Anatomy and physiology of capillaries. Edited by Professor I.P. Razenkov (electronic book)
- Publisher: Russian CHESS House
- Author(s): Krog
- Language: Russian
- Size: pdf
- Volume: 208
- Binding: Solid
10.43 $
paper book
14.89 $
August Krog & ndash; outstanding scientist, Nobel laureate of the & nbsp; prize in physiology and medicine. His main & nbsp; studies are devoted to breathing and capillary circulation.
A remarkable Russian doctor and scientist A. Zalmanov, under the influence of the works of A. Krog, became interested in studying the physiology of capillaries and was the last one invited to Copenhagen for collaboration. They studied turpentine emulsions and their effects on the body as a whole. The result & nbsp; was the Augustus Krog receiving the Nobel Prize & laquo; for & nbsp; opening the mechanism for regulating capillary lumen & raquo ;.
August Krog proved that the human body has & nbsp; huge potential and the ability to self-regulation and self-recovery in various & laquo; breakdowns & raquo ;.
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