Книги автора:
Monográfiánkat az egyik legaktuálisabb megnyitásnak, a Grünfeld-védelemnek szenteltük. Ezt a védelmet Grünfeld osztrák nagymester vezette be a versenygyakorlatba 1922-ben, vagyis egy évvel az Aljechin-védelem megjelenése után; a két védelem eszmei megalapozásában sok a közös vonás. A Grünfeld-védelemben sötét szintén kihívja a világos gyalog előnyomulását, amely tempóval támadja meg a sötét huszárt, időlegesen átengedi a centrumot, majd ellentámadást indít ellene, tisztjeivel nyomást gyakorol a centrumra, és azt gyalogjaival is igyekszik felrobbantani. A Grünfeld-védelem megjelenése nagy vitákat váltott ki, többen a sakktörvények megsértését látták benne, és ezért a szigorú teoretikusok azt követelték, hogy nyomban döntsék meg a védelmet. A Grünfeld-védelmet azóta sokszor elvetették, majd megjavították, megdöntötték és feltámasztották, és ennek megfelelően elítélték vagy dicsérték.
One of the first versions of the original algorithm for a chess program. The algorithm of the game of the chess master, on the basis of which the program is executed, is the first Soviet chess game program "Pioneer".
5.87 $
Transcript of a public lecture given at the Central Lecture Hall of the Society in Moscow. -
41.38 $
The second, augmented edition of the pre-war book, which has become a bibliographic rarity. Excellent analytical work of MM Botvinnik was supplemented with the reports of S. Flore and other materials of that time. In the appendix are given all the games of the first match for the world championship between A. Alekhine and M. Euwe. For qualified chess players and a wide range of readers.
32.50 $
In this book, 120 best games played during the period from 1923 to 1941 are presented. In the introductory article the author tells about the beginning of his sports and creative way, about how the game became his profession. The book is intended for professional chess players.
32.50 $
This book is a continuation of the scientific work of M.M. Botvinnik "Analytical and Critical Works, 1923-1941", which was first published more than thirty years ago. The great chess player continues the story about his sports and creative activity in the period 1942-1956, including winning the title of world champion, leads 130 best games of this time.
32.50 $
In this book the best parties of the first Soviet world champion M. Botvinnik are collected, relating to the final period of his activity as a chess player-practitioner. The reader will find examples of chess games from matches for the world championship with V. Smyslov, T. Tal, T. Petrosyan and several other competitions in 1957-1970, as well as previously unpublished photos from the life of the famous grandmaster. The book is designed for qualified chess players.
- Chess computer - Grandmaster EXCALIBUR. Big convenient professional board. 5 cm cage! 750.00 $
- Soviet chess "Simza" 60.00 $
A training manual from the famous trainer A.V. Getmanchuk. Set of 5 books.
Getmanchuk 59.40 $ -
Not for long. Romantic novel
Amannazarov 4.00 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 5 with a wooden board. 117.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with weighting RCR Terry Nr. 535 Boxwood/Rosewood (Germany) 400.00 $
- Chess clock Garde - ART P-11 200.00 $
Concert for violin and orchestra
Dashkevich 18.42 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 6 with wooden board 48 cm 123.75 $
Defense of the Caro-Cannes. Classical system
Karpov 18.50 $