Chess textbook 1991-2023
Pavel Lobach, international master, one of the best trainers in Russia. Tactics and Endgames are the basis of chess. This book - rezhebnik on these topics, opens a series of textbooks of an experienced coach. 294 tasks on tactics (from 3 ranks to the grandmaster). 138 tasks on the endgame (from the 3rd rank to the grandmaster).
Readers are offered 175 positions, in each of which one must choose continuation, basing not only on the calculation of options, but on the assessment of the situation ... "For a wide range of chess players.
6.91 $
The chess notebook is intended for teaching chess in the general education school and senior groups of the kindergarten. A large number of pictures and exciting assignments make it possible to teach chess in a game form. The chess notebook is an excellent addition to the textbooks "Karvin in the Chess Forest" volume 1, volume 2 and the methodical tool "Chess for the first year." The methodology for conducting classes. "
56.67 $
"Школа шахмат" - сборник трудов тренера высшей категории, подготовившего чемпиона мира среди юношей, автора "Шахматного учебника", объединенных темой совершенствования мастерства юных шахматистов. Через всю книгу красной нитью проходит основная идея шахматного спорта - борьба. Подчеркивается важность развития личностных качеств - желание победить соперника, уверенность в себе, душевное равновесие, объективность, работоспособность, гармоничное здоровье. "Подготовка юных и лечение "детских болезней"" - статья по методике преподавания шахмат и анализу ряда проблем, возникающих у детей-шахматистов на пути от новичка до мастера, и способов их преодоления. "Куда идет король" - учебно-методическая работа по теме, которая часто является "ахиллесовой пятой" юных разрядников, - игре королем. "Как победить сильного" - анализирует необходимые условия для воспитания успешного спортсмена-шахматиста и тренерские проблемы. "Шахматная школа в этюдах" - заключительный труд автора по использованию этюдов для повышения мастерства шахматистов-разрядников. Из почти 70 тысяч известных в мире шахматных этюдов для этой книги отобраны около трехсот - поучительных для шахматистов-практиков. Книга состоит из двух частей: "Хорошие и плохие фигуры и пешки" и "Методы шахматной борьбы" (всего 11 глав). В каждой главе сначала приводятся подробно прокомментированные этюды с типичными и важными идеями по каждой теме для разбора читателем, а также ряд этюдов для самостоятельного решения. Автор предлагает этюды не как образцы специальной области шахматного искусства - композиции, а как учебные задания - сначала простые, а затем средней и повышенной трудности. Ответы даны в разделе "Решения этюдов". Книга предназначена для начинающих и разрядников, желающих повысить свое мастерство, тренеров и руководителей шахматных кружков, родителей, чьи дети заинтересовались шахматами.
20.69 $
500 tasks and combinations from beginner to 1st category, grouped by subject.
16.67 $
If you want to get the first category, if you do not want to stop at the achieved results, then this book will help you with this. It can also be considered a textbook on attacking the king, a textbook that, along with attack schemes, also contains many typical victims. Getting to know them will allow you to expand your tactical arsenal. By solving examples, you also train the calculation technique, and this will also have a beneficial effect on the quality of your games in the future. The book is intended for chess players of the 2nd and 3rd categories. The book contains 50 tests with 12 examples each. One and a half — two hours. For the correct solution of this or that example, you get a certain number of points (from one to three). The sum of points scored when solving the positions of one test will allow you to judge the level of your preparation.
28.33 $
The debut monograph (Intershah, tabular form as in the ESD, the usual language is not used).
12.69 $
The authors of the book, teachers of the highest category Vsevolod Kostrov and Jalil The authors of the book, teachers of the highest category Vsevolod Kostrov and Jalil Davletov, are well acquainted with chess lovers. According to their textbooks for the past 15 years, classes have been conducted in schools in different cities of Russia and abroad. Thanks to their wonderful books, thousands of children have already learned how to play chess. Books are modern, they can be taught by any teacher or coach. Parents of this textbook will easily teach their child chess. Children who can read will be able to independently understand the basics of the ancient game. The new edition has been significantly revised in comparison with the previous ones.
49.83 $
One of the strongest chess players in the world on vivid examples demonstrates tactical themes and combinations. Using the classic situations on the chessboard, arranged in separate chapters in accordance with the tactical themes discussed in them, Seiravan shows you how: plan the whole party, starting with the very first moves; in advance, step by step, - to think through and overcome every obstacle your opponent can create on your path; to create in a position preconditions for carrying out shattering combinations and transition in an endgame, which you can only dream about.
13.13 $
Readers are offered 175 positions, in each of which it is necessary to choose a continuation, basing not only on the calculation of options, but on the assessment of the situation ... For a wide range of chess players.
20.69 $
Joseph Dorfman - talented grandmaster, coach G. Kasparov and E. Bakro for the first time appears before the Russian-speaking reader in a new capacity: as the author and propagandist of the original theory. Many leading players and experts consider it worthwhile to compare this tutorial with "My system in practice" A. Nimtsovich. Here, in contrast to his first book (analogue of "My System"), emphasis is placed on training on the use of the possibilities of the method in the conditions of a practical party. Through the analysis of critical positions (which are recommended as exercises), the author teaches you to choose and make the right decisions at complex intersections of the game. In this regard, the textbook is an indispensable assistant to coaches and a wide circle of chess players who want to improve themselves. Hardcover, 208 pages + 8 pages of color. tab, Moscow 2007
- Vynil Roll-up GO board 12.50 $
- 77.50 $
- Wooden magnetic chess with a Royal board (Art K) 70.00 $
- Wooden Staunton Magnetic Chess (Black lodgment) 60.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with a Staunton 5 weight in a box. (Art K) 42.50 $
- GO Game Kit 42.50 $
- Nylon Fabric Giant Chess and Checker Mat 300.00 $
- GIANT GARDEN CHESS PIECE. White and black 1499.75 $
- Checkers floor giant (park, garden) 437.50 $