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    New, significantly enlarged edition of the famous book - 75 games. Anatoly Karpov is the greatest expert on Caro-Kann defense. He scored many bright victories in it, playing both white and black. In this paper, the multiple world champion talks about the most important and interesting discoveries made in the Caro-Kann defense. Many examples from modern practice are given.

    17.24 $
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    An outstanding theorist and successful coach shares his memories of communication and cooperation with Mikhail Tal, Anatoly Karpov, Isaac Boleslavsky, Elena Akhmylovskaya and other outstanding chess players. Separate large chapter – a story about many years of work with Boris Gelfand: over these years (1980-1993) the student went from a 12-year-old candidate for master to the holder of the 3rd rating in the world. Albert Kapengut – winner of 6 gold medals at the World Student Olympics, seven-time champion of Belarus, participant in the individual and team championships of the USSR among men, champion of the USSR as part of the Burevestnik team. The book includes 70 games commented in detail by the author, a careful study of which will help the reader not only better understand popular opening schemes, but also get a taste for serious analytical work. “My story is not so much about a career, although “you can’t erase words from a song,” but about memorable situations, often funny, sometimes absurd, and dotted about people I met along the way, sometimes with touches of biography, prompting readers to become interested in more complete information.” ;" (A. Kapengut). For a wide range of chess lovers.

    43.33 $
  • Made in Holland. Chess computer "Centaur" easy to use. You can easily install any language. Using the touch panel  40x40 cm (cell size 48 x 48 mm) you can easily move the figures. The sensors will record strokes. The board has a capacious rechargeable internal battery. The uniqueness of the computer is that it quickly adapts to  your playing strength (from beginner to grandmaster) so that you have the right opponent. Centaur will help you analyze the game so as not to make the same mistakes and improve your chess skill. Please note, computer is not compatible to connect to your PC or online chess. The set includes USB cable and DGT electronic chess pieces . Height of the king is 86mm.  

    1333.30 $
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    In the vast ocean of chess literature there are relatively few books about the endgame, and only a few of them can be considered true chess classics. And the most outstanding among the classics — Reuben Fine's book "Basic Chess Endings". Reuben Fine (1914−1993) was for a long time one of the best chess players in the world. As an author, Fine showed himself to be an excellent analyst who understood the full depth and peculiarities of the endgame. Having studied various types of standard positions, Fine established useful rules for practical play and proved himself to be an experienced teacher who, using skillfully chosen examples, was able to teach the reader all the necessary lessons and introduce him to the basic ideas of the endgame. Many generations of chess players in different countries of the world keep copies of “Basic Chess Endings”. For example, Mikhail Botvinnik considered Fine's work the most worthy of all that had ever been written on endgame theory.

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    The authors continue to study typical opening and middlegame positions. Royal Fortress No. 2 has pawns on squares f7, g6, h7 (or f2, g3, h2), and they are usually joined by another defender – bishop on g7 (g2). This formation is called fianchetto, it is found in many popular openings, such as the Catalan Opening, King's Indian Defense, Grunfeld Defense and a number of others.  The authors analyze in detail the techniques of attack, defense and counterattack. Most examples – from the creativity of modern chess players (for example, a separate chapter is dedicated to the strongest Russian grandmaster Ian Nepomniachtchi); they are complemented by parts that have become a classical heritage. The book contains about 300 positions for independent solution, so it is not only a textbook, but also a solid problem book. Grandmaster Konstantin Chernyshov, head of the Interregional Grandmaster School in Kostroma, and his daughter International Master Natalya Kareva – experienced coaches, whose students include grandmasters and masters, champions of Russia and Europe among juniors.  The book is addressed to young chess players and their mentors. 

    20.00 $
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The manual of chess combinations

  • ISBN: 9984-9229-1-х
  • Author(s): Ivashchenko
  • Size: Увеличенный
  • Binding: Твердый
  • DateOfIssue: 1997


та книга предназначена для юных любителей шахмат, которые делают самые первые шаги в этой мудрой и увлекательной игре. Шахматы - это борьба умов, в которой побеждает более умный, более знающий, более умелый. Не все из вас достигнут мастерства в шахматах, но занятия шахматами, несомненно, принесут пользу всем. Они развивают логичность и последовательность мышления, усидчивость, умение анализировать шахматные и жизненные ситуации, а также помогают укрепить характер. Шахматы - трудный вид деятельности, требующий больших усилий ума и воли, а также больших затрат времени. Чтобы успешно выступать в соревнованиях, нужно постоянно заниматься их изучением. Но прежде всего нужно научиться хорошо видеть простые комбинации. В этом вам должен помочь предлагаемый учебник. Как по нему заниматься? Необходимо решить все упражнения без доски. За одно занятие рекомендуется решать от 6 до 30 позиций. Примеры расположены по мере возрастания трудности и разбиты на пять ступеней. Всего в книге содержится 1320 позиций-заданий. Они "обкатаны" в процессе 25-летней практики обучения начинающих. Преподаватель может построить план занятий исходя из того, что у каждого есть экземпляр этого учебника.

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