Книги издательства:
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In the super cover, lysee. Circulation 100 copies.
The self-instruction manual is published in three volumes and contains a total of 1132 positions for solution, including 852 games of grandmasters and masters and 280 studies (with answers and explanations).
& quot; Modern chess tutorial & quot; Designed for chess players - sportsmen who want to improve their game by expanding their knowledge in the field of strategy, tactics and technology at various stages of the chess game, as well as for chess trainers.
1, 3 volume - excellent condition. Volume 2 - satisfactory condition, traces of water.
The logic of modern chess Author:
Dydyshko 72.50 $ -
Siegbert Tarrasch. The Queen Author:
Tarrash 72.50 $ -
High quality acrylic metal heavy chess pieces with wooden board 202.50 $
Wooden magnetic Staunton chess with a lock (silver) 56.25 $
Chess school Author:
Averbah 15.00 $ -
The chess set of The Chessmen. US war - Great Britain 325.00 $
Chess textbook. Party diamonds Author:
Seiravan 62.50 $ -
The Small Encyclopedia of Chess Openings. ABCDE (3rd Edition) 175.00 $
Anthology of Chess Problems - 2345 Author:
Kovacevic 100.00 $ -
Encyclopedia of Chess Problems - Topics and Terms. 3rd edition. Author:
Velimirovic 125.00 $