Книги автора:
8.28 $
'Singer of mathematics, bard of physics, poet of astronomy, herald
astronautics & mdash; this was and remains in the memory of Yakov Isidoro-
hiv Perelman, whose books have been sold around the world in millions.
copies. It is associated with the name of this wonderful person.
the emergence and development of a special & mdash; entertaining & mdash; genre
scientific popularization of the foundations of knowledge. Author of over a hundred books, including
including & bdquo; Entertaining Math & ldquo ;, & bdquo; Entertaining Astronomy & ldquo ;,
& bdquo; Entertaining physics & ldquo ;, & bdquo; Puzzles and challenges & ldquo; and many others etc., he has-
gave a rare gift excitingly interesting to talk about dry
scientific truths, arouse burning curiosity and curiosity-
nost & mdash; these are the first stages of the independent work of the mind. '' & mdash; wrote
about Ya. I. Perelman twice winner of the USSR State Prize,
twice Hero of Socialist Labor academician V.P. Glushko.
The author himself has collaborated with Perelma for a number of years.
Mr., and while working on the book, I used archival materials, litera-
travel sources and memoirs of those who knew Yakov Isidorovich
The logic of modern chess Author:
Dydyshko 72.50 $ -
Siegbert Tarrasch. The Queen Author:
Tarrash 72.50 $ -
High quality acrylic metal heavy chess pieces with wooden board 202.50 $
Wooden magnetic Staunton chess with a lock (silver) 56.25 $
Chess school Author:
Averbah 15.00 $ -
The chess set of The Chessmen. US war - Great Britain 325.00 $
Chess textbook. Party diamonds Author:
Seiravan 62.50 $ -
The Small Encyclopedia of Chess Openings. ABCDE (3rd Edition) 175.00 $
Anthology of Chess Problems - 2345 Author:
Kovacevic 100.00 $ -
Encyclopedia of Chess Problems - Topics and Terms. 3rd edition. Author:
Velimirovic 125.00 $