17.27 $
A multimedia tutorial for the little ones and more! Dinosaur-Teacher will introduce the child (boy or girl - he distinguishes them! :) with all the basic rules of chess, with chess pieces, their value. He will tell you how to do castling, what is pat, checkmate, will give valuable advice on how to start the game. The program provides exciting assignments to consolidate the training material. The ability to fight different dinosaurs in chess and on the battlefield! Ability to change the design of the board.
17.27 $
If you are a beginner chess player, you need to know and be able to apply simple tactical techniques! This training course contains more than 2500 exercises for the "fork", more than 500 exercises for the "bunch", about 200 exercises for the "double check" and 320 exercises for the "open check". Learn to destroy the King's defense of the enemy on 720 examples and use the weakness of the 8th (1st) horizontal on 765 examples. A large number (in the amount of more than 5000!) Exercises makes this course an excellent tool for quick learning, both beginners and first-rank players. • Sample solutions • View rating changes • Tracking the progress of training of several users • Playing against the chess program from the current position • Print jobs
20.15 $
A fundamental program on chess tactics. It was made on the basis of the material of the eponymous grandmaster's book by correspondence N. Kalinichenko. Includes about 4000 exercises (more than 600 examples for the study and about 3300 for the solution), classified according to 100 tactical methods and motives. Level of difficulty from the IV level to the master. Modes "Study", "Practice", "Game", "Test". The program calculates the ELO depending on the success of the solution, and also collects detailed statistics for the solution of tasks. Speed settings for moving shapes, colors and sizes of fonts and boards. Print exercises and topics. Built-in game program with varying the strength of the game.
22.76 $
Includes a large theoretical material on all debuts. About 500,000 expert assessments and more than 8,000 text comments by MG Kalinin. Chess tree - getting detailed statistics for any debut position in a few seconds. Construction of the Debut table for any position, the possibility of adding material. The "Debut Testing" mode will help chess players to test their knowledge in the debut, as well as point out inaccuracies and mistakes and give recommendations on their elimination. The base is 4,800,000 parties for 1 April. Any kind of search by title, position, etc. Print and export to RTF (WORD) and HTML. Built-in game programs: Rybka 2.3 - grandmaster power of the game, Ruffian, Crafty, Delfi and Dragon. Play on any time controls. Possibilities of deep automatic batch analysis, multivariate analysis of positions, background analysis, etc. Russian scoring moves.
20.69 $
Unique material on all types of chess endings. The chess material includes all 5 volumes of the legendary series of books "Chess endings", prepared under the guidance of the famous endgame researcher - Yuri L'vovich Averbakh. 5000 best chess tasks of miniatures of up to 8 pieces on the board (who took prizes in the compilation competitions) were selected for mate in 2 moves or more. To learn how to play the endgame, it is good to know the theoretical supporting positions and typical methods of the game in the endings. This program is best suited for exploring the endgame. The material includes over 4,000 well-chosen and commented positions that are classified by 500 key criteria. Whatever you are interested in ending - here you will find the answers to all the questions and understand the basic principles and techniques of playing this endgame. The program includes a game program with which you can play or additionally analyze positions. There is a convenient search by position, position elements, figure maneuvers. After studying some endgame theme, we recommend playing some positions against the built-in game program from the course and then look at the author's comments on this example in order to understand what mistakes or endgame techniques you had to use.
The program is an electronic edition of the famous five-volume "Chess Ends" by Grandmaster Yuri Averbakh, a leading endgame specialist. Published in the early 80s, the publication immediately became a bestseller, and soon a rarity. In preparing the disc, the original book by Averbach was supplemented and corrected, all positions were checked using game programs and endgame tables. The program covers all types of chess endings, divided into more than 350 topics, which include more than 4,100 commented comments in detail. Test mode helps to consolidate theoretical knowledge. The game and analysis with the built-in master level programs: Dragon, Crafty and Delfi. Search by position fragment, by material ratio, combination of any search criteria. Editing, commenting and adding material. Recommended additionally: Nalimov tables (3-4-5-6 figured, 3 DVD) Endgame practice
17.27 $
Study not only how you should correctly play the debut, but also how you should not play. This will help you debut errors and typical pitfalls, not just seen in games. The chess material for the program was compiled by MM Yaroslav Ulko and MM Alexei Mitenkov. Ulko and Mitenkov are well-known Russian chess players. The program is designed to study errors in various debuts (more than 40 debuts). So, get ready to set traps and do not get into them with the Encyclopedia of Debut Mistakes. More than 1250 training exercises of varying complexity, taken from the actual games played; Built-in game program Crafty; System of text and graphic tips will help the student to find the right solution, which does not immediately come to mind; Online markers assistants; Definition of ELO student depending on his success in performing exercises and collecting statistics. Display in histograms that are easy to read. Thus, it is easy for the student to see how his training is progressing; Possibility for several users to use the program. At the same time, each is an independent rating and other individual statistics; the Program is an excellent assistant to the teacher. It keeps track of time and keeps track of each position played by each student. Minimum system requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME, Pentium 75 MHz, 20 Mb RAM, 4 Mb free hard disk space, 4-speed device for CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, screen resolution of 640x480 with a color depth of 8 bits mouse.
18.20 $
The program includes the following topics: "Typical pawn structures": 1) "Carlsbad" pawn structure; 2) Typical position with a movable pawn center; 3) The Hedgehog; 4) Typical pawn structure with an outpost on the half-open line "d". "Typical tricks of the game in the debut": 1) The Scottish Party; 2) The Spanish Party: Chigorin's Option, Breyer's Variant, Smyslov's and Zaitsev's Variants; 3) Protection of the Caro-Cannes; 4) French defense; 5) Sicilian defense: 2.c3; Scheveningen; Options with e7-e5; Variants with C: f6 gf; 6) English Beginning: Dragon system in the first hand; 1.c4 e5 (without d7-d5); 7) The Dutch defense; 8) Slavic defense: Schlechter's variant, the Meran variant, Botvinnik's variant, the Moscow variant; 9) Gruenfeld Defense: System with Fd1-b3; 10) Catalan beginning; 11) Protection of Nimcovic: Hübner variant, Central variant; 12) Old Indian protection: Closed pawn center; 13) The Volga gambit. About 600 examples to study; 1000 examples for practice, 400 for playing; Elo calculation; Complete statistics for solving tasks. Print jobs and topics.
72.83 $
5 programs on 1 CD. A unique program that reveals the main methods and game plans for white and black in all major debuts. Separate five parts of the "Middlegame Encyclopedia" are assembled on one disk under a new single software shell! The author of the material for the study is MG Kalinin. About 3000 lectures for study and 3000 exercises for the solution. Difficulty level: from the 3rd level to the master. ANALOGUE IN THE BOOK VARIANCE IS NOT!
18.20 $
Программа является продолжением популярной Энциклопедии Миттельшпиля, Том I. Материалы, вошедшие в I и II части не дублируют друг друга. Автор программы - МГ Александр Калинин. Компакт диск включает типовые приемы игры в дебюте и наиболее популярные дебюты. В Энциклопедии рассмотрены следующие дебюты: Сицилианская защита (Дракон, вариант Найдорфа, вариант Паульсена), Испанская партия, Разменный и Открытый варианты, Королевский гамбит, Итальянская партия, Гамбит Эванса, Защита Уфимцева, Защита Алехина, Ферзевый гамбит, Защита Нимцовича, Новоиндийская защита, Модерн-Бенони. Теоретический раздел содержит более 650 примеров, подробно прокомментированных и распределенных по темам. Более 600 упражнений для решения позиций. Каждая из 150 наиболее распространенных позиций предполагает один или несколько наилучших ходов, типичных для конкретного варианта и встречавшихся в реальных партиях мастеров и гроссмейстеров. Пока вы пытаетесь решить ту или иную позицию, программа дает вам текстовые и графические подсказки и отвергает неверные ходы. На помощь приходят и оналайновые маркеры-помощники. Ваш рейтинг выстраивается в соответствии с вашими успехами и меняется после каждого разыгранного примера. Программа определяет ваш ELO в зависимости от ваших успехов в выполнении упражнений, а также собирает статистику. Отображение ее вы увидите в гистограммах, простых для чтения. Таким образом, ученику легко проследить, как продвигается его обучение. Устанавливайте тип и цвет фигур по вашему усмотрению, выбирайте на вкус фон и шрифт. У вас есть возможность тренироваться, играя против встроенной игровой программы Crafty. Кроме того, возможно подключение и использование игрового модуля Shredder 4. Предусмотрена печать любого материала (как теоретического, так и практики). Вам не потребуется никакого дополнительного софта. Минимальные системные требования: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME, Pentium-75 МГц, 20 Mb RAM, 15 Mb свободного места на жестком диске, 4-скоростное устройство для чтения компакт-дисков или DVD-дисков, разрешение экрана 640х480 с глубиной цвета 8 бит, мышь.
18.20 $
Typical plans and methods of playing in popular debuts: 1) Russian party. 2) The Spanish Party: Counterattack Marshall, Anti-Marshall. 3) Scandinavian defense 4) Sicilian defense: Closed variant, Variants with 3.Cb5: Moscow, Rossolimo. 5) Adopted queen gambit: 3. Kf3 Kf6 4. e3 and 3. e4 6) Gruenfeld's defense: 4. cd Kd5 5. e4 Kc3 6. bc 7) The debut of the queen pawns: 3. Cg5 (1.d4 Kf6 2. Kf3 e6 3. Cg5; 2 ... g6 3. Cg5) 8) Reti's debut 9) The Old Indian beginning. 550 lectures for study; 500 examples for practice; 150 for playing. Level - from the 3rd level to the master. Built-in game program Crafty. Print lectures and exercises. Full statistics of decisions. Calculation of ELO. Test mode.
The Spanish party (ganbit Janisha, the Archangelian variant) The protection of two horses, the French defense (3. e5 and 3. Kc3 Kf6 4. Cg5) Sicilian defense (version of Rauser) Defense of Caro-Cann (3.e5) Old Indian defense (Classical system, system Zemisz, the system with g3 and the Averbakh system) The protection of Nimcovic (the Rubinstein system) The Slavic defense (4 ... dc and the Chebanenko variant) The queenside gambit (TMB) The English origin (1. c4 c5 2. Kf3 Kf6 3. d4 cd 4. Kd4) Indian protection (1. d4 Kf6 2. c4 d6 3. Kf3 Kbd7 4. Kc3 e5). 560 lectures for study; 530 examples for practice; 150 for playing. Level - from the 3rd level to the master. Built-in game program Crafty. Print lectures and exercises. Full statistics of decisions. Calculation of ELO. Test mode.
- Souvenir wooden chess. Semitey. Kyrgyzstan, USSR. (With original box!) 172.50 $
1000 tasks and examples for junior chess players
Kostrov 17.50 $ - Handmade wooden chess 45.00 $
Chess tactics for future champions
Polgar 37.50 $ -
French defense. Repertoire for blacks.
Vitiugov 50.00 $ - Chigorin International Chess Tournament 25.00 $
Old Indian Protection. From the Averbakh system to the Petrosyan system
Polugaevsky 25.00 $ -
Fisher 15.00 $ - Wooden travel chess with a non-folding board 72.50 $
My Great Predecessors Vol. 3: From Petrosyan to Spassky (Also available with colorless traces of moisture for half price)
Kasparov 33.11 $