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    21.67 $
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    50.00 $
  • Made in Holland. Chess computer "Centaur" easy to use. You can easily install any language. Using the touch panel  40x40 cm (cell size 48 x 48 mm) you can easily move the figures. The sensors will record strokes. The board has a capacious rechargeable internal battery. The uniqueness of the computer is that it quickly adapts to  your playing strength (from beginner to grandmaster) so that you have the right opponent. Centaur will help you analyze the game so as not to make the same mistakes and improve your chess skill. Please note, computer is not compatible to connect to your PC or online chess. The set includes USB cable and DGT electronic chess pieces . Height of the king is 86mm.  

    1333.30 $
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    This collection of wonderful combinations is based on the famous magazine “Chess” published in the USSR. The editorial office was located in Riga, its members included strong Latvian chess players, and the editor-in-chief of the publication for many years was the eighth world champion Mikhail Tal, who always took an active part in the development of the magazine. Perhaps the most popular section among readers has always been “Find the best continuation without moving the pieces.” A fresh dozen of the most beautiful and instructive combinations, mainly from current tournaments, were published on the back cover, and the solutions were given in the next issue. The combinations were selected by the editorial team very carefully, because the magazine's circulation was more than 60,000 copies and was distributed in more than 50 countries! This edition includes combinations published in the mentioned section from 1980 to 1990. By solving these combinations, you are sure to improve your tactical skills and significantly strengthen your game.

    40.00 $
  • Chess was invented in the 5th century AD in India and spread throughout the world. The uniqueness of this game is that it still covers the minds of everyone - from young to old! Chess combines elements of science and sports. They develop logic, perseverance, attentiveness, analytical thinking and memory.  Checkers is a fun, dynamic and relatively simple game. Every country in the world has it. It is comparatively easier to find a partner here than in chess. Backgammon – one of the oldest known board games. It is known that it came to us from the East. First, you need to master the basic techniques, so that later you can boldly apply various tricks during the game.  Cage length: 4.5 cm. King height: 8.8cm King base diameter: 2.8 cm The length and width of the field when unfolded: 44 X 44 cm. Material: wood Country of origin: China.

    84.48 $
  • The height of the king is 95 mm, the diameter of the base of the king is 42 mm. Currently used in tournaments of the Central House of Chess Players. The kit is sold without a board.

    60.00 $
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    The vast majority of opening guides are written for adult readers. This book is also devoted to the theory but it is junior. The structure of the book is simple and attractive: openings are examined using examples from actual games, each of which is presented in the form of a lesson with its own name. Several such lessons form an opening theme, and the examination of each theme concludes with exercises. In each opening, attention is drawn to its characteristic tactical and strategic ideas of combinations for independent solution strictly corresponds to the opening theme. Written in clear and easy language, the book is furnished with a large number of diagrams. Colored explanatory arrows on the diagrams and the selection of individual pages with a colored background make the book easier to understand. Regular work solve two problems: deepen the student's knowledge and develop his tactical vision, thus improving his skill and results.

    28.80 $
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    20.00 $
  • Author:

    In his new book, grandmaster Zenon Franco deeply analyzes the 69 instructive victories of the 11th world champion Robert Fischer. The book is not overloaded with options, the emphasis – with detailed explanations in a move-by-move style, creating an ideal platform for learning chess. In the "reference" At points in each game, the reader is offered test questions, which helps both the practical study of key techniques of the chess game and the reliable assimilation of acquired knowledge. Questions and answers engage the reader in the learning process and help him track his growth in chess strength. The appendix provides a critical analysis of the unsatisfactory translation of Robert Fisher's famous book “My 60 Memorable Games.”

    23.33 $
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    16.67 $
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Турнир звёзд. Монреаль-79

Publisher: Moscow
  • Publisher: Moscow
  • Author(s): Chepizhny
  • Language: Русский
  • Volume: 256
  • Binding: мягкий
  • DateOfIssue: 1979

paper book

7.94 $



Настоящая книга знакомит читателя с одним из крупнейших в истории шахматных соревнований — «Турниром звезд», проходившим с 10 апреля по 7 мая 1979 года в Монреале (Канада). В сборник вошли все 90 партий, сыгранных в Монреале; они публикуются в хронологическом порядке, по турам. Каждому туру предшествует общая характеристика хода борьбы в нем, которую дает экс-чемпион мира Михаил Таль. 45 наиболее интересных партий турнира подробно прокомментированы его участниками: А. Карповым, М. Талем, Л. Любоевичем, Я. Тимманом, В. Гортом, Л. Кавалеком, Б. Ларсеном, главным арбитром турнира С. Глигоричем, а также гроссмейстерами Д. Бронштейном, Э. Гуфельдом, Л. Полугаевским, Р. Холмовым и мастерами Л. Арониным и А. Никитиным. Внимание любителей шахмат, наверное, привлекут интервью, которые составитель взял у победителей «Турнира звезд» Анатолия Карпова и Михаила Таля специально для этой книги. В заметках шахматного журналиста А. Рошаля описывается ход спортивной борьбы, обстановка на турнире и вокруг него. На страницах сборника читатель найдет также портреты участников, сведения о крупнейших турнирных и матчевых успехах, гроссмейстеров, богатый справочный материал, иллюстрирующий спортивной борьбы на «Турнире звезд». Рассчитана на высококвалифицированных шахматистов.

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