Russian CHESS House
Книги издательства:
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101.72 $
The first Russian world champion Alexander Alekhine went down in history not only as a winner of many tournaments and matches and the creator of hundreds of masterpieces of chess creativity. He is also rightfully considered one of the most prominent analysts of all time. Alekhine's comments are distinguished by depth and objectivity, a clear statement of the prisoners in the position of ideas. In this edition, all the parties of Alekhine with author's notes are collected for the first time. Many of them now can be found only in old magazines, some have not previously been published in Russian. The editorial notes take into account the achievements of modern computer analysis.
99.67 $
& nbsp;
& nbsp; The long-awaited autobiographical three-volume book by Garry Kasparov & laquo; My Chess Way & raquo; continues large-scale projects & laquo; My great predecessors & raquo; and & laquo; Modern Chess & raquo ;. It includes about 300 of the best and most memorable games and the endings of the 13th world champion with detailed comments. gift wrapped. & nbsp;
The first volume contains 100 games and covers the pre-spy period of Kasparov’s work (1973– 1985). Each chapter of this fascinating book & ndash; a milestone in his sports career.
The second volume contains 100 games and covers the period of Kasparov's championship in the FIDE (1985-1993). Each chapter of this fascinating book is a milestone in his sports career.
The third volume contains more than 100 batches and covers the late period of Kasparov’s work (1993 & ndash; 2005). Each chapter of this fascinating book & ndash; a milestone in his sports career.
& nbsp;
72.00 $
The price include postage and packing.
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov: «This three-volume anthology contains the collected and annotated games of all the matches for the world chess championship between 1886 and 1998.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, these matches were battles between genuine chess giants. In 1947 the organization of the world championships, including qualifying competitions, was taken on by the International Chess Federation (FIDE). This strengthened both the prestige of the title itself, and also the prestige of FIDE, which competently arranged these events for half a century.
Among the games presented in this work are a number of genuine masterpieces, the study of which will afford great pleasure to lovers of the game. It can be confidently stated that this publication gives the most vivid impression of the state of chess skill and chess knowledge at various stages in the history of our game throughout the last hundred years. Such material cannot age and cannot be consigned to oblivion»
70.48 $
The basis of marble. Cup height with a lid and a figure of 28.5 cm. This cup can be ordered in other sizes.
66.67 $
The book is devoted to the paradoxical beginning 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6. I want to immediately punish the "trespasser" for neglecting the opening rules, playing 3.e4, but in this case, Black puts the opponent so many all kinds of mines and traps that they achieve advantages, even bypassing the equation's steel! To date, statistics after 3.e4 are murderous for whites: in 7 games out of 10 they are defeated! -
66.00 $
The collection of 5 chess books for the price of 3:
1. An Aggresive Opening Repertoire for the Club PlayerAuthor: Nikolai Kalinichenko
Language: English
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2007
230 pages
Nikolai Kalinichenko, an international grandmaster in correspondence play and the author of some 40 chess titles, presents here a complete and up-to-date opening repertoire. It is intended for players of a attacking style, or for use when the competitive situation demands an aggressive approach. The repertoire is based on 1 e4 as White, and the Sicilian Dragon and Leningrad Dutch as Black. Suggestions are also offered against all the opponent's main alternatives. Also available is the companion volume A Positional Opening Repertoire for the Club Player, offering a range of openings which are closely linked, but which are less forcefull in character.
2. A Positional Opening Repertoire for the Club Player
Author: Nikolai Kalinichenko
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2007
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2007
240 pages
Nikolai Kalinichenko, an international granmaster in correspondence play and the author of some 40 chess titles, presents here a complete and up-to-date opening repertoire. It is intended for players of positional style, or for use when the competitive situation demands a solid approach. The repertoire is based on 1 e4 as White, and the Classical Sicilian and King's Indian Defence as Black. Also available is the companion volume An Aggressive Opening Repertoire for the Club Player, offering a range of openings which are closely linked, but which are less forcefull in character.
3. Kings gambit
Author: Nikolai Kalinichenko
Book series: Chess University
Language: English
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2009
347 pages
This book by Nikolai Kalinichenko, an International Grandmaster in correspondence play, gives a systematic analysis of the King's Gambit using more than 300 annotated games, classic and modern, providing the reader with a sound knowledge of all the standard variations, together with their typical strategic and tactical ideas.
4. Play 2...Nf6! in the Sicilian
Author: Grigory Bogdanovich
Language: English
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2009
291 pages
On the map of modern chess theory there is a 'blank spot' - The Nimzowitsch-Rubinstein Variation of the Sicilian Defence (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nf6) Everyone has heard of it, but no one really knows anything about it. The literature devoted to this topic is extremely scanty. Two or three articles, a few brochures, one ancient monograph (in German) - and that's all. The book of international master Grigory Bogdanovisch fills this gap. The author, a recognized expert on the Variation, has summarized and fully systemized his many years of experience in the given field. His views are subjective - but this is what makes them valuable. His conclusions are paradoxical, but they, so to speak, 'grab' the reader and do not leave him indifferent. You want to argue with him, but - and this is the main thing! - his presentation of the Variation makes you want to study it and play
5. English Defence
Author: Ilya Odessky
Language: English
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Moscow, Russian Chess House, 2007
270 pages
This book is devoted to the paradoxical opening 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6. By playing 3.e4 White immediately wants to punish the 'disturber of the peace' for his neglect of opening principles, but in this case Black sets his opponent such a variety of mines and traps, that he can gain an advantage, even omitting the equalising stage! At the present day the statistics after 3.e4 is appalling for White: in 7 out of 10 games he suffers defeat! The author, not relying on his own store of words, constantly hides behind the ckassics, citing them right and left. Characters form world literature and even departed personalities strive to take an active part in the analysis of variations.
65.52 $
Full course edited by multiple world champion Anatoly Karpov.
This book is equally an excellent textbook for independent work, and a valuable methodological guide for coaches and teachers of chess. Many experts even believe that nothing better of this kind has yet been created. As a training program for chess players, it was developed by the Honored Trainer of the USSR, Master of Sports of the USSR Viktor Golenishchev. The programs of V. Golenishchev (IV-III categories, II category, I category and candidate master) still retain great methodological value and are successfully used in chess pedagogy. It is noteworthy that this technique is extremely popular not only among our trainers, but also among foreign specialists. This edition of this classic book is supplemented with examples from the best chess players of recent years and reflects modern views on chess.
62.06 $
Ежемесячный журналъ, посвященный шахматной игре и ея литературе. Издаваемый М. Чигоринымъ 1876-1877. С.-Петербургъ. Типография В.О. Демакова.
Великий русский шахматист, основоположник отечественной шахматной школы Михаил Иванович Чигорин в течение десяти лет издавал великолепные журналы "Шахматный листок" (1876-1881) и "Шахматный вестник" (1885-1887). Он был там основным, а порой - и единственным автором. Излишне говорить, что эти ярчайшие образцы русской шахматной мысли давным-давно стали практически недоступны современному читателю. Благодаря этому труду появляется возможность познакомиться с нашим бесценным шахматным, историческим и литературным наследием.
"Приятно отметить, что роскошное, элитное исполнение данного четырехтомного издания не имеет аналогов в мировой шахматной литературе", - пишет в "Слове к читателю" многократный чемпион мира Анатолий Карпов.
Первый том включает в себя два года: 1876-1877.СЛОВО К ЧИТАТЕЛЮ«Чигорин – основоположник отечественной шахматной школы, выдающийся теоретик, претендент на мировую корону». Как часто нам приходилось читать и слышать эти слова, которые от частого употребления затерлись, стали казаться пустой банальностью. Между тем, Михаил Иванович Чигорин (1850 – 1908) был действительно ярчайшей творческой личностью. Азартный, увлекающий человек, он ради поиска шахматной истины, разгадки тайн замысловатой дебютной либо внешне простой эндшпильной позиции не жалел сил и времени. В те далекие годы универсальность еще не стала «жизненной необходимостью» в шахматах, а потому каждый крупный мастер обладал четко выраженным индивидуальным стилем, со своими достоинствами и недостатками. Русский чемпион верил в динамический потенциал фигур, стремился к открытой фигурной игре, охотно жертвовал материал за инициативу. Его могучий оппонент Вильгельм Стейниц превыше всего ставил незыблемые позиционные ценности: надежность пешечной структуры, преобладание в центре, перевес в пространстве. Чигорин и Стейниц сыграли два матча на первенство мира, множество турнирных и легких партий, но их принципиальный спор велся не только за шахматной доской. Полемически острые, бескомпромиссные дискуссии этих титанов и их последователей украшали страницы газет и журналов тех лет.
Чигорин страстно любил шахматы, и его угнетало отсутствие общественного интереса к этой мудрой игре в нашей стране. Он стремился доказать, что шахматы – не пустая забава; они могут стать делом всей жизни, настоящей профессией. Чтобы показать шахматы в самом выгодном свете и привлечь внимание просвещенной публики, Чигорин в течение десяти лет издавал, в основном за свой счет, журналы «Шахматный листок» (1876-81) и «Шахматный вестник» (1885-87). Он был там основным, а порой – и единственным автором. Излишне говорить, что эти ярчайшие образцы русской шахматной мысли давным-давно уже стали библиографической редкостью.
Современный читатель избалован обилием шахматной литературы. Однако без исторической ауры, обволакивающей творческую сущность шахматиста, наш внутренний мир был бы гораздо беднее. Издательство «Русский шахматный дом» совершает настоящий подвиг, давая возможность каждому познакомиться с нашим бесценным шахматным, историческим и литературным наследием. Приятно отметить, что роскошное, элитное исполнение данного четырехтомного издания не имеет аналогов в мировой шахматной литературе.
Анатолий Карпов,
многократный чемпион мира -
62.06 $
Volume 1. Open debuts. Volume 2. Half-open debuts. Volume 3. Closed openings (Queen's Gambit).
Vsevolod Kostrov’s chess textbook is intended for children for whom chess has become a favorite game. This book contains material thanks to which each child will be able to choose his debut repertoire that suits his understanding of the game, his temperament. At the beginning of the textbook, the author gives quotes about chess, which can be adopted and can be made his motto. Many beginner chess players proceed from the knowledge that their parents and senior comrades gave them - and these are 1-2 options for any beginning. Is this debut specifically for this student? Choosing a chess debut is very important, because what suits one future champion will not fit another.
& quot; Modern chess textbook for sportsmen and future champions & quot; created for today's children, taking into account modern trends and trends. Each chapter of the book presents theory and practice. Practice includes analysis of the most interesting parties and beautiful examples. Studying the experience of outstanding chess players, undoubtedly, excellent results can be achieved. The book also includes a selection of batches and examples for independent work. Compulsory lessons from the history of chess will diversify classes. -
59.94 $
The price include postage and packing.
Emanuel Lasker. Vol.1. All games, 1889-1903.
Emanuel Lasker. Vol.2. All games, 1904-1940.
This book contains all of Lasker's match and tournament games from this periods with annotations by various Russian masters. The notes are in languageless, chess symbol notation. It features tournament crosstables and diagrams throughout as well as indexes of opponents, openings and events.
50.00 $
For over thirty years, the defense of Karo-Cann has served Anatoly Karpov as faith and truth in the biggest competitions. But behind many successful debut finds of the multiple world champion - laborious work not only him, but also assistants. For many years, Karpov and Podgayts' investigations remained absolutely secret, and only now is the time to open the veil. The book immerses us in the secrets of option 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5.
49.66 $
The book is dedicated to one of the greatest chess players in history, participant of the first official world championship match Johann Zuckertort. The highest point of his brilliant career was the triumph at the largest international tournament in London in 1883, where he took first place, ahead of three (!) Points took second place Wilhelm Steinitz. In the subsequent match for the world championship, Zuckertort was leading with a score of 4: 1, and, according to many experts, only health problems prevented him from becoming the world's first official world champion. The book, in fact, is divided into two parts. The first consists of the best articles and fragments, the authors of which are mostly people who knew Zuckertort well, and gives a full picture of his personality. In the second and the main part of the book, the most complete collection of parties (more than 300), commented mainly on himself, as well as his famous rivals, is presented to the present day & ndash; Steinitz, Chigorin, etc. The continuing value of Zukertort's creativity is evidenced by the fact that many of his parties were commented on subsequently by the fifth world champion Max Euwe. I. Tsukertort, a disciple of the uncrowned world champion A. Andersen, was an adherent of romantic, combinational chess. His party will undoubtedly help you to improve your skills and get pleasure from genuine masterpieces of chess art. P>
48.00 $
The price include postage and packing.
The first Hastings international chess tournament games collection was published in England in 1895, not long after the competition took place. The participants themselves commentated the games. The second games collection appeared a year later, in Germany. The author, Emil Schallopp, a well-known master and chess journalist, used analysis published in the English tournament book extensively, as well as in European chess periodicals. This book includes Schallopp’s commentary. Of course, many of E.Schallopp’s evaluations, especially as periains to the opening, have been disproved by modern theory. Nevertheless, the Russian Chess House left most of his commentary untouched, viewing it as a tribute to the epoch and believing it has great value in terms of chess history. In certain cases, analysis published by Schallopp’s successors and drastically reevaluating many key positions is provided. A few games have been commentated by S. Tarrash, G.Y. Levenfish and P.A.Romanovsky.
The round overviews were written by B.Trubitsyn (rounds I-X and XVII-XXI) and B.I.Belensky (rounds XI-XVI). B.Trubitsyn also compiled the informational sources and wrote one of the introductory articles.
- Antique pre-revolutionary wooden chess 187.50 $
- DGT Timeless Wooden Chess Set Handcrafted with Non-Folding Board 600.00 $
- DGT Judit Polgar Set of Figures in a Box with a fixed Board (Judit Polgar) 812.50 $
- DGT Walnut Chess Board (55х55 cm) 300.00 $
- Judit Polgar Deluxe Wooden Chess Board (55х55 cm) 325.00 $
- Electronic chess clock DGT 2500 187.50 $
- Plastic chess DGT with weighting agent. 40.00 $
- Chess electronic clock DGT 1002 BONUS 82.50 $
- Chess clock DGT 3000 Limited Edition. 237.50 $
- 87.50 $