20.72 $
(Сост.Ю.Архипов, художник А.Буркатовский).Ни один из видов спорта не привлекал к себе такого пристального внимания мастеров слова, как шахматы. В сборник вошли произведения известных писателей ХХ века: А. Куприна, Л. Леонова, В. Набокова, С. Цвейга, М. де Унамуно, К. Бурникеля.
20.72 $
Герои этой книги - шахматные вундеркинды разных эпох: Капабланка, Рашевский, Спасский, Фишер, Мекинг, Каспаров, Шорт, Камский и Юдит Полгар, молодые гроссмейстеры, нарубеже веков завоевавшие высшее звание в 14 лет и даже раньше: Леко, Бакро. Биографии, фото, партии с комментариями.
20.72 $
Novel of a Czech writer. The main character of the book is a chess player, a participant in international chess tournaments and a sports journalist. A story is not just a confession of a person who is dissatisfied with himself. This is an intensive search for the meaning of life by a person who has not killed anyone in life, has not betrayed, but feels that the way he lives is no longer possible to live on, something needs to be changed.
20.72 $
The book tells about competitions in various intellectual games - chess, drafts, cards, held at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in the Cosmos casino: about a blitz match from 24 games of Kasparov-Kramnik, Memorial Petrosyan, international poker tournaments, etc. Particular attention is paid to the traditional super tournaments of the Moscow Komsomolets on chess giveaways, which take place in Cosmos on April Fool's Day. Many famous people participate in these fun shows - writers and poets, composers and artists, directors and artists, scientists and astronauts, singers and athletes. The reader is invited to a large collection of color photographs in which the heroes of the book are imprinted behind a chessboard. For a wide range of readers. Many color photographs.
20.72 $
The book of the chess master, a famous writer and columnist of the popular metropolitan newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets Evgeny Gik contains about 500 funny chess stories, jokes and tales. Among their heroes are both outstanding grandmasters, candidates for the chess crown and world champions - from Steinitz and Lasker to Karpov and Kasparov, and people far from the world of chess, for example, Alla Pugacheva and other pop stars, as well as writers and poets, artists, artists, musicians, scientists and politicians are big chess fans.
20.72 $
Details of the World shah.Olimpiad. Parties, statistics ...
20.72 $
Collection of games of the international chess tournament (congress) Hannover-1902 (1.Yanovsky, 2.Pilsbury ...)
20.72 $
Chess is one of the most popular board games created by man a half thousand years ago. The next volume of the popular children's encyclopedia ʻI know the world` tells about the centuries-old history of chess, famous grandmasters - world champions, and, of course, about the secrets of the game itself, the basics of its theory and practice, the origins of extraordinary attractiveness and beauty. The book is intended for all who are interested in this ancient and wise game.
20.72 $
Репринтное издание. В указателе учтены и систематизированы книги, журналы, газеты, специальные бюллетени, посвящённые шахматам и шахматной игре и выпущенные в нашей стране с 1775 по 1997 гг. Отражена литература на русском и других языках народов России и зарубежных стран. Материал аннотирован, указаны рецензии на книги. Издание адресовано широкому кругу квалифицированных шахматистов – практиков, историков, теоретиков, методистов, работников шахматных клубов и универсальных библиотек, собирателей шахматной литературы. Сахаров Николай Иванович (1921, с. Вятское Ярославской губ. - 1999, Москва) – известный библиограф, специалист по истории издания шахматной литературы, доцент Московского инстититута культуры. В 1941 студентом библиотечного института ушёл добровольцем на фронт. Участвовал в обороне Москвы, получил тяжёлое ранение на Калининском фронте (1942). В 1947 году с отличием окончил библиографический факультет МГБИ, занимался преподавательской деятельностью. Н.И. Сахаров – автор многих вузовских учебников и методических пособий. Его статьи, обзоры, рецензии, указатели публиковались в «Шахматном словаре», «Шахматном ежегоднике», журналах: «Шахматы в СССР», «Шахматное обозрение», «Шахматы» и других изданиях. Книга Н.И. Сахарова «Шахматная литература СССР. Библиография (1775 - 1966)», изданная в Москве в 1968 году, получила высокую оценку в отечественной печати и за рубежом. В ней проаннотированы свыше 1100 названий печатных изданий. В настоящее время является библиографической редкостью. В течение многих лет автор был членом редколлегии журнала «64 – Шахматное обозрение», совета ЦШК, комиссии по печати Шахматной Федерации СССР.
20.72 $
The book of the famous chess master and writer Yevgeny Gik appears in the series "Popular Sports History". It presents the most diverse aspects of chess, "intellectual sport" - from duels for the crown and a match between the national teams of Russia and the world to the personal life of chess kings. There are fifteen stories in the book: conversations with the great champion Garry Kasparov, the best games of grandmasters for four decades, samples of the game of chess prodigies. Such topics as battles of world champions with robots, grandmasters and money, chess in fiction, etudes-miniatures, chess by Fischer, etc. are reflected. The book is read with pleasure by qualified chess players and simple amateurs, as well as everyone who is interested in the world of sports.
22.80 $
In the book of mathematician, chess player and writer Eugene Geek describes the various links between chess and mathematics. Many types of chess-math problems and puzzles are considered: about cutting and covering the board, about routes, arrangements and rearrangements of figures. Mathematical records are given, the geometric properties of the board are investigated. Here you will find descriptions of logical and entertaining games on unusual boards, with unusual rules and figures, as well as a discussion of such aspects as tournament mathematics, calculating ratings, computer achievements in a chess game and analyzing endings.
Chess composition in Azerbaijan / Азəрбаjҹанда шаhмат композисиjасы
Sarichev 62.50 $ -
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Complete Encyclopedia of Health by Dr. Zalmanov
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- DGT Timeless Wooden weighted Chess Set Handcrafted with Non-Folding Board 600.00 $