Books 1946-1990
4.84 $
Chess amateur directories. The most important competitions and events. It was published from 1980 to 1988 annually (except 1985.).
4.84 $
Chess amateur directories. The most important competitions and events. It was published from 1980 to 1988 annually (except 1985.).
4.84 $
Chess amateur directories. The most important competitions and events. It was published from 1980 to 1988 annually (except 1985.).
4.84 $
The history of the development of chess in the cities of the Moscow region, the work of the best players from Moscow region.
4.97 $
The main changes and additions made to this edition of the code clarify: the concept of progress; incorrectness in the conduct of the party; rules of using chess clocks; draw order; the procedure for postponing and playing the game; order of recognition for a draw with a triple repetition of the position.
5.00 $
В первую часть входят рассказы о матчах за шахматную корону и решающих партиях, о шахматных комбинациях, задачах этюдах и головоломках. Вторая часть посвящена игре компьютеров. Третью часть книги составляют партии риалов, отражены шахматные события последних лет. Большинство партий, прокоментированных Карповым, сыграно им после выхода 1-го издания книги. Для школьников, преподавателей, студентов, любителей шахмат.
5.00 $
(novel about the fate of a chess player).
5.00 $
The book of world chess champion A.Ye. Karpov and the chess master, candidate of technical sciences E.Ya. Gika introduces the reader to the various sides of the chess game and chess art. The first part of the book consists of stories about world championship matches, about chess combinations, tasks and etudes. The second part tells about the programming of a chess game, about chess competitions of computers. The third part of the book includes fifteen best games of the world champion with his comments.
5.00 $
The book of world chess champion A.Ye. Karpov and the chess master, candidate of technical sciences E.Ya. Gika introduces the reader to the various sides of the chess game and chess art. The first part of the book consists of stories about world championship matches, about chess combinations, tasks and etudes. The second part tells about the programming of a chess game, about chess competitions of computers. The third part of the book includes fifteen best games of the world champion with his comments.
5.18 $
0 цели шахматной игры применительно к программированию компьютера.
The first chess steps Author:
Kasparov 14.65 $ -
Wooden chess pieces made of Staunton oak No. 6 "Tabia" 120.00 $
A set of two books. Documents and materials of the eve of World War II. 1937-1939, 26.78 $
Game set 5 in 1 in a suitcase (chess, checkers, backgammon, domino, cards) 52.50 $
Wooden chess pieces with tournament board 4 in very good condition, but used 97.13 $
My great predecessors. A set of all published books. 1.2.5 vol. Author:
Kasparov 85.00 $ -
Ways to improve Author:
Zak 6.25 $ -
Wooden chess set in the USSR in the 1950s 60.00 $
A gift to a chess player. Garry Kasparov. My chess way in 3 volumes. Gift wrapped. Author:
Kasparov 93.75 $ -
Chess pocket magnetic "Chessm" analogue of Soviet chess Simza. (Black case, green figures.) 40.50 $