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20.60 $
Tutorial on a new basis (graphic elements and properties of figures). p>
30.00 $
The new textbook on tactics of the famous theoretician and historian of chess, Ya. I. Neustadt, is the second volume of Chess Workshop, a popular tutorial published in the USSR in 1980. The book, designed for a wide range of chess lovers, includes new vivid examples that reveal various combination themes.
Harbinger of future famous yearbooks (in satisfactory state).
46.67 $
Interesting and fighting parties of recent years, an explanation of typical techniques and ideas of the debut, thematic exercises. Bright and deep work!
43.33 $
"Strategy" - the first edition of the third book of the educational series for highly qualified chess players: "The School of Higher Proficiency" by Mark Dvoretsky. The problems of positional struggle in the opening and middlegame, as well as playing out simple positions, are presented here in bright games and instructive, memorable fragments from the works of the authors and his students: A. Yusupov, S. Dolmatov, A. Chernin and others. Of particular value to the textbook give a variety of "positional exercises" and "questions" for self-solution, developing the skills necessary for practical games at a high level. The book includes only new materials and analyzes.
40.00 $
"Complicated Party" - the fourth and final book of the series "The School of Higher Skill" Mark Dvoretsky. The first half of the book is devoted to the issues of debut training at the grandmaster level. Here are revealed the secrets of searching and the birth of debut novelties, the creation of "his theory" in the creative laboratory of the coach and his students. A detailed analysis of complex, intense games in the second half of the book will allow you to dive into the world of rich and diverse chess ideas, learn about the causes of errors, see the hidden mechanisms that guide the course of the chess struggle in one direction or another. It also presents such important problems for each chess player as: preparation for a particular game and for the competition as a whole, a technique for finding a specific move directly behind the board, and much more. Only new, never-before-published materials and analyzes are included in the book intended for highly qualified chess players. P>
32.50 $
The second, significantly expanded edition of the tournament collection is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of one of the most important chess events of the outgoing century - the match tournament for the world championship in 1948. The first edition of the book, in addition to the games brilliantly commented on by P. Keres, includes materials that were not previously published from the heritage of M. Botvinnik: “secret” debut analyzes, chess-psychological portraits of opponents and a diary of the match tournament. In addition, a number of parties of the first Soviet world champion are given with his own. very frank notes made later. The book of two prominent players and analysts - P. Keres and M. Botvinnik, opening the series “Library of Chess Classics”, will undoubtedly be interesting and useful to a wide circle of chess lovers, especially young people seeking to master the classical heritage.
66.67 $
The third book of the series organically combines theoretical information on the strategy and tactics of fighting along lines with a large number of tasks for training. The material is presented in an accessible form. P>
70.00 $
Studying classics, deep analysis of their own games, modern computer training methods - this is the hard way to overcome a young chess player to become a grandmaster. In this you, of course, will help, this book. The unique tests in the book on various topics (fantasy, combination vision, enemy counter-shanses, positional sacrifice, etc.) allow you to really assess your chess advantages and disadvantages and choose the right direction for further independent work. but is designed for qualified chess players and coaches.
50.00 $
The third book from the series "School of future champions" (English version of the title - "Technique for tournament players"). It considers such important and rare in the chess literature topics as the improvement of endgame technique and the realization of the achieved advantage. The book is designed for qualified chess players and coaches.
75.00 $
The fifth, final book series "School of future champions" - the first of the books of M. Dvoretsky and A. Yusupov is published in Russian earlier than in the West. Only new materials are included in the book. Many of the problems presented here (the development of fantasy, intuition, the psychology of decision-making, the causes of errors, etc.) has been little studied in the world chess literature. The book is designed for qualified chess players and coaches.
50.00 $
The third, revised and greatly expanded edition of one of the most popular textbooks in the School of Future Champions series, which has become a bestseller of world chess literature. The authors are an outstanding coach and one of the strongest grandmasters (in the past - the contender for the title of world champion) share their secrets of opening preparation. Instead of mechanically memorizing a multitude of forced debut variants, a deep study of general ideas, methods and techniques of wrestling in the opening, the creation of a “own” theory appropriate to the style, allowing the chess player to discover and use his strengths. Much attention is paid in the book to methods of preparing for a particular party and the enemy, the inextricable connection of opening constructions with the subsequent middlegame and endgame. Many in the textbook new, original debut ideas, finds (some of them have not yet been used) and research that will be useful in the practical game of a wide range of qualified players and coaches.
7.45 $
Reprint of the famous book of the 30s. 5000 copies.
The whole life of the fifth world chess champion M. Euwe is an example of selfless service to our wise game. A brilliant chess player, writer, public figure, Dr. Euwe has done a lot to promote chess and strengthen their authority. The creative heritage of the fifth world champion, who defeated the great Alekhine in the match, is huge, but, unfortunately, is almost unknown to our reader. Those who were fortunate enough to read Euwe’s works consider him one of the best chess authors. There are always not enough good textbooks, especially for those who have already mastered the basics of chess. & Nbsp;
The logic of modern chess Author:
Dydyshko 72.50 $ -
Siegbert Tarrasch. The Queen Author:
Tarrash 72.50 $ -
High quality acrylic metal heavy chess pieces with wooden board 202.50 $
Wooden magnetic Staunton chess with a lock (silver) 56.25 $
Chess school Author:
Averbah 15.00 $ -
The chess set of The Chessmen. US war - Great Britain 325.00 $
Chess textbook. Party diamonds Author:
Seiravan 62.50 $ -
The Small Encyclopedia of Chess Openings. ABCDE (3rd Edition) 175.00 $
Anthology of Chess Problems - 2345 Author:
Kovacevic 100.00 $ -
Encyclopedia of Chess Problems - Topics and Terms. 3rd edition. Author:
Velimirovic 125.00 $