As a result, your body will receive a powerful energy charge, many diseases and ailments will recede, youth and mobility will return. And for those who suffer from chronic ailments, in this book, Maya Fedorovna gives unique recommendations for the treatment of about 50 of the most common diseases. This publication is not a medical textbook. All medical procedures must be agreed with the attending physician.

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    17.80 $


    Maya Gogulan is a real authority in the field of a healthy lifestyle. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have been living for many years, guided by the advice of Maya Fedorovna. The secret of the effectiveness of the Gogulan system is based on personal experience: it coped with a deadly disease. She coped, relying on the rules that she deduced in the process of studying the work on the health of talented scientists, checking for themselves each of their positions. As a result, a set of rules has been created that help people live according to the laws of Nature itself. Here is a new edition of the classic work of Maya Fedorovna. In this book you will find recommendations that will show you the fastest and most simple way to health: simple gymnastics, sleep and rest, nutrition. As a result, your body will receive a powerful energy charge, many diseases and ailments will recede, youth and mobility will return. And for those who suffer from chronic ailments, in this book Maya Fedorovna gives unique recommendations for the treatment of about 50 of the most common diseases. This publication is not a medical textbook. All medical procedures must be agreed with your doctor.

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    18.62 $


    & nbsp; Health is not difficult! The journalist, author of popular books Maya Gogulan is sure of this. Health has only six simple rules - they make up the system of the Japanese engineer Katsuzo Nishi, who literally revived many people both in Japan and in our country. Maya Gogulan became one of those who, thanks to these simple rules, was able to stand up and defeat the worst disease - cancer. In this book, she will share her experience with applying the six health rules of Niche. You will find detailed descriptions of Niche's exercises, tips on choosing foods and eating habits.

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    20.69 $


    It doesn't take much to be healthy: a proper diet, a few simple exercises, a mental attitude. It is about these components of health that the author of the book, journalist Maya Gogulan, will tell. This is the story of a man who himself went through the disease and was able to find a way out. The health system of the Japanese engineer Katsuzo Nishi helped Maya Gogulan get on her feet, and her books have already helped hundreds of people in our country and abroad to get acquainted with this system and also gain health. In the book you will find a description of Nisha's exercises, detailed tips on food selection and diet, recipes for the treatment of certain diseases, tips for maintaining mental health and the right mood. A special chapter of the book is devoted to healing from cancer.