Amerigo, the man who gave his name to America
- ISBN: 978-5-906254696
- Publisher: Andrew Elkow
- Author(s): Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
- Language: Russian
- Size: Ordinary
- Volume: 288 p.
- Binding: solid
- DateOfIssue: 2019
paper book
12 $
Amerigo Vespucci is the same person who gave his name to America in 1507. Whether he deserved to have an entire continent named after him, or not, the debate continues to this day. In this first critical biography of Vespucci, we follow him from Lorenzo de' Medici's Florence to Ferdinand and Isabella's Seville, across Columbus' Atlantic to our hero's meeting with the New World on the other side of the ocean.
The image of Vespucci is unsteady - it remains as elusive as in the Florentine half-light of his youth - but we get to know him so close for the first time.
No matter how little we know about what happened to Vespucci and about his own actions, after reading this book the reader will better understand both the famous Florentine and the era of great geographical discoveries.
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