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    This new book by the many-times world champion Anatoly Karpov and the author of more than fifty books, grandmaster Nikolay Kalinichenko, is devoted to one of the most complicated and strategically deep openings & mdash; the Queen's Gambit Declined. Using games played by the strongest grandmasters, it describes the interesting ideas which have appeared in the main development systems of this opening. Along with games from recent years, the book presents the most important encounters from the chess heritage. And of course, it includes games by Anatoly Karpov himself & mdash; a great expert on the Queen's Gambit, who generously shares with the reading his unique understanding of the concepts involved. The book is aimed at strong players, but it will also be of interest to a wide range of chess enthusiasts.

    36.00 $
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    Hundreds of thousands of novice chess players have held in their hands the solution books of “1000 chess problems” for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of study. These collections became winners of the “Chess Vseobuch of Russia” competition. We decided to combine our three books into one so that the future grandmaster would have more opportunities for improvement and choice of material. It will also be easier for students and coaches to regulate the speed of the material. In the first parts of our book, novice chess players will get acquainted with all possible types of checkmates. Then, future grandmasters will learn to deliver magnificent double blows with a queen and a knight, promote a pawn to a queen. Studying according to this solution book, you will also master the pin, learn to cover yourself from the enemy's pieces, block the enemy's forces, destroy the most reliable fortresses, distract and entice his royal majesty and much more. Work with the book as with a textbook, and do not forget to write down the solutions under each diagram! The correct solutions are at the end of the book. For the widest range of chess fans.

    17.50 $
  • Made in Holland. Chess computer "Centaur" easy to use. You can easily install any language. Using the touch panel  40x40 cm (cell size 48 x 48 mm) you can easily move the figures. The sensors will record strokes. The board has a capacious rechargeable internal battery. The uniqueness of the computer is that it quickly adapts to  your playing strength (from beginner to grandmaster) so that you have the right opponent. Centaur will help you analyze the game so as not to make the same mistakes and improve your chess skill. Please note, computer is not compatible to connect to your PC or online chess. The set includes USB cable and DGT electronic chess pieces . Height of the king is 86mm.  

    1333.30 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced coach Alexander Galkin is  the final link in a series of publications by the author, directed  to study the classical endgame using examples of modern games   grandmasters. This time the subject of the study – light piece endgames. Clarification of the methodology for working on this stage of the game, as well as the main features and methods of playing such endings. Examples  taken from the practice of modern grandmasters and dated back to 2020-2023. The author offers the reader the most recent and unique information. The material is structured in such a way that the reader can get the maximum  benefit from studying the examples offered by the author  queen endings and its  other derivatives. The book is aimed at advanced chess players, is useful for coaches and can be recommended to a wide range of chess fans

    18.33 $
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    International Master Tibor Karolyi and FIDE Master Tigran Gozalyan have prepared a major work (in two volumes) about the life and work of the 9th world chess champion Tigran Petrosyan (he held the title from 1963 to 1969).  Volume II (1963-1984) tells about Petrosyan's victory in the 1963 world title match over Mikhail Botvinnik, about the grandiose two-match confrontation with Boris Spassky in 1966 and 1969, about all his candidates' matches after losing the title – against Bobby Fischer, Viktor Korchnoi and other world-class opponents. All tournaments and matches of the second half of Petrosian's chess career are presented, up to his last performances in 1983. The authors subjected 175 complete games and fragments to an in-depth analysis (using modern computers). Not all of them have been deeply studied and commented on before, but even then the book provides a significantly improved analysis. Among Petrosyan’s opponents – world champions and contenders Kasparov, Karpov, Fischer, Spassky, Tal, Smyslov, Botvinnik, Korchnoi and Bronstein, as well as Timman, Larsen, Reshevsky, Belyavsky, Polugaevsky, Portisch, Romanishin and many others. Special attention is paid to his coaches – Alexey Suetin and Igor Zaitsev. 

    50.00 $
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    The youngest first–grader in the USSR, the world champion among young men, a participant in the candidates tournament at the age of 19 - Boris Spassky's rise was rapid. And then fate gave the brilliant chess player a test of strength: he stumbled twice at the decisive moment and remained beyond the threshold of interzonal tournaments ... Only ten years after his first great success, Spassky managed to pass all the qualifying tests and earn the right to a match for the crown, but he failed to defeat the Iron Tigran Petrosian the first time. It took three more years of super–efforts: by Sisyphus he rose again to the foot of Olympus and did not miss a second chance - in 1969 he became the Tenth king of chess! An essay about the life of Boris Vasilyevich and his sporting path full of ups and downs was written by Dmitry Oleynikov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, curator of the Chess Museum of the Chess Federation of Russia. 70 beautiful and instructive games of Spassky were commented on by the champion of Russia in 1993, the famous author and theorist grandmaster Alexey Bezgodov, as well as grandmaster Dmitry Kryakvin and FIDE master Steve Giddins. The preface was written by the 14th world champion Vladimir Kramnik. For a wide range of chess fans.

    21.67 $
  • Magnetic road chess: folding board-case made of artificial leather, tablet-figures with a convex image. Wallet size 19x22 cm. The playing field is 15.5 x 15.5 cm. Cell 2x2 cm.

    51.72 $
  • The height of the king is 95 mm, the diameter of the base of the king is 42 mm. Currently used in tournaments of the Central House of Chess Players. The kit is sold without a board.

    60.00 $
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    The answer book of an international grandmaster and an experienced coach (among whose students is A. Grischuk) Bloch's Maxim contains over 1200 combinations from practical games and specially compiled examples. All tasks are characterized by intense struggle, in which the goal is achieved by single moves. The book is intended for both young and adult amateurs, and for masters. The arrangement of examples by topic allows you to use the book not only as a task book, but also as a textbook. Of particular interest are over two hundred specially compiled by the author overstressed positions in which white wins the only way during the course of white, and black wins during the course of black. These examples, as well as over 50 fragments from the parties of the author and his students, are published for the first time.

    21.67 $
  • Author:

    The authors continue to study typical opening and middlegame positions. Royal Fortress No. 2 has pawns on squares f7, g6, h7 (or f2, g3, h2), and they are usually joined by another defender – bishop on g7 (g2). This formation is called fianchetto, it is found in many popular openings, such as the Catalan Opening, King's Indian Defense, Grunfeld Defense and a number of others.  The authors analyze in detail the techniques of attack, defense and counterattack. Most examples – from the creativity of modern chess players (for example, a separate chapter is dedicated to the strongest Russian grandmaster Ian Nepomniachtchi); they are complemented by parts that have become a classical heritage. The book contains about 300 positions for independent solution, so it is not only a textbook, but also a solid problem book. Grandmaster Konstantin Chernyshov, head of the Interregional Grandmaster School in Kostroma, and his daughter International Master Natalya Kareva – experienced coaches, whose students include grandmasters and masters, champions of Russia and Europe among juniors.  The book is addressed to young chess players and their mentors. 

    20.00 $
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Books 1946-1990

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    Pentru cei din Bucuresti: Predarea personala se face la statia de metrou Eroii Revolutiei sau Piata Progresul. Alte Orase: Trimit colet oriunde in Romania prin Posta Romana in sistem Ramburs (se plateste la ridicarea coletului). La pretul produsului se mai adauga 10 Ron pentru taxele postale (transport).

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    Der Schachweltmeister Anatolij Karpov wurde am 23. Mai 1951 in Zlatoust im Ural geboren. Die ganze Welt - nicht nur die Schachwelt - kennt seinen Namen. Bobby Fischer hat ihm 1975 den Weltmeistertitel kampflos & # 252; berlassen. Karpovs Aufstieg faszinierte Millionen. Im deutschen Fernsehen erlebten Tausende sein Fernschachspiel gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Aleksandr Rosal schrieb diese Biographie als Vertrauter und Freund des Weltmeisters, den er von klein auf kennt. Die neun von Karpov kommentierten Partien & # 252; bersetzte der Gro & # 223; meister Wolfgang Unzicker.

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    27.64 $


    An outstanding book by an outstanding Danish grandmaster in the original language. First edition.

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    10.37 $


    Biography and selected parties of a talented master.

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    Bauernschwächen entscheiden in unzähligen Schachpartien über Sieg und Niederlage. Jeder Spieler muß sich im praktischen Kampf wieder und immer wieder mit Bauernschwächen im eigenen und gegnerischen Lager auseinandersetzen. Deshalb kommt der vorliegenden fundamentalen Untersuchung von Bauernschwächen und allen damit zusammenhängenden Problemen höchste Bedeutung zu. Wolfgang Uhlmann, der bekannte Internationale Großmeister, hat seine in langjähriger Spielpraxis gewonnenen Erfahrungen in dieses Buch eingebracht, um für den Leser die Beschäftigung mit der Theorie so gewinnbringend und leicht wie nur irgend möglich zu machen. Anhand von 139 Partien aus der älteren und modernen Meisterpraxis wird das Thema Bauernschwächen erschöpfend abgehandelt. Die Autoren erörtern eingehend die drei Grundformen der Bauernschwächen: den isolierten Bauern, den rückständigen Bauern und den Doppelbauern. Die verschiedenen strategischen Zusammenhänge werden leichtverständlich herausgearbeitet und die davon für beide Spieler stellungsgerechten Pläne abgeleitet. Ausführlich dargelegt sind die engen Beziehungen zwischen Eröffnungssystemen und den Formen von Bauernschwächen. Auf diese Weise erfährt der Schachfreund alles, was er wissen muß, um feindliche Bauernschwächen optimal auszunutzen bzw. eigene Bauernschwächen bestmöglich zu verteidigen. Der Band ist übersichtlich und anschaulich angelegt, daß ihn Schachspieler jeglicher Spielstärke mit Gewinn nutzen können. Jedes Kapitel wird mit allgemeinen Gesichtspunkten zur Bewertung eingeleitet und ist nach sachlichen Gesichtspunkten sehr übersichtlich gegliedert. Über 230 Diagramme erhöhen die Anschaulichkeit. Den Abschluß bilden Partien mit Punktbewertung, so daß die Leser ihren Kenntnisstand und Wissenszuwachs selbst kontrollieren können.