1551.72 $
Henri Rinck (French Henri Rinck, January 10, 1870, Lyon & mdash; February 17, 1952, Badalona ) & mdash; French chess player and chess composer, classic of contemporary art etude. Rink & mdash; the author of more than 1,500 studies, 58 of them received first prizes at competitions. In 1909, Rink released his first compilation of & laquo; 150 studies & raquo; (fr. 150 fins de partie) with a foreword by Johann Berger. The book was reprinted in 1913, 1919 (the number of etudes rose to 300) and in 1927, including 700 etudes. & nbsp; 4th edition & laquo; 150 etudes & raquo ;. Autographed by Rink to Georges Renault. Georges Reno (fr. Georges Renaud; January 8, 1893, Nancy & mdash; July 28, 1975) & mdash ; French chess player. Champion of France (1923). The French national team is a participant in the 1st Olympiad (1927) in London. Art W.
393.11 $
Paper, purple ink, ink, color pencils. & laquo; Moscow State University. Senior group number 2. 26..56. 28th lesson. A.A. Alekhin. & mdash; About Alekhine, as a person. Page 10, p. 28. Two characteristics. Idealization Kotova, Panova. Why are their books bad? Alekhine and the women's issue. Alekhin and chess. (Steinitz and chess, Chigorin and chess). Chess professionalism and Alekhin. Alekhin's chess contemplation is his outlook and world perception. Romanticism Alekhine. About the match Alekhine-Capablanca. Creative masterpieces. The period of 1927. & mdash; 1934 Alekhin-Nemtsovich & mdash; San Remo 1930. Alekhin-Lasker Zurich 1934. Final combinations in the 4th and 6 games of the second match with Bogolyubov. Conclusion (On the drama Alekhine). 25.IV.56. P. Romanovsky & raquo;. & Nbsp; Peter Arsenyevich Romanovsky (1892-1964) & mdash; Soviet chess player, international master, two-time champion of the USSR (in 1923 and in 1927). In 1909, Romanovsky, playing in the All-Russian Amateur Tournament, managed to take over the future world champion Alexander Alekhin.
Contains the autograph of the author
23.33 $
London system & ndash; flexible and reliable debut. Its advantage is that it almost does not have long, forced options, which need to be memorized by heart. For many years, that the London system is represented at various tournaments, it was regularly applied by grandmasters like Tigran Petrosyan, David Bronstein, Paul Keres, who are different in creative writing. Today, the debut is becoming more and more popular, including the efforts of the current world champion Magnus Carlsen, as well as Vladimir Kramnik, Gata Kamsky, Alexander Grischuk, Boris Grachev, Alexei Dreev, etc. You can build the system contours against almost any arrangement of blacks on the board. This allows you to focus on a deep insight into the debut & ndash; Instead of cramming a lot of unrelated options. The authors - grandmaster A. Romero and master O.Prado will help you quickly put a new & ldquo; white & rdquo; debut repertoire. Play the London system and win! For a wide range of chess fans.
13.33 $
The book is dedicated to the outstanding Soviet draftsman V. Sokov, who died heroically during the Great Patriotic War. Sokov’s area of interest included not only Russian drafts and checkers, but also international drafts and chess.
2068.97 $
Large Collectible Premium wooden chess computer Kasparov Renaissance KASPAROV RENAISSANCE SAITEK. Made of precious wood LARGE touch board 52*52 cm (no need to put pressure on the cells with figures!!!). In excellent working order; An excellent gift for a chess professional, amateur or collector; Wooden figures; The pleasure of playing and contemplating is guaranteed; Works from a power supply or batteries. Art: P12
Autographed by P.A. Romanovsky from his personal library. Peter Arsenievich Romanovsky & nbsp; (July 17 (29), 1892, St. Petersburg & mdash; March 1, 1964, Moscow) & mdash; Soviet chess player, international master (1950). Two-time champion of the USSR (1923 and 1927). Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1934). About the championship in Budapest from June 30 to July 14, 1959. & nbsp;
22.76 $
In his new book, the famous grandmaster, theoretician and coach made an attempt to "embrace the boundless": to highlight and reveal all the most important issues of the chess strategy, which every literate chess player should have an idea of. Carefully selected and deeply analyzed batches and fragments represent a symbiosis of classical, well-known samples and examples from modern practice. All the resulted parties and fragments are divided into three levels of complexity; Each chapter is accompanied by a list of additional materials for self-study. The first volume consists of two parts: "Debut" and "Mittelspiel", in the second volume, two other topics are discussed: "Pawns are the soul of chess" and "Dynamics". The book is addressed, first of all, to first-timers and candidates for master, although more experienced chess players will surely find many useful tips and recommendations for themselves. This work can be used both as a self-instruction manual and as a textbook for specialized chess schools.
22.76 $
В своей новой книге известные гроссмейстеры, теоретики и тренеры предприняли попытку «объять необъятное»: выделить и раскрыть все наиболее важные вопросы стратегии шахмат, о которых должен иметь представление каждый грамотный шахматист. Тщательно отобранные и глубоко проанализированные партии и фрагменты представляют собой симбиоз классических, хорошо известных образцов и примеров из современной практики. Все приведенные партии и фрагменты разделены на три уровня сложности; каждую главу сопровождает список дополнительных материалов для самостоятельного изучения. Первый том состоит из двух частей: «Дебют» и «Миттельшпиль», во втором томе разбираются две другие темы: «Пешки – душа шахмат» и «Динамика». Книга адресована, в первую очередь, перворазрядникам и кандидатам в мастера, хотя и более опытные шахматисты наверняка найдут для себя немало полезных советов и рекомендаций. Эта работа может быть использована и как самоучитель, и как учебник для специализированных шахматных школ. Искусство оценивать одновременно значение различных позиционных, тактических и смешанных факторов приходит с опытом. Каким бы ни был ученик талантливым, только сыграв тысячи партий и проштудировав множество книг, он станет зрелым шахматистом. Таким игроком можно назвать лишь того, кто впитал в себя шахматную культуру и в состоянии не только нанести “шальной” удар, но и выдать цельную стратегическую партию. Глядя на практически любую позицию, опытный шахматист сразу выделяет важные нюансы – статические и динамические. Какие пешки и поля слабые, положение каких фигур необходимо улучшить, какие в позиции могут быть тактические мотивы и т.д. Надеемся, что наша работа поможет научиться оценивать позицию по множеству подобных признаков – для практических успехов это очень важно.
30.00 $
Linares occupies a special place among the largest tournaments. Every year the organizers try to attract the strongest chess players to the tournament, as well as a new, bright star. This role was played in 2002 by the 18-year-old “freshly baked” FIDE champion, Ukrainian Ruslan Ponomarev. Who is he? Did he win the world championship by chance or is he capable of playing on equal terms with the strongest players in the world? Detailed comments from international grandmaster Konstantin Sakaev will help chess players of any level answer this question on their own. A review of new products will give an idea of modern opening theory and will be useful when preparing for competitions. A large number of diagrams allows you to read the book without arranging the chessboard.
83.33 $
Славянская защита - самый популярный закрытый дебют наших дней, входящий в репертуар подавляющего большинства гроссмейстеров высокого класса. Шахматист-практик, играющий 1.d4, сталкивается с этим дебютом практически в каждом турнире, черными же применять его можно вообще чуть ли не в каждой второй партии. В течение многих лет я играл самые разные разветвления этого дебюта за оба цвета, анализировал его как самостоятельно, так и в содружестве со многими известными гроссмейстерами. Сейчас я решил дать возможность всем желающим заглянуть в гроссмейстерскую лабораторию и познакомиться с моим профессиональным отношением к тем или иным дебютным разветвлениям. Вторая часть работы включает в себя все системы, не вошедшие в первую. Это популярный вариант Алапина 3.Kf3 Kf6 4.Kc3 dxc4, а также системы, берущие начало после 4...e6. Не забыты такие возможности как 5.g3 и 5.Фb3, а после 5.e3 Kbd7 разбираются главным образом меранский (6.Сd3 dxc4 7.Сxc4 b5) и антимеранский (6.Фc2 Сd6) варианты. Еще одну солидную часть книги занимает продолжение 5.Bg5, делящееся в свою очередь на несколько крупных самостоятельных разделов. Это московский (5...h6 6.Сxf6) и антимосковский (5...h6 6.Сh4) варианты, а также система Ботвинника 5...dxc4. Возможность объединить такое количество систем в одной книге (ее можно было бы сделать пятитомником) появилась благодаря тому, что я старался дерево устаревших с моей точки зрения линий сократить до умеренного количества, оставляя лишь то, что действительно полезно знать. В дебютных книгах часто приводятся второсортные продолжения, после которых следует большое количество ссылок на сыгранные таким образом партии. В итоге книга раздувается, а суть оказывается размыта. Я в подобных случаях кратко отмечал, почему данная конкретная линия не заслуживает подробного рассмотрения. Такой подход позволил «объять необъятное» не только без потери качества, но наоборот — под рукой всегда именно то, что необходимо, а найти нужную рекомендацию гораздо проще. Текстовые пояснения к вариантам и ключевым позициям даны не везде, а лишь в тех случаях, где мне это показалось важным и где выводы не слишком очевидны. В остальном использовалась общепринятая символьная система оценок. Книга содержит очень большое количество новинок с прилагающимися анализами, проделанными не менее тщательно, чем в первой части.
14.89 $
The winner of the 12th World Correspondence Championship talks about his chess career and in the most detailed way comments on the best games. The author considers methods of preparation, as well as sports, psychological, ethical and other aspects of the struggle.
620.69 $
In 1883 & nbsp; in & nbsp; & quot ; Newspaper & nbsp; A. & nbsp; Gatsuka & quot; a & nbsp; contest of & nbsp; checkers & nbsp; problems was announced, the result of which went beyond the lack of space & nbsp; in the & nbsp; newspaper & nbsp; a separate brochure compiled by D.I. Sargin. A small book was very sympathetically greeted in & nbsp; checkers & nbsp; literature; so magazine & quot; Rainbow & quot; called her a `` jewel '' and more than once recommended to my readers as a guide to composing & nbsp; checkers & nbsp; problems. Excellent condition.
31.03 $
& nbsp; Chess is a fascinating, stimulating thinking game, today regaining popularity. According to statistics, over 600 million people from 120 countries of the world now have the skills to play chess. If you have not tried to play, it's time to start learning from this book. It is written briefly, but with great knowledge of the matter, and it has everything to master the game of chess. You will find information about each chess piece, its capabilities and tactics with its participation. On the examples of various moves and games, get acquainted with the main strategies of the game and learn how to put them into practice. Separate sections are devoted to the three main stages of the chess game: opening, middle of the game and endgame. Experienced masters will advise how to act at each stage of the game with the greatest effect. Hundreds of color illustrations of chess games with examples of moves and strategies will allow you to visualize the course of the game, master knowledge and skills that will help you start playing and gain victories. Coated paper, color illustration. Good condition, one copy available.
20.00 $
Methodical manual on draughts. The manual covers various aspects of the theory and practice of one of the popular intellectual martial arts. Multiple champion of St. Petersburg, first of all - in the blitz game, Alexander Savenok shares with readers his 35—year experience of performing in full-time and correspondence competitions of various ranks.
9.11 $
Promotional price! The book of the outstanding Russian chess player Emanuel Stepanovich Schiffers is dedicated to the strongest tournament of the XIX century and one of the strongest in the history of chess. It was played by the winners of the famous Hastingian tournament of 1895, the strongest chess players of their time: G. Pilsbury, M. Chigorin, Em. Lasker and V. Steinitz (Z. Tarrasch refused to participate in the tournament). A reprint edition from the book of 1896, which has long become an absolute bibliographic rarity. Feel the breath of time! For a wide range of chess lovers.
351.72 $
& quot; Chess game tutorial & quot; Emanuel Schiffers is a classic of chess literature. The chapters on the methodological approach to learning are of great pedagogical value, and the plans for solving some problems in this tutorial coincide with the algorithm developed for computers today! Unfortunately, the book has long become a bibliographic rarity, but for practicing chess players this is more of an advantage in the fight against rivals. The book will be useful both to young chess players who are just creating their own foundation for creativity, as well as to & quot; experienced fighters & quot;, which modern views will allow to evaluate ideas that are ahead of time in classical work. Art Sh
A slight undulation of gloss from the bottom of the front cover. "A chess game of win-win game" - this is an exciting introduction to chess, which will turn you into a real gladiator behind a chessboard. Familiarity with how to organize skillful attacks and conduct a delicate defense, will take you from the world of exciting competitions in the realm of creativity. The book is written clearly and accessible, includes a variety of stories and interesting details from the life of Champions.
Chess composition in Azerbaijan / Азəрбаjҹанда шаhмат композисиjасы
Sarichev 62.50 $ -
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