Tournaments and matches
24.18 $
Comments on the parties of the tournament of applicants for the match with the world champion. Neuhausen - Zurich, August 29 - October 24, 1953
17.27 $
(there are copies in English and in French). A collection of all games of the match with comments by D. Bronstein.
36.67 $
The author set himself a difficult goal: to create a kind of meditator's guide based on the material of the international tournament of grandmasters. Grandmaster Bronstein is famous for the depth of the game, an original understanding of the laws of chess. This is manifested in the games of the grandmaster that bypassed the world press and fully refers to his comments. Numerous positive, and sometimes laudatory reviews of the first literary work of D. Bronstein, the benefits brought by the book according to readers' reviews, indicated that the author successfully coped with the task. The second edition is slightly reduced compared to the first due to the elimination of obsolete material. The introductory article was supplemented, and the errors noted in the first edition were eliminated.
The book lists all the games of the contenders' tournament, which was held in Neuhausen and Zurich in 1953. In creative terms, this tournament was one of the most meaningful in the postwar years. In the comments the author focuses on the analysis of the middle game. The book is considered one of the best in chess literature, and interest in it has not diminished over the years.
30.00 $
There are also specimens affected by moisture - at half price. All 210 games of the contestants' contest with comments: Smyslov, Bronstein, Keres, Petrosyan, Reshevsky, Geller, Kotov, Euwe, etc. One of the best books in the world chess literature!
6.91 $
About the name - from the encyclopedia: "D. in Greek mythology, the sons of Zeus and Leda, the heroes of the twins (the mortal Castor and the immortal Polydeuces), who performed a number of exploits. Castor was famous as a tamer of horses, Polydeuk - as a fist fighter. "
7.94 $
Настоящая книга знакомит читателя с одним из крупнейших в истории шахматных соревнований — «Турниром звезд», проходившим с 10 апреля по 7 мая 1979 года в Монреале (Канада). В сборник вошли все 90 партий, сыгранных в Монреале; они публикуются в хронологическом порядке, по турам. Каждому туру предшествует общая характеристика хода борьбы в нем, которую дает экс-чемпион мира Михаил Таль. 45 наиболее интересных партий турнира подробно прокомментированы его участниками: А. Карповым, М. Талем, Л. Любоевичем, Я. Тимманом, В. Гортом, Л. Кавалеком, Б. Ларсеном, главным арбитром турнира С. Глигоричем, а также гроссмейстерами Д. Бронштейном, Э. Гуфельдом, Л. Полугаевским, Р. Холмовым и мастерами Л. Арониным и А. Никитиным. Внимание любителей шахмат, наверное, привлекут интервью, которые составитель взял у победителей «Турнира звезд» Анатолия Карпова и Михаила Таля специально для этой книги. В заметках шахматного журналиста А. Рошаля описывается ход спортивной борьбы, обстановка на турнире и вокруг него. На страницах сборника читатель найдет также портреты участников, сведения о крупнейших турнирных и матчевых успехах, гроссмейстеров, богатый справочный материал, иллюстрирующий спортивной борьбы на «Турнире звезд». Рассчитана на высококвалифицированных шахматистов.
9.67 $
The book contains all 308 games of two interzonal tournaments in 1979 - in Riga and Rio de Janeiro. The most interesting games of the Riga tournament are commented on. Before the games, the reader will find articles about tournaments. About the interzonal Riga tells the author-compiler V. Chepyzhny, about the Brazilian tournament known chess journalist master M.Beylin. Undoubted interest for the readers is represented by a record made at a press conference of the winner of the inter-regional Mikhail Tal. On the pages of the book the reader will also find portraits of participants, photographs, interzonal tables, and a wealth of reference material. Six additional games between A. Adorian and Z.Ribli are also placed there.
20.00 $
The book contains 1000 of the most famous chess games played in tournaments, matches, other competitions from ancient times to the present day. Most of these original chess pieces were created by outstanding masters, although some were taken from the works of lesser-known chess players, sometimes even amateurs. The party is accompanied by a brief commentary, which does not pretend to be academic, but animates what is happening on the board. A small preface explains the originator's approach to the huge chess material that he had to sort out and rework. The book gives an idea of how chess art has changed and developed, tastes and evaluations were refined and improved, and how the playing styles of great masters changed at different stages of a centuries-old chess history. Also presented is the "creativity" of machines, their fights with a man, the best examples of women's chess. Some parties have applied, educational value. The book is designed for a wide range of readers familiar with chess, comprehending their depths.
4.84 $
Fourteen years old is on the chess Olympus Maya Chiburdanidze. It is she and her trainer Gennady Kuzmin who are the authors of this book, which for sure will arouse a keen interest among fans of the game, beloved on all continents. In the book many games of the Olympiad-90 in Novi Sad are considered, interesting comments are given, including the moments "how not to play", it is told about the leading masters of the world. The text is well complemented by photo illustrations and schemes of chess games. The book is published in Russian and English languages and is intended for all chess fans.
- Vynil Roll-up GO board 12.50 $
- 77.50 $
- Wooden magnetic chess with a Royal board (Art K) 70.00 $
- Wooden Staunton Magnetic Chess (Black lodgment) 60.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with a Staunton 5 weight in a box. (Art K) 42.50 $
- GO Game Kit 42.50 $
- Nylon Fabric Giant Chess and Checker Mat 300.00 $
- GIANT GARDEN CHESS PIECE. White and black 1499.75 $
- Checkers floor giant (park, garden) 437.50 $