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    New, significantly enlarged edition of the famous book - 75 games. Anatoly Karpov is the greatest expert on Caro-Kann defense. He scored many bright victories in it, playing both white and black. In this paper, the multiple world champion talks about the most important and interesting discoveries made in the Caro-Kann defense. Many examples from modern practice are given.

    17.24 $
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    Grandmaster Carlos Torre – like a chess comet; his genius flashed dazzlingly and quickly went out in the chess firmament! He – the author of the most famous “mill” in the history of chess, the 2nd world champion Emanuel Lasker fell into its merciless millstones. The authors spoke about the life and work of the Mexican genius (the book contains 25 commentated games by K. Torre). Torre’s book “How a Chess Player is Formed” is presented, an essay by international master Yaroslav Prizant about Torre’s attack in modern practice. In the section "Play like Torre" – 36 instructive examples from his practice to solve. Finally, there is an interview with Carlos Torre, conducted by Gabriel Velasco in 1977. Working with the book will give readers not only aesthetic pleasure, but will also help improve their skills.

    18.33 $
  • Magnetic road chess: folding board-case made of artificial leather, tablet-figures with a convex image. Wallet size 19x22 cm. The playing field is 15.5 x 15.5 cm. Cell 2x2 cm.

    51.72 $
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    This new book by the many-times world champion Anatoly Karpov and the author of more than fifty books, grandmaster Nikolay Kalinichenko, is devoted to one of the most complicated and strategically deep openings & mdash; the Queen's Gambit Declined. Using games played by the strongest grandmasters, it describes the interesting ideas which have appeared in the main development systems of this opening. Along with games from recent years, the book presents the most important encounters from the chess heritage. And of course, it includes games by Anatoly Karpov himself & mdash; a great expert on the Queen's Gambit, who generously shares with the reading his unique understanding of the concepts involved. The book is aimed at strong players, but it will also be of interest to a wide range of chess enthusiasts.

    36.00 $
  • A limited edition of the most famous electronic chess clock. Design & quot; under the tree & quot ;. Released for the 25th anniversary of the DGT. & Nbsp; These watches are used in all major tournaments, world championships and World Cups, World Chess Olympiads. Installation of any time controls, including Fisher and Bronstein controls (with added time). & Nbsp;

    300.00 $
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    «The idea of continuing the autobiographical book “Steps” has been in the air almost since the moment it was written. Despite the bullet point at the end of the book in the form of a victory over Magnus Carlsen, my chess career continued for another full 14 years, and the subsequent stormy socio-political career is only gaining momentum.” (V. Bologan).  The book contains 75 games commented in detail and a number of fragments. A frank story about the life and professional path, about cooperation with the leading grandmasters and coaches of the world (among them - A. Karpov, G. Kasparov, Yu. Polgar, Zhu Chen, R. Ponomarev, A. Shirov, A. Morozevich, A. Onischuk, A. Ryazantsev, E. Inarkiev, M. Al-Mudakhka, M. Dvoretsky, M. Podgaets, V. Chebanenko, Z. Lanka and others), about political activities in the Parliament of Moldova and about work in FIDE are complemented by numerous photographs.   For a wide range of chess lovers.

    36.67 $
  • Chess was invented in the 5th century AD in India and spread throughout the world. The uniqueness of this game is that it still covers the minds of everyone - from young to old! Chess combines elements of science and sports. They develop logic, perseverance, attentiveness, analytical thinking and memory.  Checkers is a fun, dynamic and relatively simple game. Every country in the world has it. It is comparatively easier to find a partner here than in chess. Backgammon – one of the oldest known board games. It is known that it came to us from the East. First, you need to master the basic techniques, so that later you can boldly apply various tricks during the game.  Cage length: 4.5 cm. King height: 8.8cm King base diameter: 2.8 cm The length and width of the field when unfolded: 44 X 44 cm. Material: wood Country of origin: China.

    84.48 $
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Physical education and sport

Книги издательства:

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    27.64 $

    The 2nd supplemented publication about the founder of chess in Russia. `Petrov Alexander Dmitrievich (1.2.1794, p. Biserovo, Pskov province., - 10.4.1867, Warsaw), the first Russian chess master, chess. theorist and composer, founder of the first chess club in Russia (St. Petersburg Society of Chess Game Lovers). The writer. State Councillor. In 1804-1840 he lived in St. Petersburg, from 1840 - in Warsaw. He played chess from the age of 7. In 1809 he won the match against one of the best Petersburgers. chess players A. Kopiev. For half a century he was the strongest chess player in Russia. He won the matches of K. Janis in the 1840s. (with handicap), S. Urusova - 3: 1 (1853) and 13: 7 (1859), I. Shumova - 4: 2 (1862). Bright master of combinational style.`
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    27.64 $

    2 nd updated edition. Under the general editorship of A. Constantinople. A detailed study of the creativity of "King of the pawn etude" ND Grigoriev: theoretical works, studies, selected parties, etc. N.D. Grigoriev (1895-1938) - Soviet chess player, chess composer and chess game analyst, chess writer and journalist, master of sports of the USSR in practical play (1927). Participant of six USSR championships in chess. Four-time chess champion of Moscow (1921, 1922, 1923-1924 and 1929). The first Soviet chess radio commentator. 

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    26.95 $

    Color photos and cartoons, gift edition
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    26.95 $

    In this book, the American grandmaster, world champion introduces 60 of his games to the reader. These are not always the best of his games (three of them are played by Fisher), but they necessarily contain something memorable to the author. All 60 games commented in this book were played in the period 1957-1967 with strict observance of the tournament regulations. Parties are commented carefully and in detail by Fisher. Each game is preceded by a small, but accurate, characteristic written by GM Evans. The book helps to understand what is the true place of the outstanding American chess player in world chess. This book gives the key to unlocking one of the main secrets of Fisher's success - this is his exceptional dedication to the art of chess, incessant creative burning. The book fully reveals this secret, and that is its lasting value. Designed for qualified chess players.

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    26.89 $

    В своей книге экс-чемпион мира рассказывает о творческом пути, делится своими взглядами на шахматную игру, знакомит с лучшими партиями, специально отобранными и прокомментированными для этой книги. Из этой книги читатель узнает о большом вкладе В. Смыслова в теорию шахмат. Издание предназначено высококвалифицированным шахматистам.

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    26.17 $

    О жизненном и творческом пути выдающегося польского шахматиста, одного из главных претендентов на шахматную корону в годы, предшествующие первой мировой войне, А.Рубинштейна. Его вклад в современную дебютную теорию огромен: целые схемы вышли из его лаборатории и стали определяющими в дебюте четырех коней, ферзевом гамбите, защите Нимцовича. Ему во многом обязан своим долголетием вариант Чигорина в испанской партии. Рубинштейн служил шахматам истово и страстно, с рвением и аскетизмом. Очерк о Рубинштейне написан известным шахматным журналистом В.Мурахвери. Комментарииу Ю.Разуваеву. В книгу также включены партии, которые прокомментировал Рубинштейн. Для шахматистов высокой квалификации

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    26.17 $

    Course debuts and principles of positions, a beginner’s guide. 85 debuts, illustrated with 106 diagrams and 75 batches of the strongest Russian drafts players, were disassembled in detail. From the preface: "Our work is only the first experience, which, we believe, will meet the favorable attention of the amateur and awaken in him even greater interest in this deep, difficult, graceful and extremely interesting folk game."
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    25.94 $

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    24.83 $

    The book of the international grandmaster, two-time world champion in absentee game of checkers V. Agafonov is an encyclopedia of drafts beginnings. Each debut is analyzed in detail and illustrated with examples from the games of the strongest grandmasters and masters, both Soviet and foreign. 6963 In fact, in the “Debut Course”, the experience of the world's leading schools, Soviet and Dutch, is summarized. Good Samara

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    24.83 $

    This instance is in satisfactory condition. & nbsp; A guide to learning the ends of games. 3rd revised and enlarged edition.

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    24.83 $

    Подробное исследование творчества четвертого чемпиона мира. Первый том монографии гроссмейстера А. Котова посвящен жизни и творчеству великого русского шахматиста Александра Алехина. На большом фактическом материале автор рассказывает о спортивном и жизненном пути чемпиона мира, дает анализ его творчества, вклада в теорию дебютов, рассматривает комбинации и тактические удары, различные способы атаки на короля. Около 200 прокомментированных партий раскрывают творческую лабораторию гениального шахматиста. Автор ставил перед собой задачу прокомментировать партии русского чемпиона, чтобы они могли стать хорошим материалом для учебных занятий шахматных школ и работы по самосовершенствованию шахматиста. Первый том посвящен дебютам, комбинациям и тактике. Книга рассчитана на квалифицированных шахматистов. Автограф автора.

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    24.18 $

    Самая первая книга легендарной серии ВШМ!
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    24.18 $

    Сборники партий первенств СССР в виде книг после войны были изданы в Москве для всех чемпионатов с XVII по XXII. Они были однотипны по форме и содержали все партии (подавляющее большинство – с примечаниями), вступительный и дебютный обзоры, таблицы и указатели. В их подготовке участвовали все ведущие шахматисты СССР. В те времена чемпионаты СССР действительно были смотрами всей шахматной гвардии. 1954 1. Авербах

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    24.18 $

    Книга о Михаиле Ивановиче Чигорине, основоположнике отечественной шахматной школы, продолжающая серию `Выдающиеся шахматисты мира`, рассказывает о трудном жизненном и творческом пути великого шахматиста. Подавляющее большинство партий, вошедших в книгу, прокомментировано заново, что позволяет лучше понять немеркнущие идеи Чигорина и их влияние на творчество шахматистов нашего времени. Любители шахмат различной квалификации найдут много интересного и полезного для себя в этой книге.
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    24.18 $

    Instance in excellent condition. Old library printing. This tutorial is designed for beginner drafts players and those who do not yet have a sports rank, although they have long studied drafts.

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    24.18 $

    Comments on the parties of the tournament of applicants for the match with the world champion. Neuhausen - Zurich, August 29 - October 24, 1953