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  • Magnetic road chess: folding board-case made of artificial leather, tablet-figures with a convex image. Wallet size 19x22 cm. The playing field is 15.5 x 15.5 cm. Cell 2x2 cm.

    51.72 $
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    The answer book of an international grandmaster and an experienced coach (among whose students is A. Grischuk) Bloch's Maxim contains over 1200 combinations from practical games and specially compiled examples. All tasks are characterized by intense struggle, in which the goal is achieved by single moves. The book is intended for both young and adult amateurs, and for masters. The arrangement of examples by topic allows you to use the book not only as a task book, but also as a textbook. Of particular interest are over two hundred specially compiled by the author overstressed positions in which white wins the only way during the course of white, and black wins during the course of black. These examples, as well as over 50 fragments from the parties of the author and his students, are published for the first time.

    21.67 $
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    This new book by the many-times world champion Anatoly Karpov and the author of more than fifty books, grandmaster Nikolay Kalinichenko, is devoted to one of the most complicated and strategically deep openings & mdash; the Queen's Gambit Declined. Using games played by the strongest grandmasters, it describes the interesting ideas which have appeared in the main development systems of this opening. Along with games from recent years, the book presents the most important encounters from the chess heritage. And of course, it includes games by Anatoly Karpov himself & mdash; a great expert on the Queen's Gambit, who generously shares with the reading his unique understanding of the concepts involved. The book is aimed at strong players, but it will also be of interest to a wide range of chess enthusiasts.

    36.00 $
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    16.67 $
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    Like other titles in the Training Program for Chess Players series, this volume is both an excellent textbook for independent study and a powerful training aid for chess coaches. In the view of many experts, no better work of this kind has ever been written. coach and Master of Sport. Golenishchev's programs are still considered. critically important and are successfully employed in chess schools. His teaching methods remain popular in Russia and around the world. Supervised by Editor-in-Chief and former Karpov, this new edition of Golenishchev's classic work is updated to include important games from the recent high-level chess competitions, reflecting modern approaches to the game. OPENING Fragment 1 OPENING Fragment 2

    30.00 $
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    41.67 $
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    15.00 $
  • The height of the king is 95 mm, the diameter of the base of the king is 42 mm. Currently used in tournaments of the Central House of Chess Players. The kit is sold without a board.

    60.00 $
  • Author:

    In front of you – the famous book by the most experienced coach (among the students is Alexander Grischuk), international grandmaster and bestselling chess author Maxim Bloch. The publication contains almost 1,500 combinations from practical games and specially composed positions. All tasks are characterized by intense struggle, in which the goal is achieved with only one move. The arrangement of examples by topic and the highlighting of the main diagrams on the first pages of the chapters allow the book to be used not only as a problem book, but also as a textbook for advanced training. Numerical assessment of the difficulty level of each task allows testing the strength of chess players' play, and also helps coaches select suitable examples for practice. Of particular interest are over two hundred super-tense positions specially compiled by the author, in which when White moves, White wins the only way, and when Black moves – black. Many examples are published for the first time. You'll be sure to step up your game by solving these instructive combinations. For a wide range of chess fans and specialists.

    23.33 $
  • Author:

    International Master Tibor Karolyi and FIDE Master Tigran Gozalyan have prepared a major work (in two volumes) about the life and work of the 9th world chess champion Tigran Petrosyan (he held the title from 1963 to 1969).  Volume II (1963-1984) tells about Petrosyan's victory in the 1963 world title match over Mikhail Botvinnik, about the grandiose two-match confrontation with Boris Spassky in 1966 and 1969, about all his candidates' matches after losing the title – against Bobby Fischer, Viktor Korchnoi and other world-class opponents. All tournaments and matches of the second half of Petrosian's chess career are presented, up to his last performances in 1983. The authors subjected 175 complete games and fragments to an in-depth analysis (using modern computers). Not all of them have been deeply studied and commented on before, but even then the book provides a significantly improved analysis. Among Petrosyan’s opponents – world champions and contenders Kasparov, Karpov, Fischer, Spassky, Tal, Smyslov, Botvinnik, Korchnoi and Bronstein, as well as Timman, Larsen, Reshevsky, Belyavsky, Polugaevsky, Portisch, Romanishin and many others. Special attention is paid to his coaches – Alexey Suetin and Igor Zaitsev. 

    50.00 $
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Large chess from the tusk of a mammoth in a box ROCKY PAINTING (Karpov chess)

0 $



Из глубины тысячелетий дошли до нас первые произведения искусства - примитивные скульптуры и наскальные рисунки, или, как их называют специалисты, писаницы и петроглифы. Писаницы древние художники выполняли преимущественно красной охрой, а также черной, желтой и белой краской, а петроглифы - это изображения не нарисованные, а вырезанные на поверхности камня. Сегодня наскальные рисунки обнаружены в 120 странах и регионах мира - даже в Сахаре. Но самыми древними образцами палеолитического искусства считаются писаницы пещер Испании, Южной Франции и Италии - знаменитые цветные рисунки животных. Именно их репродукции, сделанные чешскими археологами, были положены в основу набора "Кроманьонские шахматы". Каковы были представления наших предков о животном мире более 15 тысяч лет тому назад? Об этом рассказывают фигуры - ожившие на доске наскальные изображения. Шахматные роли распределились следующим образом: "король" - мамонт, "ферзь" - шерстистый носорог, "офицер" - древний бизон, "конь" - один из видов древних лошадей, "ладья" - древний европейский тур, "пешка" - пещерный медведь. В реальности большинство из них были гораздо крупнее представителей современной фауны, но даже в таком миниатюрном варианте все эти давно вымершие животные выглядят настоящими монстрами. Можно сказать, "Наскальные рисунки" - своеобразный симбиоз древнейших искусств, писаницы и скульптуры, одновременно стильный и исторически точный. Законченность замыслу дизайнера Михаила Дашцэрэна придает используемый для резьбы материал. Фигуры вырезаны из темно-коричневого бивня мамонта, найденного в Кемеровской области, пьедесталами для них послужили срезы бивня мамонта из Якутии (белый цвет) и Кемеровской области (коричневый), а также срезы костей позднемеловых динозавров из Юго-Западной Монголии. Шахматы из бивня мамонта Шахматы из бивня мамонта Шахматы из бивня мамонта Шахматы из бивня мамонта Шахматы из бивня мамонта Шахматы из бивня мамонта Шахматы из бивня мамонта Шахматы из бивня мамонта Шахматы из бивня мамонта Шахматы из бивня мамонта арт с80

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