Russian CHESS House
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25.20 $
The price include postage and packing.
This book is devoted to the French Defence, a very sound, «fireproof» opening, and a favourite weapon of many of the world’s leading players. The book acquaints the reader with the current state of theory in all the main lines of this opening, and with typical procedures and plans in the resulting middlegame. Several of the games given here were played in the period prior to the 1990s. They have been included for their instructional value; all these games were milestones on the road of opening theory, and without them our account would be incomplete. The compact symbolic language used in this book will not prevent the reader from finding typical plans, procedures, and combinations that require his particular attention. All these instances are marked with the TM («typical method») sign. In the final chapter, the reader will find a number of exercises on strategy and tactics for self-testing.
25.00 $
The answer book of an international grandmaster and an experienced coach (among whose students is A. Grischuk) Bloch's Maxim contains over 1200 combinations from practical games and specially compiled examples. All tasks are characterized by intense struggle, in which the goal is achieved by single moves. The book is intended for both young and adult amateurs, and for masters. The arrangement of examples by topic allows you to use the book not only as a task book, but also as a textbook. Of particular interest are over two hundred specially compiled by the author overstressed positions in which white wins the only way during the course of white, and black wins during the course of black. These examples, as well as over 50 fragments from the parties of the author and his students, are published for the first time.
25.00 $
This compilation includes 868 tasks: 849 authors (12 of them are co-authored, plus 4 versions) and 19 tasks by different authors (3 of them are in notation) for the section “la” Articles, notes & hellip; & raquo; The tasks are commented on in detail, and for a clearer understanding of the chess composition, the collection includes a section on the “Glossary of Terms”. In the & laquo; Articles, Notes & hellip; & raquo; The author offers a number of interesting ideas for the small genre, some of them have already been adopted by other problemists and are recorded in judicial reports.
The collection is designed for a wide range of chess and chess lovers.
matte composition.Circulation: 100 copies.
24.88 $
5 книг по цене 3: 1. Е. Гик. Жены шахматных королей. Хотя эта книга шахматная, посвящена она... любви. В главном повествовании "Жены шахматных королей" рассказывается о личной жизни чемпионов мира, их взаимоотношениях с прекрасным полом. В книге также собраны веселые, а порой и легкомысленные шахматно-любовные сюжеты, истории и анекдоты. Читатель познакомится с уникальной коллекцией фотографий героев и героинь книги. 2. С. Ландау. Любовь и шахматы. элегия Михаила Таля. Это книга воспоминаний о личных отношениях великого шахматиста-романтика, чемпиона мира Михаила Таля и его первой жены, человека, близкого ему в течение всей жизни, Салли Ландау, отношениях, как ею сказано, `нежных и противоречивых, светлых и грустных...` Актриса и певица Салли Ландау дебютировала на сцене в 17 лет. Выступала в Вильнюсском русском драматическом театре, Рижском театре юного зрителя, в Литовском эстрадном оркестре, в оркестре Эдди Рознера и эстрадном оркестре под руководством Раймонда Паулса. 3. М. Левидов. Стэйниц. Ласкер. Эта книга была одной из первых в легендарной серии "Жизнь замечательных людей". Ее автор Михаил Левидов был не только любителем и знатоком шахмат, но и писателем в самом высоком значении этого слова. Книга будет интересна не только любителям шахмат, но и всем, кого интересует подлинная литература, рассказывающая о выдающихся личностях, посвятивших себя служению высокому искусству. В известном смысле это книга о Борьбе, умении достигать поставленных целей, преодолевая себя и непростые жизненные обстоятельства. 4. С. Цвейг, А.Куприн. Шахматные новеллы. У этой книги много авторов и общая тема - шахматы. Но читателю нет необходимости даже знать, как ходят фигуры. Ему предлагается окунуться в мир вечной игры - ее историю, психологию, философию... Он ощутит аромат различных эпох, и помогут ему в этом такие великие писатели-глыбы, как Цвейг, Куприн, Леонов и Фирдоуси. Но не только они. В книгу включены также чудесное эссе Чагодаевой - последней жены символа шахмат Капабланки, - написавшей о нем с любовью и грустью, и поэма-загадка неизвестного автора. 5. В. Анзикеев. Десятая муза. Перед вами предстанет галерея известных во всем мире имен - от писателей, актеров, ученых (Эрих-Мария Ремарк, Марлен Дитрих, Франсуа Рабле, Владимир Набоков, Армен Джигарханян, Алан Тьюринг и многие другие) до литературных персонажей (Гарри Поттер, Алиса из Страны чудес). Владимир Анзикеев пять лет проработал редактором в журнале "64-Шахматное обозрение" и газете "Шахматная неделя". Все помещенные в этой книге эссе были опубликованы в этих изданиях и вызвали большой интерес у читателей. Эссе "Когда за доской сатана" (о божественном и дьявольском началах в шахматах) переведена на английский язык. Эта книга представляет собой сборник эссе на шахматные темы, связанные с литературой, театром и т.д.
24.88 $
On this legendary book several generations of chess players have grown up. A systematic course for dischargers, illustrated by numerous (1077) carefully chosen examples. Teachers and trainers can build their lessons with the help of this book fascinatingly, consistently mastering the strategy and tactics of the royal games. According to the absolute majority of specialists - the necessary book on shelf of any qualified chess player. One of the most important textbooks in chess literature.
24.83 $
Merry Buratino will open the door for you to an amazing country - a fairy tale. She will talk about the manners and habits of chess pieces, teach you to attack energetically and calmly defend yourself, to think carefully about your decisions, both in chess and in life. Chess develop perseverance, logical thinking and memory, learn to use time rationally. And the “prompting” will be the multiple world champion Anatoly Evgenievich Karpov and the coach of the highest category Anatoly Borisovich Shingiri. Good luck!
24.83 $
This work of the two-time champion of the USSR, the deserved third-generation leader of the USSR, Peter Arsenyevich Romanovsky, was the basic tool for studying the most important stage of the game for several generations of chess players.
The author outlines the basics of positional and combination
games with remarkable clarity and consistency. The word
verbal formulations are detailed, accurate and convincing. Everything
this places the book in the row of the best chess textbooks.
The new edition of the book has passed modern computer
testing "according to Kasparov".
For a wide range of chess fans.FAMOUS FRAGMENTS
24.83 $
A textbook on chess for preschool children. The methodology of the material is taken from the long-term and successful practice of the T.V. Petrosyan Chess Club and is presented for the first time in an accessible verse form.
24.83 $
Before you one of the best books in the history of chess. In a rich career the author has victories over all (!) world champions from Botvinnik to Karpov. Bent Larsen is one of the most successful tournament players of the 20th century. Uncompromising style and non-standard thinking made a great Dane is extremely popular among chess players around the world. Him successes were such that Robert Fisher agreed to give him the first board in the legendary match of the USSR, spoiling the World team. Bent Larsen was also a successful chess writer and journalist. It is not surprising that the first book on which chess today world champion Magnus Carlsen, was written by the strongest Scandinavian player before Magnus. In this book one of the brightest representatives of the chess West details his 122 best games. Larsen's comments are always are instructive, on business, often with humor. Also included are never published in Russian, the memoirs of the "Big Bent" about his meetings with the 11th world champion Robert Fisher. "One of the brightest players of the 20th century," - wrote about Larsen Harry Kasparov. "Of the many chess masters I've met, Bent is the most original ", - noted Anatoly Karpov. For a wide range of chess fans. -
24.83 $
For over thirty years, the defense of Karo-Kann has served Anatoly Karpov faith and truth in the biggest competitions, including matches for the world championship. But behind many successful debut finds of the multiple world champion - laborious work not only him, but also assistants. And among them - the chief expert on the protection of Karo-Kann Mikhail Podgaets. For many years, Karpov and Podgayts' investigations remained absolutely secret, and only now is the time to open the veil. This volume is devoted to the most popular system to date in the defense of Karo-Kann: 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Kc3 de 4.Ke4 Cf5. Having opened this book, you will pass - consistently, step by step - all the way through which Karpov and Podgaets walked. This was the path of great discoveries. And victories.
24.83 $
Readers are invited to a brilliant book of the famous
Romanian grandmaster Mikhail Marina, who was recognized as the best chess book of the year in the United States. The author examines those aspects of the work of the great chess players, in which they were undeniably the strongest. By carefulness and depth of analysis, Marina's work is in line with the famous works of Garry Kasparov.
The first part of the book is devoted to A. Rubinstein, A. Alekhin, M. Bot-
Vinnik and M. Tal . In the second part, the work of T. Petro-
Rosyans, R. Fisher, A. Karpov and V. Korchnoi is considered. The book ends with a chapter
with instructive examples from the practice of the current champion
of the world of Magnus Carlsen.
The textbook will be useful not only for a wide circle of chess fans,
but also for specialists. -
24.83 $
In this book, two essentially different
completely different editions of the famous Chess Tutorial
game are combined under one binder in one book. & raquo; They were written by an outstanding grandmaster and chess writer,
world vice-champion David Ionovich Bronstein, according to which
the second edition of the "self-help" & raquo; & mdash; it’s just the second part.
Instead of a dry academic language, the author offers himself in the meeting
to the reader and in a lively manner talks about how the strongest players of the world play, how they seek to get that or another
favorite position & mdash; after all, in chess, first of all, they are not looking for the best
move, but a way to achieve a favorable position.
If you follow the advice of a wise mentor, then you will
greatly increase the strength of your game.
The self-instruction manual is designed for a wide circle of readers familiar with the Shah
game, but many useful things will come from the book and experienced Shah
matists and coaches. -
24.83 $
Full color printing. On coated paper.
Chess & mdash; the royal game that the chess king will teach you & mdash; world champion Anatoly Karpov. You will learn about the manners and habits of the figures, learn how to attack energetically and coolly defend yourself. You will get acquainted with many tricks and traps that can be put to reckless opponents and, last but not least, learn how not to get into them yourself. Having traveled through the pages of this book, you will prepare for your first chess battle with the help of a great chess player & mdash; against mom or dad, friend or computer, on the Internet or at a competition. The book will allow your child to easily learn the rules of the game, helping him to win not only in chess, but also in life. After all, chess develops perseverance, logical thinking and memory, teaches rational use of time. According to this textbook, teachers, trainers or parents can even teach children the basics of a wise game, even with minimal chess preparation. the game.
24.83 $
The strongest chess players cannot do without the Queen's Gambit, this debut & mdash; favorite weapon of champions! For example, in the legendary world championship match Alekhine & ndash; Capablanca almost all the games were played by the Queen's Gambit.
The queen's gambit is very dangerous, and if you make friends with him, you will definitely & nbsp; beat your rivals!
& laquo; Modern chess textbook for sportsmen and future champions & raquo; created & nbsp; taking into account the latest trends and trends. Each chapter of the book presents the theory & nbsp; and practice. Numerous historical facts, world records, incredible adventures are given. Informative historical references successfully complement the text.
By creatively mastering the textbook material, you will greatly enhance your game.
The book will be interesting not only for children, but also for a wide circle of chess lovers. -
24.83 $
Translated from Yiddish by B.I. Marshak.
24.83 $
The author, international master, FIDE trainer, conceived this
a book as an introductory course on strategy, in an understandable form
explaining its basic principles.
The first volume deals with positional maneuvers.
ry and techniques typical for each individual figure, during
the second & mdash; to combine shapes in their interaction or
The book contains many examples in which you need
find the necessary moves in the game or a solution for a given game
This work will serve as an excellent guide both for self-
independent training of players and chess trainers -
24.83 $
The author, international master, FIDE trainer, conceived this a book as an introductory strategy course, in an understandable form explaining its basic principles.
In the first This volume covers positional maneuvers and techniques typical of each individual figure in second & mdash; to combine shapes in their interaction or
The book contains many examples that you need find the necessary moves in the game or a solution for a given position.
This work will serve as an excellent guide both for independent training of players and for chess trainers . -
24.62 $
In his two-volume book, the famous grandmaster Boris Avrukh shows the way to White’s advantage in all his openings after 1.d4, focusing on schemes with royal fianchetto. This repertoire, which made him one of the top 50 chess players in the world, he offers to the reader, generously sharing his new developments. The following openings are highlighted in this volume: Old Indian, Dutch, Grünfeld, Benoni, Volzhsky, Budapest and some others. & laquo; Grandmaster repertoire & raquo; & ndash; A new series of high-quality books written by leading chess players of the world. Based on the main theoretical options, they offer a complete repertoire that will faithfully serve many years for both professionals and amateurs. ? The most important options with expert explanations Hundreds of debut novelties Refutation of many theoretical variations Debut repertoire for life
This is an e-book, a link to which will be available in your account after payment.
24.62 $
& laquo; Grandmaster repertoire & raquo; & ndash; a new series of high-quality books written by
leading chess players of the world.
Based on the basic theoretical options, they offer a complete repertoire.
ar, which will faithfully serve for many years both professionals and amateurs
bodies. In his two-volume book, the famous grandmaster Boris Avrukh shows the way to
White’s advantage in all openings after 1.d4. This repertoire that brought him to
the number of the top 50 chess players in the world, he offers the reader, generously sharing his
new developments. The following debuts in this volume are & ndash; Refused and
Accepted Queen's Gambit, Slavic Defense, Defense of Tarrash, Defense of Chigorin and
some other debuts.
Larger format (170x265 mm).
The most important options with expert explanationsHundreds of debut novelties
Refutation of many theoretical options
Debut repertoire for life
This is an e-book, a link to which will be available in your account after payment.
- Antique pre-revolutionary wooden chess 187.50 $
- DGT Timeless Wooden Chess Set Handcrafted with Non-Folding Board 600.00 $
- DGT Judit Polgar Set of Figures in a Box with a fixed Board (Judit Polgar) 812.50 $
- DGT Walnut Chess Board (55х55 cm) 300.00 $
- Judit Polgar Deluxe Wooden Chess Board (55х55 cm) 325.00 $
- Electronic chess clock DGT 2500 187.50 $
- Plastic chess DGT with weighting agent. 40.00 $
- Chess electronic clock DGT 1002 BONUS 82.50 $
- Chess clock DGT 3000 Limited Edition. 237.50 $
- 87.50 $