Russian chess Federation
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22.76 $
Vice-champion of the world of 2012 continues his story, started in the bestseller & laquo; Accepting positional decisions in chess & raquo; (& laquo; Book of the year & raquo; according to the English Chess Federation). In detail explaining the course of the fight in some of his best games, Boris Gelfand gives the reader a unique opportunity to look at the board with the eyes of an extra-class grandmaster. The new book deals with such topics as tactics at the highest level, the nature of tactical mistakes at the highest level, compensation for the material, time factor, dynamic defense, and a number of others.
Dynamics & ndash; it's not quite the same as calculation and tactics, just like a chair & ndash; it's not just wood and nails. But imagine a chair without wood raw materials, and before your eyes, there will probably be a void on the floor of your room. This book & ndash; about dynamic thinking, but in an indirect way it also deals with calculation and tactics. I hope that this division will not confuse anyone.
... As in the first book, my goal was not to make a complete guide to dynamic chess, but to give an idea of some of the dynamic plots from my games and discuss them in detail. In order to play chess well, many good decisions must be made, and this series is interpreted by this series and this book & raquo; (B. Gelfand). P> -
26.17 $
The release of this book is timed to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the remarkable grandmaster Yuri Razuvaev (1945–2012). This is a collection consisting of three chapters: memoirs of contemporaries, including world champions, selected Razuvaev’s games with commentaries by leading grandmasters, his articles in the field of chess theory and school education, as well as interviews. You will not find such a constellation of names in any other book! -
66.20 $
The album includes the best works of the recognized master for 50 years of creative activity. Photo by Boris Dolmatovsky. For those who are engaged in chess, this authorship (in the magazine "64", in chess books, on the pages of newspapers, in particular, in the "Red Star") has become habitual for the last ten years. I respect the creativity of a great photo artist. For the first time drew attention to a photo of Boris Georgievich, published in "64": my parents met me at the airport on arrival from Baguio after a difficult match with Viktor Korchny in 1978. Since that moment it became a habit: if there is a major event in chess - see the photo of Boris Dolmatovsky. Somehow I was invited to perform in Greece, and I suggested that the photo maker make me a company. After Boris Georgievich handed me a bunch of photos about this trip, my wife Natalia (she is trying to collect all my photos) gave such an assessment: - Now I see what professional photography means! Of the major works of Boris Georgievich in recent years, I am pleased to note that he accompanied all the Aeroflot Open tournaments held by the Association of Chess Federations. In short: the signature "photo of Boris Dolmatovsky" is the highest quality mark in photojournalism. 12th world champion Anatoly Karpov
20.69 $
In his new book, Grandmaster Vladimir Tukmakov, one of the most experienced and authoritative coaches of our time, talks about working with the stars of the world chess of the end of the XXth century. beginning of the XXI century. Among the wards Tukmakov were world champion Anatoly Karpov and his historical rival Victor Korchnoi, the legendary grand masters Efim Geller and Vitaliy Tseshkovsky, representatives of today's elite Pavel Eljanov, Anish Giri and Wesley So. Under the leadership of V. Tukmakov, the Ukrainian team won two World Chess Olympiads (2004 and 2010), and Socar twice won the European Clubs Cup (2012 and 2014). Coaches of Azerbaijan and Holland also trained; currently helps the national team of Belarus. div>The frank story about the daily work on chess at the highest level is illustrated by numerous detailed commentary games and fragments. div>For a wide range of chess fans. div>20.69 $
The last book of the famous coach Mark Izrailevich Dvoretsky (1947-2016), over which he worked until the last days of his life. This is a collection of tests on a variety of topics: training combinational vision and techniques for calculating options, finding candidate moves, adopting optimal positional solutions, and a number of others. Among the exercises you will find both debut, and middlegame, and endgame positions, not only taken from practical games, but also sketches. & laquo; Mark Izrailevich wanted to write a book that not only teaches some chess tricks, but also simply delivers fun to game lovers. Therefore, he tried to collect the most & laquo; tasty & raquo; examples. I hope that this last book of Mark Izrailevich will reach its goal and give readers many chess discoveries and the joy of communicating with the wonderful coach and author & raquo; (A.Yusupov). For a wide range of chess fans. P>
25.00 $
Mark Dvoretsky, author of many bestsellers, world-famous trainer, always used etudes in his practice. Thanks to a unique technique, many of his students have achieved significant success in their careers. Oleg Pervakov, three-time world champion in drawing up etudes, in his work invariably follows the principles of the practical game that led him to composition.
Book "The etude and the party are one" & raquo; primarily addressed to practicing chess players who wish to improve their skills: to develop imagination and preventive thinking, to improve the score of options and knowledge of basic endings. Surely this work will be appreciated by all connoisseurs of beauty, logic and irony of chess.
From the preface of the 13th world champion Garry Kasparov:
The first joint book of M. Dvoretsky and O. Pervakov & laquo; Studies for practitioners & raquo; had undisputed success with qualified chess players. And here is a continuation of the bestseller. & Nbsp;
For a wide range of chess lovers.
20.69 $
The publication of this book is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the honored coach of the USSR, Russia and Georgia, Mark Izrailevich Dvoretsky (1947-2016). The first part of the collection & ndash; memories of students, relatives, friends and colleagues, including world champions. Second & ndash; selected parties Butler with comments grandmasters and masters. The third part tells about sketchwork, which was highly appreciated by the outstanding coach. The final part consists of the last articles and the interview of Mark Dvoretsky. Foreword by Garry Kasparov. For a wide range of chess fans.
6.20 $
Coated paper, color illustrations.
30.00 $
The new book of the famous coach Mark Dvoretsky & ndash; this is a collection of detailed commentaries on instructive parties. Their careful study will benefit everyone who is serious about self-improvement and wants to understand what problems arise behind the board in front of grandmasters and masters, how they solve them, what is behind the mistakes they make at times and how to avoid them. The book consists of seven parts: Lessons of one party, Positional parties, Debut discussions, King in danger, Under fire, Parties with questions, Playing. The reader has the right to choose those sections that interest him most. And you can concentrate on a purely practical training, solving the exercises. The last two parts of the book are devoted to the specific forms of training that the author regularly uses in his classes: analyzing games in the form of solving a series of sequential tasks and playing out specially selected positions.
Honored trainer of Belarus, author of classical works & laquo; Endgame strategy & raquo; and & laquo; Endgame outlines & raquo; reveals his methods of working with young chess players, helping in a few years to bring the first-rate player & ndash; candidate for master to the level of international master & ndash; the grandmaster. In the first part of the book we are talking about building a debut repertoire and studying classics, the second explains the main principles of complex game endings. The third and final part sets forth the author's view of the tremendous changes that are taking place today in the work of the children's coach. The book is addressed, first of all, to young chess players, their coaches and parents, but it will be useful to all chess fans regardless of age and qualification. & laquo; Magnificent books by Michael Shereshevsky & laquo; Endgame outlines & raquo; and the endgame strategy is & raquo; and from the point of view of the XXI century are considered classical, it's not for nothing that world champion Magnus Carlsen praised the works of Shereshevsky almost 30 years after their publication. In his new work, the author summarizes the many years of coaching experience, reveals the secrets of his methodology. I am sure that this book will benefit both thoughtful coaches and young chess players, aimed at the highest results & raquo;
16.55 $
Distinguished coach of Belarus, author of classic works & laquo; Endgame Strategy & raquo; and & laquo; Endgame Contours & raquo; reveals his method of working with young chess players, which helps to bring the first-rank riders over several years & ndash; Candidate master to the level of an international master & ndash; grandmaster. The first part of the book deals with the construction of a debut repertoire and the study of classics, the second explains the main principles of complex game endings. In the third and final part, the author’s view of the tremendous changes taking place today in the work of a children's trainer is presented. The book is addressed, first of all, to young chess players, their coaches and parents, but it will be useful to all chess fans, regardless of age and qualifications. & laquo; The magnificent books of Michael Shereshevsky & laquo; The contours of the endgame & raquo; and & laquo; Endgame Strategy & raquo; and from the point of view of the 21st century, they are considered classical; it’s not for nothing that world champion Magnus Carlsen praised the works of Shereshevsky almost 30 years after their publication. In his new work, the author summarizes many years of coaching experience, reveals the secrets of his technique. I am confident that this book will benefit both thoughtful coaches and young chess players who are aiming for the highest results. ”
33.11 $
2 nd edition, revised and supplemented, popular monograph, which is devoted to one of the most militant modern debuts - Old Indian protection. The author scrupulously builds the entire defensive line of Black (including on the territory of "adjacent" debuts, such as the English beginning or the London system), explains typical plans and tactics, offers a number of novelties in current schemes. Carefully selected positions for the solution will help the reader to consolidate the acquired knowledge. The book is addressed to chess players of any level, since the laws of the Old Indian are the same for amateurs and super-GMs alike.
8.28 $
First part & ndash; official rules of the sport chess ra, approved by the order of the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2017; they fully comply with the international rules of FIDE. The second part describes the standards of chess equipment and playgrounds designed for tournaments.
Particular interest is the third part of the book: 140 questions of the test for knowledge and the correct interpretation of the actual rules of chess. The decision of this test will greatly benefit existing chess players, as a clear knowledge of their "rights and duties" & raquo; not only helps to save the nervous system, but also brings a lot of extra points in the competition.
The book is addressed to all chess lovers, from beginners to professionals. An irreplaceable assistant to the arbitrators and organizers of chess competitions. P>18.62 $
Grandmaster Alexey Dreev & ndash; three-time winner of the World Chess Olympiad and two-time winner of the world team championships in the Russian team. The European champion in rapid chess, the winner of many prestigious tournaments, such as Wijk aan Zee, Biel, the Higher League of the Russian Championship, etc.
FIDE Senior Trainer. Authoritative theorist, author of the books "100 selected parties", “Meran and Anti-Meran options”, “Moscow version. The Anti-Moscow Gambit ", Bf4 in the bargaining Slavyanka and the Queen's Gambite", against the Karo-Kann defense It is devoted to typical methods of playing the middle game. The emphasis is on the quality of the examples. First of all, the author wanted to convey to the reader the diversity of situations that any practice has to face at the board, sometimes during the same game. Therefore, there are enough examples in the book devoted to the so-called & laquo; workers & raquo; situations.
With the help of exercises, the reader will be able to consolidate his knowledge, deepen his understanding of typical methods of playing the middle game, get an idea of non-standard solutions to problems on the board, and will be able to apply this knowledge in their own games. chess lovers p>37.24 $
This book tells about the long chess path of the international master of Samuel Markovich Zhukhovitsky (1916 - 2016).
He met at the board with the world champions: Capablanca, Smys-
lovym, Tal, Petrosyan , Spassky, Karpov, Kramnik. In his
asset victory over outstanding grand masters and masters.
The book is designed for a wide range of admirers of chess games.15.71 $
The collection of selected etudes of the seventh world champion Vasily Vasilyevich SMYSLOV significantly complements the book "My etudes" published during his lifetime (2005) "My etudes". The collection, in addition to the early ones, includes compositions compiled by Smyslov in the period 2006–2010, some of which are published for the first time. This book is the creative legacy of an outstanding grandmaster, a gallery of paintings from the life of chess pieces.
22.76 $
В своей новой книге известные гроссмейстеры, теоретики и тренеры предприняли попытку «объять необъятное»: выделить и раскрыть все наиболее важные вопросы стратегии шахмат, о которых должен иметь представление каждый грамотный шахматист. Тщательно отобранные и глубоко проанализированные партии и фрагменты представляют собой симбиоз классических, хорошо известных образцов и примеров из современной практики. Все приведенные партии и фрагменты разделены на три уровня сложности; каждую главу сопровождает список дополнительных материалов для самостоятельного изучения. Первый том состоит из двух частей: «Дебют» и «Миттельшпиль», во втором томе разбираются две другие темы: «Пешки – душа шахмат» и «Динамика». Книга адресована, в первую очередь, перворазрядникам и кандидатам в мастера, хотя и более опытные шахматисты наверняка найдут для себя немало полезных советов и рекомендаций. Эта работа может быть использована и как самоучитель, и как учебник для специализированных шахматных школ. Искусство оценивать одновременно значение различных позиционных, тактических и смешанных факторов приходит с опытом. Каким бы ни был ученик талантливым, только сыграв тысячи партий и проштудировав множество книг, он станет зрелым шахматистом. Таким игроком можно назвать лишь того, кто впитал в себя шахматную культуру и в состоянии не только нанести “шальной” удар, но и выдать цельную стратегическую партию. Глядя на практически любую позицию, опытный шахматист сразу выделяет важные нюансы – статические и динамические. Какие пешки и поля слабые, положение каких фигур необходимо улучшить, какие в позиции могут быть тактические мотивы и т.д. Надеемся, что наша работа поможет научиться оценивать позицию по множеству подобных признаков – для практических успехов это очень важно.
22.76 $
The "Book of the Year" according to the English Chess Federation gives readers a rare opportunity to see chess with the eyes of an extra-class grandmaster. Explaining his method of thinking, the 2009 World Cup winner and the 2012 vice-champion of the world focuses on such important issues as clamping, space advantage, pawn structure transformation and benefit transformation. "The youthful need to prove to others that I understand chess is left in the past, instead I am ready to explain how to understand chess. We will focus on what I think about chess, in the hope that it will help improve young ambitious players, and will also bring pleasure to chess lovers who just want to enjoy the game. It is clear that I always tried to learn from all the great masters, but Akiba Rubinstein had the greatest impact, along with the parties and notes of Yefim Geller and Lev Polugaevsky "(B. Gelfand).35.00 $
The new book of the famous coach Mark Dvoretsky is devoted to one of the most important facets of positional skill - the art of playing figures, the ability to maneuver, to find the best fields for figures. The "Introduction" examines various aspects of the art of maneuvering, and then the reader is offered an extensive collection of exercises - from elementary to difficult enough. Skill skillfully maneuver is important in all stages of the party, so among the exercises there are debut, and mittelspilnye, and endgame positions, not only taken from practical parties, but etudes. Detailed comments in the "Answers" are not limited to indicating the only correct sequence of moves and explanatory side alternatives: the author tried to reproduce the logic of the solution search, to show how a chess player behind the board could come to the right conclusions.
37.24 $
This book is dedicated to the bright memory of Chelyabinsk grandmaster Igor Kurnosov, who died tragically on August 8, 2013. Igor lived only 28 years, but left a bright mark in chess: he was the champion of Russia among the young men, the winner of the team world championship among the students, in the Tomsk-400 club he won the Russian championship, was the winner and prizewinner of dozens of major international tournaments. In this book written by friends and colleagues of Chelyabinsk grandmaster, there are 50 selected parties of Igor Kurnosov, in which the reader will find beautiful combinational attacks and finely conducted endgames. Igor had several key debuts, but he was known, first of all, as a master of the "Grunfeld attack". Kurnosov was a subtle analyst, and many of his debut ideas are relevant today. The parties of Igor Kurnosov are commented on by grandmasters A. Bezgodov, D. Bocharov, E. Vorobyev, B. Grachev, E. Inarkiev, D. Kokarev, V. Kosyrev, Yu. Kochetkova, D. Kryakvin, E. Lahno, I. Lysy, P Maletin, R. Ovechkin, P. Ponkratov, I. Popov, A. Potapov, A. Ryazantsev, S. Rublevsky, E. Sveshnikov, P. Smirnov, E. Tomashevsky, D. Khismatullin, R. Khusnutdinov, A. Shomoev , R. Shcherbakov, masters A. Bakin, A. Kozyrev, S. Matsenko, J. Prizant, A. Yatsenko.
The logic of modern chess Author:
Dydyshko 72.50 $ -
Siegbert Tarrasch. The Queen Author:
Tarrash 72.50 $ -
High quality acrylic metal heavy chess pieces with wooden board 202.50 $
Wooden magnetic Staunton chess with a lock (silver) 56.25 $
Chess school Author:
Averbah 15.00 $ -
The chess set of The Chessmen. US war - Great Britain 325.00 $
Chess textbook. Party diamonds Author:
Seiravan 62.50 $ -
The Small Encyclopedia of Chess Openings. ABCDE (3rd Edition) 175.00 $
Anthology of Chess Problems - 2345 Author:
Kovacevic 100.00 $ -
Encyclopedia of Chess Problems - Topics and Terms. 3rd edition. Author:
Velimirovic 125.00 $