Documents and materials on the eve of the Second World War. 1937-1939, Volume 2. January - August 1939
- Publisher: Russian CHESS House
- Language: Russian
- Size: Ordinary
- Volume: 416
- Binding: Solid
paper book
21.72 $
14.67 $
Volume I (November 1937 - December 1938) contains documents from the Archives of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs: records of conversations between Hitler, Ribbentrop and other representatives of the German government with foreign politicians, reports of German diplomatic representatives abroad, etc. < /p>
Volume 2 (January - August 1939) is the archive of the German ambassador to Moscow, Tokyo and London, Herbert von Dirksen. It consists of copies of official documents stamped for Mr. Ambassador, official and personal letters.
Published according to the second edition of M., Politizdat., 1981, prepared for printing by the Historical and Diplomatic Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For historical accuracy, the publisher has retained the preface to the second edition.
The study of published unique (at one time - top secret) documents will help to understand the true reasons for the start of the most terrible war in history and feel the almost physically inevitable catastrophe.
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