27.31 $
This program is designed to study the main game plans for white and black in popular debuts: The Vienna party, The Russian party (5. Ks3), The Scottish party, The debut of 4 horses, The Spanish party (the Berlin defense, Option 3. ... Cc5 4. 0-0 Kf6), Defense of Karo-Kann (Attack of Panov), Sicilian defense (Chelyabinsk variant), The queen gambit (Cambridge Springs variant, Tarrash's Defense), The defense of Nimcovic (Leningrad variant, system 4. g3), The New Indian Protection (Petrosian System), Attack of Trompovsky (1. d4 2. Сg5). More than 500 lectures for the study prepared by Grandmaster Alexander Kalinin. About 300 tasks for solving various complexity. The color and flank function increases the number of jobs by 4 times! Material level: from the 3rd digit to the master. Package: CD in DVD box with user manual.
27.64 $
How nice it is sometimes to disconnect from everyday worries and stretch your brains well! With the new collection of puzzles from the “Wise Eagle Owl” series, you will succeed! Here is a wonderful collection of the best free distributed logic games for a variety of media. Games for PC, Pocket PC, Palm, Symbian S60 and Windows Mobile on one DVD! Now the problem with intellectual leisure will be completely solved: you do not need to download anything from the Internet or look in the store - everything is already here! You will be pleasantly surprised by the wide variety of genres: from chess and puzzles to tetris and crosswords. Each game of the collection is accompanied by a description and a brief historical background, from which you can find out about the origin of the game and familiarize yourself with its rules. Pleasure is guaranteed even to the most picky connoisseurs of “mind games”! Product Features: * Over 1400 games in the collection * Chess and checkers, puzzles, tetris, lines, games on paper and much more! * User friendly interface * Brief descriptions and screenshots of games System requirements: * Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista operating system * 100 MHz Pentium® Processor * 32 MB RAM * Screen resolution 1024x768 * DVD reader OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTION
28.79 $
Fundamental program to study the endgame. The endgame is the final, but very important part of the chess game. It is in the endings that the outcome of the game is most often determined. You can have a good debut and a middlegame, and miss a significant advantage or not save a slightly worse, but draw position in the endgame. The section for studying this program includes 627 examples - the theoretical material of the eponymous best-selling book of grandmaster Alexander Panchenko, which discusses all the main types of endings and the principles of their playing. The section for solution - the Endgame Workshop - was prepared by the international master of correspondence Alexander Alpert and includes more than 2450 tasks taken from real games, endgame sketches and specially composed examples, classified according to 500 endgame topics! The function of changing color and flank increases the number of tasks by 4 times! Material level: from 4th rank to grandmaster! Options: CD in DVD box with user manual.
28.79 $
The program includes 18 themes: Advantage in development, Advantage in space, Attack on the king, Attack on the queenside, Defense and counterattack, Weak and strong fields, Open lines and diagonals, Arrangement of pawns, Center, Arrangement of pieces, Exchange, Positional sacrifice, Isolated Queen's pawn, Pawn pair c3 + d4 (c6 + d5) on half-open lines, Hanging pawns, Prevention, Principle of two weaknesses, Plan.
34.55 $
Universal program useful from beginner to grandmaster! You can play and analyze with the help of a strong game program of the grandmaster level (Rybka 2.3 - rating 3000), as well as play on weakened modes corresponding to your level. A flexible time control system, program prompts for your mistakes, and a rating calculation will allow you to play with comfort and benefit for yourself. Convenient and advanced analysis capabilities: Infinite analysis, Batch analysis, Search for blunders, Multivariate and Interactive analysis provide an opportunity to analyze the games played in detail, and understand their mistakes. You can also enter and analyze your own or someone else's games from face-to-face tournaments, as well as find and analyze the most interesting games of leading chess players from the base of more than 3 million 700 thousand games included on DVD.
47.59 $
Уникальная программа, раскрывающая основы стратегии шахмат, методы и планы игры за белых и черных во всех основных шахматных дебютах и пешечных структурах. Программа включает шахматный материал 6 курсов: 5 частей "Энциклопедии миттельшпиля" и "Шахматной стратегии". Автор материала для изучения - международный гроссмейстер Александр Калинин. Более 3000 лекций для изучения и 4000 упражнений для решения. Уровень сложности: от 3-го разряда до мастера.
49.66 $
Одно из немногих шахматных обучающих видео на русском языке! В фильме представлены уроки международных гроссмейстеров - Игоря Зайцева и Евгения Свешникова. Все уроки сопровождаются интерактивными изображениями шахматных досок. Всемирная шахматная видеоэнциклопедия – это уникальный видеосериал, ставящий задачу объединить и глубоко осмыслить сокровищницу шахматных знаний, накопленных человечеством, через творчество великих и выдающихся мастеров шахматного искусства. Первый раздел составляют 4-х часовые выпуски по актуальным вопросам шахматной философии, теории дебютов, шахматной стратегии, тактики, психологии и т.д. Весь огромный материал строится на базе опыта, накопленного шахматной школой Анатолия Карпова в течении 10 лет ее работы. Школа уникальна уже по плодам своим : десятки молодых людей, прошедших курс школы, стали международными мастерами и гроссмейстерами, чемпионами мира и Европы в различных возрастных категориях. Феномен школы очень точно определил сам Анатолий Карпов. Вот его слова, которые используются в качестве эпиграфа в начале каждого выпуска сериала «Шахматная школа Анатолия Карпова» : я начал играть в шахматы в 4 года. Чемпионом мира стал через 19 лет. Со всей ответственностью могу сказать, что мой путь на шахматный Эверест был бы значительно короче, если бы с самого начала у меня были такие наставники, которые сегодня в нашей школе. Содержание: 1. Вступительное слово. 2. Как составить дебютный репертуар по системе Свешникова. 3. Важнейшие элементы шахматной стратегии: Атака в сильном пункте. Атака возмездия (И. Зайцев).
51.82 $
The CD is Robert Huebner: World Champion Alekhine. ChessBase Monograph wissen ist matt. Alexander Alekhine dominated the chess scene from 1927 until his death in the year of 1946. Historical picture documents and more than 2000 Alekhine games make the great master come back to life. For the ambitious learner, the CD features two training databases. In topical videos, contempory grandmasters tell us which of Alekhine & # 180; s qualities they appreciate most. And Gary Kasparov, the world's strongest chess player of our times, says: "My idol in chess is Alexander Alekhine. His chess style corresponds best to the way I want to play chess" The CD-Rom contains one of the most comprehensive collections of Alekhine games (total over 1,700, a majority with analysis). H & # 252; bner has critically examined the written works of Alekhine, especially his analysis. The CD also contains historical documents and pictures, as well as video interviews with top players (Kramnik, Shirov, Gelfand) on Alekhine. Dr H & # 252; bner’s articles.
69.10 $
Chapter 1: Advance Variation – 5…Bd7 followed by …Nge7 and …Nf5. Chapter 2: Tarrasch – 3…Nf6 White plays 5 f4. An early …a5. Chapter 3: Tarrasch – 3…Nf6 White plays 5 Bd3 and 7 Ne2. Black replies 11…Qc7. Chapter 4: T
69.10 $
Strategy strategy by Bartashnikov. Shows the game and the middle game. Everything for the center. Learn how to assess. Pros and cons of all pawn formations are presented in detail. Finally, you can complete the test. Specifications: System Requirements: Pentium, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95/98/2000 / ME / XP. No additional software required
72.83 $
5 programs on 1 CD. A unique program that reveals the main methods and game plans for white and black in all major debuts. Separate five parts of the "Middlegame Encyclopedia" are assembled on one disk under a new single software shell! The author of the material for the study is MG Kalinin. About 3000 lectures for study and 3000 exercises for the solution. Difficulty level: from the 3rd level to the master. ANALOGUE IN THE BOOK VARIANCE IS NOT!
The first chess steps Author:
Kasparov 14.65 $ -
Wooden chess pieces made of Staunton oak No. 6 "Tabia" 120.00 $
A set of two books. Documents and materials of the eve of World War II. 1937-1939, 26.78 $
Game set 5 in 1 in a suitcase (chess, checkers, backgammon, domino, cards) 52.50 $
Wooden chess pieces with tournament board 4 in very good condition, but used 97.13 $
My great predecessors. A set of all published books. 1.2.5 vol. Author:
Kasparov 85.00 $ -
Ways to improve Author:
Zak 6.25 $ -
Wooden chess set in the USSR in the 1950s 60.00 $
A gift to a chess player. Garry Kasparov. My chess way in 3 volumes. Gift wrapped. Author:
Kasparov 93.75 $ -
Chess pocket magnetic "Chessm" analogue of Soviet chess Simza. (Black case, green figures.) 40.50 $