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    This collection of wonderful combinations is based on the famous magazine “Chess” published in the USSR. The editorial office was located in Riga, its members included strong Latvian chess players, and the editor-in-chief of the publication for many years was the eighth world champion Mikhail Tal, who always took an active part in the development of the magazine. Perhaps the most popular section among readers has always been “Find the best continuation without moving the pieces.” A fresh dozen of the most beautiful and instructive combinations, mainly from current tournaments, were published on the back cover, and the solutions were given in the next issue. The combinations were selected by the editorial team very carefully, because the magazine's circulation was more than 60,000 copies and was distributed in more than 50 countries! This edition includes combinations published in the mentioned section from 1980 to 1990. By solving these combinations, you are sure to improve your tactical skills and significantly strengthen your game.

    40.00 $
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    The Caro-Kann defense is one of the most popular modern openings, which is firmly included in the repertoire of most elite chess players. The author of the book, a well-known grandmaster and theorist, offers a full repertoire for black in response to 1.e4, explains in detail the main strategic ideas of each option and gives the exact order of moves, offers a number of novelties in current schemes. In each chapter, alternative plans for black are considered, so that the reader can make a choice according to his taste, and it was more difficult for the opponent to prepare. Much attention in the monograph is paid to correspondence games in which players use all the achievements of modern technology. All analyses during the work on the manuscript are checked on powerful computers. Carefully selected positions for the solution will help the reader to consolidate the acquired knowledge. The 2nd edition supplements the section with the 10 most interesting current parties. The book is addressed to chess players of any level – from amateurs to professionals.  

    21.67 $
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    The 2012 World Vice-Champion continues his story, begun in the best-selling books Positional Decision Making in Chess. ("Book of the Year" according to the English Chess Federation), "Dynamic Decision Making in Chess" and "Technical Decision Making in Chess." The new book discusses ways to make decisions in positions without minor pieces. The reader will get acquainted with rook and queen endings, as well as with what Romanovsky called the "fourth stage", that is, the late middlegame / early endgame, where only heavy pieces remain on the board. «Gelfand is very good– and very honest – explains what decisions he was able to calculate and what he had to make on the basis of general reasoning, and how he did it. This resulted in a book of the type that I love. A chess player of any strength can find a lot of useful things here. (Grandmaster Matthew Sadler, reviewer of novelties in chess literature in the magazine "New in Chess"). For a wide range of chess lovers.

    22.41 $
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    15.00 $
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    The vast majority of opening guides are written for adult readers. This book is also devoted to the theory but it is junior. The structure of the book is simple and attractive: openings are examined using examples from actual games, each of which is presented in the form of a lesson with its own name. Several such lessons form an opening theme, and the examination of each theme concludes with exercises. In each opening, attention is drawn to its characteristic tactical and strategic ideas of combinations for independent solution strictly corresponds to the opening theme. Written in clear and easy language, the book is furnished with a large number of diagrams. Colored explanatory arrows on the diagrams and the selection of individual pages with a colored background make the book easier to understand. Regular work solve two problems: deepen the student's knowledge and develop his tactical vision, thus improving his skill and results.

    28.80 $
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    The answer book of an international grandmaster and an experienced coach (among whose students is A. Grischuk) Bloch's Maxim contains over 1200 combinations from practical games and specially compiled examples. All tasks are characterized by intense struggle, in which the goal is achieved by single moves. The book is intended for both young and adult amateurs, and for masters. The arrangement of examples by topic allows you to use the book not only as a task book, but also as a textbook. Of particular interest are over two hundred specially compiled by the author overstressed positions in which white wins the only way during the course of white, and black wins during the course of black. These examples, as well as over 50 fragments from the parties of the author and his students, are published for the first time.

    21.67 $
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    18.97 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is dedicated to the strongest piece on the chessboard – to the queen. Using the example of episodes from games of modern grandmasters (the vast majority of games date back to 2020-2023) and his own grandmaster practice, the author tries to generalize, and in some places even clarify the methodology for understanding and playing queen endings, as well as other types of endgames with the presence of queens ) On the desk. The book presents various ratios of material – “queen against queen”, “queen and minor piece against queen and minor piece”, “queen and rook against queen and rook”, “queen against two rooks”, “queen against rook and pawns”, “ queen against a rook and a minor piece”, “two queens against two queens” – practically the entire spectrum of encountered endgames of this type. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get maximum benefit from studying the examples of queen endings and its other derivatives offered by the author. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans.

    18.33 $
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    In the vast ocean of chess literature there are relatively few books about the endgame, and only a few of them can be considered true chess classics. And the most outstanding among the classics — Reuben Fine's book "Basic Chess Endings". Reuben Fine (1914−1993) was for a long time one of the best chess players in the world. As an author, Fine showed himself to be an excellent analyst who understood the full depth and peculiarities of the endgame. Having studied various types of standard positions, Fine established useful rules for practical play and proved himself to be an experienced teacher who, using skillfully chosen examples, was able to teach the reader all the necessary lessons and introduce him to the basic ideas of the endgame. Many generations of chess players in different countries of the world keep copies of “Basic Chess Endings”. For example, Mikhail Botvinnik considered Fine's work the most worthy of all that had ever been written on endgame theory.

    35.00 $
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    New, significantly enlarged edition of the famous book - 75 games. Anatoly Karpov is the greatest expert on Caro-Kann defense. He scored many bright victories in it, playing both white and black. In this paper, the multiple world champion talks about the most important and interesting discoveries made in the Caro-Kann defense. Many examples from modern practice are given.

    17.24 $
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Книги издательства:

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    4.84 $

    This book contains the best games of 42 outstanding chess players of the world. Each game is accompanied by a brief biographical sketch of the grandmaster and his portrait. The publication is designed for a wide range of readers.
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    4.84 $

    The book tells about the life and work of the oldest Soviet chess player, two-time champion of the country, one of the organizers of the Soviet chess movement, a major teacher P. A. Romanovsky. & nbsp;

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    4.84 $

    1967 edition. Good safety. In his book, the international grandmaster, chess theorist and writer Yu. Averbakh shares with the reader his research in the field of chess history, talks about the fascination with chess by great people of the past.
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    4.84 $

    The author of the book is master B. Shashin, known for his theoretical works. This book in a popular form tells about the role of pawns in a chess game, about such important concepts as a pawn center, a pawn phalanx, undermining a pawn chain, etc. Designed for a wide range of chess lovers.
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    4.97 $

    The main changes and additions made to this edition of the code clarify: the concept of progress; incorrectness in the conduct of the party; rules of using chess clocks; draw order; the procedure for postponing and playing the game; order of recognition for a draw with a triple repetition of the position.
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    5.18 $

    В этом издании международный гроссмейстер, заслуженный тренер СССР, наставник экс-чемпиона мира Б. Спасского - И. З. Бондаревский объясняет теорию комбинации, раскрывает мотивы, идеи различных комбинаций, характерных для середины игры. Очень важным разделом является приложение, где на примерах закрепляются ранее полученные теоретические знания. Рассчитана на широкий круг любителей шахмат.
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    5.18 $

    This book is addressed to chess practitioners who have reached a high level of qualification-approximately 1 level. The author, the well-known grandmaster, shares in her his experience of studying the various stages of the party and the types of positions. The author's recommendations are as close as possible to the requirements of chess practice and are aimed at helping the chess player improve.
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    5.18 $

    Shortly before his death, the great Cuban read a course of lectures on the radio. After his death, these lectures were published in the form of a small book, the translation of which is offered to the attention of the reader. Capablanca addressed his lectures to those chess players who are familiar with the rules of the game and want to know how to improve. The book is published in the series "The Library of the Chess Player" and is addressed to a wide circle of chess fans.
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    5.53 $

    Книга посвящена жизни и творчеству международного гроссмейстера А.Зайцева. Талантливый дальневосточный шахматист прожил короткую, но яркую жизнь. Оставив после себя немало прекрасных партий. В книге приводятся лучшие образцы творчества А.Зайцева, страницы его биографии, воспоминания коллег-шахматистов.
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    5.53 $

    Книга посвящена творчеству международного гроссмейстера, заслуженного тренера СССР Э.Е. Гуфельда. Яркий самобытный стиль игры, талант журналиста и комментатора, тренерская деятельность снискали ему большую популярность в шахматном мире. В книге представлены лучшие партии Гуфельда, его воспоминания и аналитические статьи. Очерк о спортивном пути гроссмейстера написан журналистом В. Теплицким, а в предисловии к книге своими впечатлениями о творчестве Гуфельда делятся Г. Каспаров, М. Таль и М. Тайманов.
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    5.53 $

    Книга посвящена спортивному и творческому пути старейшего советского шахматиста, заслуженного мастера спорта СССР, международного мастера В. Микенаса. О Микенасе рассказывают экс-чемпион мира М. Ботвинник, эстонский писатель О. Кунингас, международный арбитр Я. Рохлин. Сам Микенас вспоминает о своих встречах с А. Алёхиным, П. Кересом, С. Тартаковером, Г. Мароци, М. Видмаром, Е. Боголюбовым и другими выдающимися шахматистами. Предназначена для квалифицированных шахматистов. Содержит иллюстрации.
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    5.53 $

    This book is a kind of creative report on the more than 35-year-old chess activity of the international grandmaster, Honored Coach of the USSR A.Gipslis. Multiple champion of the Latvian SSR, a participant in many All-Union and international competitions. Gipslis is also known as an experienced coach, who has repeatedly led the national team of the country. Designed for a wide range of readers.
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    5.53 $

    Более полувека отдал шахматам международный гроссмейстер, заслуженный тренер СССР А.М. Константинопольский. Крупный теоретик, тренер сборных команд страны, он известен также как сильный шахматный практик. С лучшими образцами своего творчества (более 100 партий!) знакомит читателей А.М.Константинопольский. Книгу открывает статья о спортивном пути гроссмейстера.
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    5.53 $

    Книга посвящена талантливому гроссмейстеру и выдающемуся тренеру. В ней прослеживается 30-летний путь шахматиста, приводятся его лучшие партии, многие из которых прокомментированы самим гроссмейстером. Немало страниц посвящено Фурману-тренеру, воспитавшему двенадцатого чемпиона мира.
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    5.53 $

    Книга посвящена творчеству международного мастера В.Н. Панова - сильного практика, талантливого журналиста и пропагандиста шахмат. В книге собраны 80 партий мастера, в том числе 50 с подробными комментариями самого Панова, а также его избранные статьи. Читатель найдет в книге воспоминания людей, близко знавших Панова: М. Юдовича, Ю. Авербаха, Я. Эстрина и Г. Пановой, и очерки Н. Борисова, В. Малкина и Ж. Симеонова. Для широкого круга любителей шахмат.
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    5.53 $

    The book is dedicated to the work of one of the largest representatives of the Soviet chess school, a prominent public figure of Grandmaster V. Ragozin. The book contains the memories of people who knew Ragozin closely - M. Botvinnik, L. Abramov, B. Podzerob, S. Flora, M. Yudovich. The chess work of the grandmaster is widely represented.