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BOO A book and two workbooks - 1 set (in one copy)! This textbook continues the course of elementary education in a chess game and follows the textbook "Chess, first year, or there are black-and-white miracles and secrets full of cells." This course is unique and written specifically for elementary school. The theory of chess games is fixed with the help of a large number of didactic tasks and games, with the predominant use of illustrative material of a meaningful nature. The textbook is intended for the second class of a four-year elementary school, but can be used in classes in other classes. This is ensured by the fact that in each section students are offered both simple and complex tasks.
The ability to declare the opponent a mate & ndash; the basis of chess art. However, in the sea of chess literature, the most important stage of training was undeservedly forgotten; & ndash; tasks on mate in one turn. The task book includes the material that corresponds to the Chess program, the first year, the textbook for schoolchildren & Chess, the first year, or There the cells are black-and-white miracles and mysteries are full & raquo; and a manual for the teacher & laquo; Chess, the first year, or I study and teach & raquo ;. In the collection of 1500 tasks: 1242 clearly structured three-, four- and five figured positions-schemes, covering all typical matte constructions for a given number of figures and a workshop of 258 training positions. P>
22.76 $
Primary school textbook. This tutorial continues the course of the initial chess game training and follows the textbook & laquo; Chess, the first year, or There the cells of black and white wonders and mysteries are full & raquo ;. The theory of the chess game is fixed with the help of a large number of didactic tasks and games, with the predominant use of illustrative material of a meaningful nature. The textbook is intended for the second class, but can be used in classes in other classes. This is ensured by the fact that in each section students are offered both simple and complex tasks. To the textbook & laquo; Chess, the second year, or Play and win & raquo; developed a methodical manual for the teacher (and parents) & laquo; Chess: the second year, or I study and teach & raquo;.
Primary school textbook. This tutorial continues the course of the initial chess game training and follows the textbook & laquo; Chess, the first year, or There the cells of black and white wonders and mysteries are full & raquo ;. The theory of the chess game is fixed with the help of a large number of didactic tasks and games, with the predominant use of illustrative material of a meaningful nature. The textbook is intended for the second class, but can be used in classes in other classes. This is ensured by the fact that in each section students are offered both simple and complex tasks. To the textbook & laquo; Chess, the second year, or Play and win & raquo; developed a methodical manual for the teacher (and parents) & laquo; Chess: the second year, or I study and teach & raquo;. p>
16.55 $
The project provides for the introduction of the subject "Chess" to the primary school as compulsory for all students in the class.
Representing an organic combination of science and games, chess helps younger schoolchildren overcome the crisis of the age of seven, when children's games are replaced by serious school classes . Classes in chess contribute to the development of voluntary attention of younger schoolchildren, semantic memory and thinking in general. One can not ignore the great potential of chess in preserving the health of schoolchildren. Being in the grid of compulsory subjects, chess contributes to the development of a completely different principle of working with educational material, helping to prevent the mental overstrain of children inevitable today because of the excess of information. And finally, like no subject of the school curriculum, chess can make real competition with computer games that negatively affect the child's psyche, and this happens not through prohibitions on the part of adults, but because of natural interest in an exciting and wise game.
As a basis for the introduction of chess in primary school is considered the course of IG Sukhin "Chess - school" for primary classes of general educational institutions.
2nd edition -
9.11 $
The publication presents a completed line of programs for the elective course "Chess for School," provided with three years of teaching and methodological training: "Chess, the first year," "Chess, the second year," and "Chess, the third year." The collection includes the first, second and third year programs. After the explanatory memorandum, for each year of the training, sample topics, didactic tasks and games, an approximate distribution of program material, requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, lists of recommended literature are presented. P>
A training manual from the famous trainer A.V. Getmanchuk. Set of 5 books.
Getmanchuk 59.40 $ -
Not for long. Romantic novel
Amannazarov 4.00 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 5 with a wooden board. 117.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with weighting RCR Terry Nr. 535 Boxwood/Rosewood (Germany) 400.00 $
- Chess clock Garde - ART P-11 200.00 $
Concert for violin and orchestra
Dashkevich 18.42 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 6 with wooden board 48 cm 123.75 $
Defense of the Caro-Cannes. Classical system
Karpov 18.50 $ - Staunton 4 Wooden Chess Pieces with 40 cm board 92.25 $
- Dubrovnik-Zagreb - Bobby Fischers favorite chess set with a wooden board 119.25 $