Physical education and sport
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20.69 $
The best parts of the bright Master with his own comments, placed in this collection, will undoubtedly serve as a good educational material for numerous readers and will give great pleasure to connoisseurs of chess art.
41.46 $
С предисловием М.Ботвинника. По этому учебнику учились многие выдающиеся шахматисты. Книга содержит первоначальные сведения о шахматной игре, учение о дебютах. Особое место занимают главы, посвященные позиционной борьбе и проблемам шахматной эстетики. М. Ботвинник об учебнике Э. Ласкера: Учебник содержит начальные сведения о шахматной игре, некоторые примеры, которые должны дать читателю представление о тонкостях шахмат, и объемистые сведения по теории начал (с пояснительными партиями). Глава о комбинации включает множество примеров, относящихся ко всем стадиям шахматной партии. На мой взгляд, представление Ласкера о комбинации несколько старомодно, но коллекция примеров превосходна. В главе о позиционной игре производит сильное впечатление как исторический обзор, так и собрание примеров позиционной игры. Эта глава - украшение учебника. В наши дни шахматисты мало знают о прошлом шахмат, о том, как формировалось учение о позиции. Ласкер был живым свидетелем развития первого этапа шахматной теории (ведь он выиграл матч за шахматную корону у самого Стейница), и здесь сведения об этом периоде развития шахмат читатель получает из первоисточника. Глава об эстетике шахмат, сама по себе весьма интересная, вряд ли имеет самостоятельное значение. Ее содержание могло бы быть разделено между главой о комбинации и главой о позиционной игре. Заканчивается учебник примерными партиями. Отметим отсутствие специальной главы об эндшпиле. Сведения о нем рассеяны по книге. То, что книга написана великим шахматным бойцом и мыслителем делает ее изучение полезной для каждого, серьезно изучающего шахматы и интересующегося их прошлым.
24.83 $
The book of the international grandmaster, two-time world champion in absentee game of checkers V. Agafonov is an encyclopedia of drafts beginnings. Each debut is analyzed in detail and illustrated with examples from the games of the strongest grandmasters and masters, both Soviet and foreign. 6963 In fact, in the “Debut Course”, the experience of the world's leading schools, Soviet and Dutch, is summarized. Good Samara
28.97 $
The book is an encyclopedic edition in which all types of endgames are examined in both types of checkers. The material is systematized according to the types and complexity of the endings. The course of drafts can be used as a textbook, as well as as a reference in the analysis.
18.66 $
This monograph is devoted to one of the actual debuts - the defense of Karo-Kann. Its purpose is to characterize the current state of the system. In the debut monograph of the Honored Coach of the USSR A. Constantinople and journalist A. Veits, one of the popular half-open principles, the defense of Karo-Kann, is explored in detail. Various debut systems are represented in their historical development, illustrated with fragments from the parties of prominent grand masters and masters. Individual parties are listed in the text with permutations of moves, and reservations about this are not always made. In the section of exemplary parties, the various defense systems of Karo-Cann are presented in the interpretation of the classics of chess art - world champions, as well as applicants for this high rank. At a certain stage in the development of the debut, these parties served as examples of strategic and tactical decisions, and even now they are very instructive. It is designed for qualified chess players. -
13.13 $
This book is written by the candidate of historical sciences IM Linder, the author of many works on the history of chess. The book is the result of his many years of research into the life and work of outstanding Russian chess players of the 19th century. By the example of the best games, the contribution of these masters to chess art is shown, the significance of their activities for the creation of a national chess school. The book includes chess creativity of the nineteenth-century Russian masters - Alexander Petrov, Karl Janisch, Sergey and Dmitry Urusovs, Emmanuel Schiffers, Vladimir Solovtsov and Andrey Hardin. Designed for a wide range of chess lovers. -
This book is written by the candidate of historical sciences IM Linder, the author of many works on the history of chess. The book is the result of his many years of research into the life and work of outstanding Russian chess players of the 19th century. By the example of the best games, the contribution of these masters to chess art is shown, the significance of their activities for the creation of a national chess school. The book includes chess creativity of the nineteenth-century Russian masters - Alexander Petrov, Karl Janisch, Sergey and Dmitry Urusovs, Emmanuel Schiffers, Vladimir Solovtsov and Andrey Hardin. Designed for a wide range of chess lovers. Autograph of the author.
This book is written by the candidate of historical sciences IM Linder, the author of many works on the history of chess. The book is the result of his many years of research into the life and work of outstanding Russian chess players of the 19th century. By the example of the best games, the contribution of these masters to chess art is shown, the significance of their activities for the creation of a national chess school. The book includes chess creativity of the nineteenth-century Russian masters - Alexander Petrov, Karl Janisch, Sergey and Dmitry Urusovs, Emmanuel Schiffers, Vladimir Solovtsov and Andrey Hardin. Designed for a wide range of chess lovers. Autograph of the author.
9.67 $
Grandmaster W. Wigman’s book is a kind of report on his sporting and creative path in Russian drafts. The author, as it were, invites the reader to his laboratory, generously shares the secrets of mastery, talks about creative searches, which allows the reader to look at the world of drafts as if from the inside. At his parties, the author shows the development of the popular game in our time, dwells in detail on such issues as the psychology of the game, ethics, and the spiritual world of drafts players. -
6.56 $
In the book of a famous chess player, the Master of Ladies', typical methods of protection are systematized. At numerous methods, the author demonstrates the hidden possibilities that appear to be in hopeless positions, teaches to notice the moments of transition from defense to attack. -
5.18 $
Shortly before his death, the great Cuban read a course of lectures on the radio. After his death, these lectures were published in the form of a small book, the translation of which is offered to the attention of the reader. Capablanca addressed his lectures to those chess players who are familiar with the rules of the game and want to know how to improve. The book is published in the series "The Library of the Chess Player" and is addressed to a wide circle of chess fans. -
5.87 $
Shortly before his death, the great Cuban read a course of lectures on the radio. After his death, these lectures were published in the form of a small book, the translation of which is offered to the attention of the reader. Capablanca addressed his lectures to those chess players who are familiar with the rules of the game and want to know how to improve. The book is published in the series "The Library of the Chess Player" and is addressed to a wide circle of chess fans. -
6.83 $
The book of the famous Soviet grandmaster, the author of many works on the theory and practice of chess, is intended for those who aspire to achieve chess mastery. The author examines in detail the questions of theoretical and psychological preparation of chess players in the light of modern views on chess creativity. The book is designed for qualified professionals.
- Vynil Roll-up GO board 12.50 $
- 77.50 $
- Wooden magnetic chess with a Royal board (Art K) 70.00 $
- Wooden Staunton Magnetic Chess (Black lodgment) 60.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with a Staunton 5 weight in a box. (Art K) 42.50 $
- GO Game Kit 42.50 $
- Nylon Fabric Giant Chess and Checker Mat 300.00 $
- GIANT GARDEN CHESS PIECE. White and black 1499.75 $
- Checkers floor giant (park, garden) 437.50 $