Книги автора:
26.17 $
О жизненном и творческом пути выдающегося польского шахматиста, одного из главных претендентов на шахматную корону в годы, предшествующие первой мировой войне, А.Рубинштейна. Его вклад в современную дебютную теорию огромен: целые схемы вышли из его лаборатории и стали определяющими в дебюте четырех коней, ферзевом гамбите, защите Нимцовича. Ему во многом обязан своим долголетием вариант Чигорина в испанской партии. Рубинштейн служил шахматам истово и страстно, с рвением и аскетизмом. Очерк о Рубинштейне написан известным шахматным журналистом В.Мурахвери. Комментарииу Ю.Разуваеву. В книгу также включены партии, которые прокомментировал Рубинштейн. Для шахматистов высокой квалификации
20.72 $
The Italian expression dare il gambetto - & quot; substitute the leg & quot; - it became a common language of chess players at the end of the 16th century, when the Spaniard Ruy Lopez applied it in his famous guide. & quot; Substitute leg & quot; - It means playing sharply and unconventionally at the very beginning of the game, sacrificing a pawn or even a piece to seize the initiative, quickly develop your attack and threaten the enemy king. For the first time a whole encyclopedia is dedicated to gambits! Grandmaster Yuri Razuvayev and chess writer and master Anatoliy Matsukevich invite us to an exciting, bright world of the gambit game. -
62.06 $
Основные понятия Гамбит является вдохновляющей руководство для тех, кто стремится обострить свою игру и бороться за победу. Эта книга предлагает идеи и понимание современной игры. Key Concepts of Gambit Play is an inspirational guide for those seeking to sharpen their game and fight for the win. By covering 14 gambits from a wide range of openings, this book offers ideas and insights into the nature of modern gambit play. Grandmaster Yuri Razuvaev was one of the best-known coaches and chess writers in the Soviet Union. He worked with a host of stars, including World Champions Anatoly Karpov, Veselin Topalov and Alexandra Kosteniuk. He died in 2012. The book is comprehensively updated by Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard, without ruining any of the charm of the original. -
10.37 $
The risk and struggle for the initiative became the most important weapon of modern chess. Well, where there is a risk and a struggle for initiative, there is a worthy place and for gambit ideas. The book of the honored coach of the USSR, international grandmaster Y.S.Razuvaev will bring unconditional benefit to both qualified chess players and amateurs. -
- Chess computer - Grandmaster EXCALIBUR. Big convenient professional board. 5 cm cage! 750.00 $
- Soviet chess "Simza" 60.00 $
A training manual from the famous trainer A.V. Getmanchuk. Set of 5 books.
Getmanchuk 59.40 $ -
Not for long. Romantic novel
Amannazarov 4.00 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 5 with a wooden board. 117.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with weighting RCR Terry Nr. 535 Boxwood/Rosewood (Germany) 400.00 $
- Chess clock Garde - ART P-11 200.00 $
Concert for violin and orchestra
Dashkevich 18.42 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 6 with wooden board 48 cm 123.75 $
Defense of the Caro-Cannes. Classical system
Karpov 18.50 $