My Great Predecessors Vol. 3: From Petrosyan to Spassky (Also available with colorless traces of moisture for half price)
- ISBN: 5-7905-2979-8
- Publisher: Ripol Classik
- Author(s): Kasparov
- Series: Great World Chess Players
- Language: Russian
- Size: 60x90 1/16
- Volume: 384
- Binding: solid
- DateOfIssue: 2004
paper book
33.11 $
Promotional price! The five-volume book of Garry Kasparov has no analogues in chess literature: the 13-world champion reflects on the fate and work of twelve previous champions and their rivals, on the one-and-a-half century-long struggle for world championship. Investigating the famous games under the microscope of powerful computer programs, the author changes many previous assessments and, in essence, sums up the development of chess in the 20th century. The third volume is dedicated to two world champions Petrosyan and Spassky, as well as contenders for this title Gligorich, Polugaevsky, Portisch and Stein.
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