Книги издательства:
- Сортировка:
- от дорогих
- от дешевых
- новые поступления
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14.40 $
"Chess University" is a tutorial of Ukrainian chess players.Author of articles: grandmaster G. KuzminEditor -in-Chif: A. StreltsovPublished: Moscow 1993Language: German, EnglishPages: 78 -
14.40 $
"Chess ABC" in English. Full color.
This book was first published in the mighty Soviet Union in 1972. It is NOT a basic book to learn how to play chess or how to improve your game. It is a story book with the chess pieces as a background. It is suitable to be read to children who are interested in the game. The basic moves and some simple mates are provided, but mostly it is a story book. The great thing about this book is the art work and design. The book is filled with drawings of kings, elephants, knights on horseback, boats and soldiers. The front and back cover provide examples of this. There are 63 full color drawings in the original book. The presence of elephants and boats in this book is because the chess piece we call the bishop is called the elephant in Russian and the piece we call the rook is called the boat in Russian. This book was originally published in the Soviet Union as a 4-color book. Almost every page contained colorful drawings of chess related themes such as armies in battle. There are 63 full color drawings in the original book.
The logic of modern chess Author:
Dydyshko 72.50 $ -
Siegbert Tarrasch. The Queen Author:
Tarrash 72.50 $ -
High quality acrylic metal heavy chess pieces with wooden board 202.50 $
Wooden magnetic Staunton chess with a lock (silver) 56.25 $
Chess school Author:
Averbah 15.00 $ -
The chess set of The Chessmen. US war - Great Britain 325.00 $
Chess textbook. Party diamonds Author:
Seiravan 62.50 $ -
The Small Encyclopedia of Chess Openings. ABCDE (3rd Edition) 175.00 $
Anthology of Chess Problems - 2345 Author:
Kovacevic 100.00 $ -
Encyclopedia of Chess Problems - Topics and Terms. 3rd edition. Author:
Velimirovic 125.00 $