Debut theory
41.38 $
The Spanish party is one of the most popular debuts at the club level and among top-level players. In this volume, Viorel Bologan presents a modern repertoire for blacks, based on the beloved lines of Magnus Carlsen and Levon Aronian. "The Spanish Party for Bologna for Blacks" is a clearly structured book, with understandable comments and a playful set of responses against the Spanish Party. The author offers two different answers to black for each significant line. In fact, these are two books in one! In the center of Bologan's proposed repertoire is the attack of Marshall (8 ... d5) and the Breyer variant (9 ... Cb8). The author leads the reader on the debut lines with a firm hand, not letting go astray, using a systematic approach. His book is this: - a guide for those who have little time to prepare; - "Arsenal of strategic ideas": how pawn structures ask the theme of the party; - "Fast" repertoire (in each chapter): the minimum you need to know; - new ideas in old lines; - modern tactical motives; - permutations of moves and related subtleties; - a lot of practical advice; - links to more than 2,200 parties.
22.76 $
Caro-Kann Defense & ndash; One of the most popular modern debuts, which is firmly included in the repertoire of most elite chess players. The author of the book, a well-known grandmaster and theorist, offers a complete repertoire for blacks in response to 1.e4, explains in detail the basic strategic ideas of each option and gives the exact order of moves, offers a number of new products in current schemes. Each chapter discusses alternative plans for black, so that the reader can make a choice according to his taste, and it is more difficult for an opponent to prepare. Much attention is paid to the parties by correspondence, in which players use all the achievements of modern technology. All analyzes are tested on powerful computers. Carefully selected positions for the decision will help the reader to consolidate their knowledge. The book is written for chess players of any level & ndash; from amateurs to professionals.
18.97 $
Grandmaster Viorel Bologan's theoretical work is devoted to the Rossolimo system in the Sicilian Defense (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5). Once reputed to be harmless to blacks, this scheme has come to the forefront of modern opening theory and is regularly seen in top-level competitions, including world championship matches. Due to the deep positional basis and the absence of long computer options "to a draw" the system moved the continuation 3.d4 into the repertoire of many elite grandmasters. In the Rossolimo system, original pawn structures often appear that require unconventional, deeply thought-out actions. The book is addressed primarily to those who want to use this system for whites. However, and "black" it will also be useful: all the most dangerous schemes for White are considered here, and the lateral variations are easy to study on your own. Decision positions will help you get a better feel for the strategic and tactical intricacies of this system. For a wide range of chess lovers.
93.33 $
The book is devoted to the original invention of an outstanding Moldovan coach and theorist Vyacheslav Chebanenko. The 4 ... a6 system in the Slavic Defense, which was considered quackly a quarter of a century ago, has become one of the most popular and reliable for black tabi in closed debuts today. The student and continuer of the Chebanenko case grandmaster Viorel Bologan summarizes the accumulated experience, as well as gives a number of new ideas and analyzes typical middlegame plans. Assignments for self-help will help you to better understand the strategic and tactical subtleties of the Chebanenko system and quickly master the scheme that the best chess players of the world have adopted.
27.50 $
The second edition. The new work of international grandmaster Viorel Bologan is devoted to one of the most popular and combat modern debuts - the Old Indian defense. The author scrupulously builds the entire perimeter of the defense of the Blacks, explains the typical plans and tactics, offers a number of novelties in the current schemes. The book is addressed to chess players of any level, since the laws of the Old Indian are the same for amateurs and super-GMs alike. If you have already reviewed the product, a huge request to add feedback. This will help visitors to make their choice correctly.
Monográfiánkat az egyik legaktuálisabb megnyitásnak, a Grünfeld-védelemnek szenteltük. Ezt a védelmet Grünfeld osztrák nagymester vezette be a versenygyakorlatba 1922-ben, vagyis egy évvel az Aljechin-védelem megjelenése után; a két védelem eszmei megalapozásában sok a közös vonás. A Grünfeld-védelemben sötét szintén kihívja a világos gyalog előnyomulását, amely tempóval támadja meg a sötét huszárt, időlegesen átengedi a centrumot, majd ellentámadást indít ellene, tisztjeivel nyomást gyakorol a centrumra, és azt gyalogjaival is igyekszik felrobbantani. A Grünfeld-védelem megjelenése nagy vitákat váltott ki, többen a sakktörvények megsértését látták benne, és ezért a szigorú teoretikusok azt követelték, hogy nyomban döntsék meg a védelmet. A Grünfeld-védelmet azóta sokszor elvetették, majd megjavították, megdöntötték és feltámasztották, és ennek megfelelően elítélték vagy dicsérték.
Данная монография посвящена одному из наиболее актуальных дебютов - защите Грюнфельда. Эта защита введена в турнирную практику австрийским гроссмейстером Э. Грюнфельдом в 1922 году, то есть спустя год после появления защиты Алехина; по своим идеям обе защиты имеют много общего. Этот дебют в наши дни прочно вошел в репертуар сильнейших шахматистов мира. Настоящая работа ставит своей целью обобщить практический материал самого последнего времени и дать отдельным продолжениям новую оценку. В книгу включены также анализы М. Ботвинника, подготовленные им для соревнований, но так и не использованные в практической борьбе, - они публикуются впервые. В соответствии с историческим развитием защиты Грюнфельда в данной монографии прежде всего выделены пять основных систем, которые, в свою очередь, подразделяются на главы и самостоятельные варианты. В конце книги приводятся пояснительные партии. В работе широко использованы последние изыскания ведущих советских и зарубежных шахматистов, которые обогатили защиту Грюнфельда новыми стратегическими идеями. В конце книги читатель найдет пояснительные партии, подробно прокомментированные экс-чемпионом мира М. Ботвинником. Книга рассчитана на шахматистов высокой квалификации. Монография посвящена одному из наиболее актуальных дебютов, который в наши дни прочно вошел в репертуар сильнейших шахматистов мира. В работе широко использованы последние изыскания ведущих советских и зарубежных шахматистов, которые обогатили защиту Грюнфельда новыми стратегическисми идеями. В конце книги читатель найдет пояснительные партии, подробно прокомментированные экс-чемпионом мира М. Ботвинником. Книга рассчитана на шахматистов высокой квалификации.
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