37.24 $
Gift Edition. Foreword by M. Taimanov. Stories about prominent chess players are the result of many years of creative activity by a famous sports journalist. Photos on coated paper.
2.76 $
Разбираютя наиболее интересные примеры творчества шахматистов Вооруженных Сил. Среди авторов Карпов, Геллер, Котов и др.
20.69 $
Необходимые сведения и правила всех видов соревнований для участника, организатора и арбитра.
5.87 $
О детских и юношеских шахматных соревнованиях, школе М.М.Ботвинника, о будущих гроссмейстерах Каспарове, Юсупове, Салове, Эльвесте и многое др.
28.97 $
The plot of this book & ndash; not just a romantic fiction of the author, but also an attempt at a historical study of one of the most delightful hoaxes of the Enlightenment, so rich in all sorts of inventions. 250 years ago, the outstanding inventor Wolfgang von Kempelen designed a mechanical chess player, the great-great-grandfather of modern chess computers. The Kempelen submachine gun toured extensively throughout Europe from Vienna to Paris and London, beating up nobles and even crowned heads - ndash; Frederick the Great and Napoleon. Attempts to penetrate the automaton’s secret have been made repeatedly, often by the most insidious methods that endangered the life of Kempelen and his companions ... Viktor L. Henkin (1923-2010), a chess master, a journalist and a writer, worked on a novel for about a quarter of a century, trying to recreate as precisely as possible the atmosphere of a distant 18th century. Striving for perfection, he rewrote many times and rewrote ready-made chapters and did not manage to finish his novel. The work was completed by his wife, Tatyana Gubarkova, with whom Victor Khenkin always shared his creative ideas, and discussed in detail the plot lines. For lovers of history, chess and adventure literature.
13.82 $
The book of A. Gerbstmann from the series "Stories about Lenin". A.Gerbstman is a literary critic and pedagogue, an international master of sports in chess, winner of many competitions in chess composition.
Chess composition in Azerbaijan / Азəрбаjҹанда шаhмат композисиjасы
Sarichev 62.50 $ -
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