Great Cultural Wildness (e-book)
- Publisher: Russian CHESS House
- Author(s): Dashkevich
- Language: Russian
- Size: pdf
- Volume: 720
- Binding: Solid
24.62 $
paper book
35.17 $
This book is not about the death of mankind, but about the possibility
this death is avoided. Written by her composer, whose music is
many people know from the films & laquo; Sherlock Holmes & raquo ;, & laquo; Dog’s heart & raquo ;,
& laquo; Bumbarash & raquo ;. Vladimir Sergeevich Dashkevich decided to apply
musical laws, described by him in the book & laquo; Theory of intonation & raquo ;,
to the study of human evolution. It turned out that humanity is
experiencing a deep evolutionary crisis caused by the fact that
modern states purposefully form a city-
Nina, deprived of culture, to make it easier to manage.
This is an e-book, a link to which will be available in your account after payment.
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1 комментарий
Заказ №0011111 на сумму 920.55 руб. оплачен 10.08 в 11.20 с карты Альфа банка на карту Сбербанка *6907 Книга Дашкевича "Великое культурное одичание" (электронная) Рубинштейн Борис Яковлевич rubinstein@rjc.ru